meme: o'clock...

Dec 07, 2010 14:18

Because I am bored and procrastinating... Ak.

From leobrat:
Ask me about any character, and I will pick one of the following and tell you:
(a) Three facts about them from my personal fanon.
(b) Two reasons they're amazing.
(c) Five things that I'd like to see happen to them.
(d) Three people that I might ship that character with and why.

(Fandoms: Grey's Anatomy, The Vampire Diaries, Offspring, Breaking Bad, NCIS, Friday Night Lights, Glee. That's all I can think of, but if it's outside of this you should feel free to ask anyway... if I don't know I'll be sure to make something ridiculously entertaining up!!

Heavy emphasis on the 'ridiculous'.)

Hmm... what else?

Oh, christmas cards are going out this week so it's not too late to go HERE and recieve one from where the wild things are...

1. TVD WIP (two ONE chapter to go...).
2. 1000 word ga_fanfic secret santa offering...
3. team_enfuego secret santa offering...
4. 1500 word writing4acause April fic for rorylie.
5. 1500 word writing4acause Alex/Lexie fic for rorylie.
6. 25000 more words for NaNo 2010. THANK FUCK FOR DECEMBER SO I CAN DROP THE CHARADE...

How about a song to finish?

image Click to view

Sorry for the incessant chat at the start of this but... the pay off is the best cover she's ever done of this...

meme: fangirl, real life: music, real life: fail, real life: christmas, music: katie noonan, real life: items of disinterest, real life: fangirling

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