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Comments 26

bleodswean March 18 2016, 13:29:25 UTC
I love it when that happens. Aside from the morose depths of nostalgia, yeah. Heady daze of fandom. Over the past year or so, I've come to this place where I think that's all over for me. But no one can take our memories from us, or our fic.

I miss your original words. Hope you're well and obsessing over some thing or another!


waltzmatildah March 19 2016, 05:46:27 UTC
Over the past year or so, I've come to this place where I think that's all over for me. Yeah, me too. And sometimes I'm even okay with that, because I'm not convinced I could even keep up anymore! Timezones meant I was often online after episodes had aired until 3-4am here in Australia so that I didn't miss out on all the immediate shenanigans!!

I miss writing original words. I had half hoped to second chance my way into Idol over the last few weeks. I had notes all over my house reminding me to write entries, but it just never happened. Urgh. I'm so disappointed in myself.


limonatafic March 18 2016, 15:06:45 UTC
Oh hello I saw my tag so I am here! That sounds DELIGHTFUL. Even just the state of being gloriously bananas sounds delightful. Ahhhhh yes memories!!! I sometimes think about that as well. Not even necessarily a specific season but like, the whole time? THE WHOLE THING. Which is distinct from literally the whole thing given that it's still happening, or so I hear, and I haven't seen anything of the last few years aside from occasionally checking on what season they're up to and having the "where did the years go?!?!" feelings. Now it's very - it's very get distracted trying to find the thing and not be able to find it and forget you were going to link to something in the first place, evidently ( ... )


waltzmatildah March 19 2016, 05:49:40 UTC
It really was (is!) DELIGHTFUL!

I also often think about the whole 'thing' in the same way you mean. Those first half a dozen seasons, with all their flaws, were still the catalyst for some freaking amazing times!!

Which is distinct from literally the whole thing given that it's still happening, or so I hear, I watched an episode the other day. It was largely April/Jackson centric and didn't really feature any other characters, but I hear things mentioned about the traps and there are so many names I don't recognise...

I used to write stuff on napkins at restaurants in tiny print because I just had to get it down. I've also done the tiny writing! And I've changed my font size to minuscule and typed on planes and in libraries!! Oh, the frenzied desperation!!

DID YOU WATCH ANY?! I have season two on DVD, but I really need to get season one.


limonatafic March 20 2016, 00:16:50 UTC
I did! I had some thoughts; none very profound, but anyway. THEY ARE SUCH BAAABIES, is pretty much the takeaway!

The traps?! I'm not sure I want to know...


waltzmatildah March 21 2016, 02:27:55 UTC
Haha. My apologies!

'The traps' is a colloquialism for 'a place'. Ie.'I hear things mentioned on Tumblr, LJ, FB, (insert other) etc...'.


I'm probably going to have to buy season 1 on DVD tomorrow now. THANKS FOR THAT! (no really, thanks!)


mammothluv March 18 2016, 18:42:36 UTC
I get nostalgic for those times often too! I loved signing into LJ to see a ton of new fics on the LJ comm and from peeps on my friends list. And just the storm of comments and analysis and total crack... it was magical!

... )


waltzmatildah March 19 2016, 05:52:00 UTC
I knowwwww! It was so fun. I used to obsessively refresh and there was always something happening! Especially straight after episodes when everyone was going crazy and writing up episode reviews and reaction posts and all the FUN!

I've had other shows that have made me want to write since obviously, but nothing has approached the fandom experience of Grey's. I feel exactly the same way. The closest I've had would be The Vampire Diaries but that was probably a 50/50 mix of joy and rage, whereas those GA days we're talking about were just UNICORNS AND RAINBOWS!



drzlilsuga March 19 2016, 01:28:18 UTC
Haaaaaaaaaaay <3

And yes, I was just thinking about this too. Looking back at my old fic (GA, RB etc) makes me feel nostalgic and sad that I can't seem to write as much as I did back then. Or even feel as strongly about a show now to the point where I JUST HAVE TO WRITE like I did back then. *tears*

(I used to text myself fic back in the days before I got a smart phone lmao.)


waltzmatildah March 19 2016, 05:53:30 UTC

Rookie Blueeeeee! Oh, oh! What even happened to that show? Is it still a thing?

sad that I can't seem to write as much as I did back then. Or even feel as strongly about a show now to the point where I JUST HAVE TO WRITE like I did back then. *tears* THIS! This is what I long for...

(I used to text myself fic back in the days before I got a smart phone lmao.) I think we fic writers are a rare breed!


leobrat March 24 2016, 21:49:17 UTC
More to this point...I saw on tumblr a little while ago, it was like a Pep Talk to fic writers. I couldn't remember the exact words, but it was something like:

Hey! What you're doing is great! Don't worry if it's not as 'cool' or 'popular' as making art or videos, you're creating and that's what's important!

And I don't know how wide of an overall thought that is, but it just struck me as so strange. Fic was GOLD in those days (and still is) and fic writers were like freaking rock stars.


swirlsofblue March 19 2016, 07:25:12 UTC
Ah yes, nostalgia over ficage past is the best, and commenters are the best.

I really miss the ficathons, they just don't happen on the same scale any more. A lot of stuff in fandom just doesn't.


waltzmatildah March 21 2016, 02:31:41 UTC
I really miss the ficathons, they just don't happen on the same scale any more. A lot of stuff in fandom just doesn't. I know! I mean, stainofmylove has a ficathon going right now, it's been up since the 19th and has 39 comments. That number includes general chatter. As far as I can tell, there are no fills (yet). I looked through the prompts and don't watch a single of the shows that was prompted (which is totally on me, and I could add my own prompts - but the excitement and motivation just isn't there).

I used to trawl through ficathons and save word doc after word doc of prompts that I eventually wanted to fill. And, the biggest thing here I think is, then I WOULD ACTUALLY FILL THEM!

I think I prefer single fandom ficathons, but I can't even remember the last time I saw one of those in a fandom I could write for.



swirlsofblue March 21 2016, 09:38:15 UTC
IKR I've seen a few ficathons that have no fills at all and at that point motivation is reduced to bother prompting or writing. Most people seem to be on AO3 now instead of LJ, so if ficathons ever make a return it will probably have to be over there.

I used to trawl through ficathons and save word doc after word doc of prompts that I eventually wanted to fill. And, the biggest thing here I think is, then I WOULD ACTUALLY FILL THEM!

I used to do this too!

I prefer single fandom ficathons too, it's the thing of knowing everyone is there for that fandom, and having a higher chance of finding something you want to write or of getting a prompt filled or of finding something you really want to read.


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