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mammothluv March 18 2016, 18:42:36 UTC
I get nostalgic for those times often too! I loved signing into LJ to see a ton of new fics on the LJ comm and from peeps on my friends list. And just the storm of comments and analysis and total crack... it was magical!

I've had other shows that have made me want to write since obviously, but nothing has approached the fandom experience of Grey's. So glad we all shared that time and met one another!


waltzmatildah March 19 2016, 05:52:00 UTC
I knowwwww! It was so fun. I used to obsessively refresh and there was always something happening! Especially straight after episodes when everyone was going crazy and writing up episode reviews and reaction posts and all the FUN!

I've had other shows that have made me want to write since obviously, but nothing has approached the fandom experience of Grey's. I feel exactly the same way. The closest I've had would be The Vampire Diaries but that was probably a 50/50 mix of joy and rage, whereas those GA days we're talking about were just UNICORNS AND RAINBOWS!



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