[Santo - Marketplace]

Apr 02, 2008 20:30

[ master post]Portions of the marketplace are covered. The vast majority of it isn't ( Read more... )

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gonna_live April 18 2008, 03:59:11 UTC
The market has a fair few watering holes, too. And at least one of them is about to gain two people.

"Wonder what Simon and Sam're up to?" Kaylee looks over her shoulder at Dean as she passes through the beaded curtain, and holds part of it back for him to pass through.

The speakeasy in front of them is, of course, poorly lit. There's something with a slow, hollow backbeat playing over a speaker system that isn't immediately visible. Over that is the hum of a dusty, smoky bar -- and not everything that's being smoked is tobacco, from the smell of it.


hopeitsworthit April 18 2008, 04:01:46 UTC
"Your guy a big fan of libraries and old shit? Because that'd be my guess."

Someplace clean, even.

"It's kinda sad."

Dean doesn't pause inside the door, just starts heading over to the bar, scanning the room--

Just to be on the safe side.

Bad shit can happen anywhere.


gonna_live April 18 2008, 04:06:55 UTC
Kaylee's laughing a little, as she follows him over. "We might never dig 'em out, if that's the case. What kind of thing you got in mind, drink-wise?"


hopeitsworthit April 18 2008, 04:10:25 UTC

Yeah, ask the hard questions, Kaylee.

"Pretty much anything that ain't vodka and won't peel paint."

Because Dean is picky about his booze.



gonna_live April 18 2008, 04:40:12 UTC
Kaylee rolls her eyes -- and speaks to the bartender in Mandarin.

Quickly, back to Dean: "You didn't rule out pink and fizzy."


hopeitsworthit April 18 2008, 04:41:24 UTC
Dean's eyebrows go up, but he doesn't stop smirking.

"Didn't think I was gonna need to."

But, uh, some of that shit ain't half bad.

And free booze is free booze.


gonna_live April 18 2008, 04:54:59 UTC
Yeah, well. Sucks to be Dean.

Dean is presented with something pink, fizzy, and umbrella-ed.

Kaylee sips hers -- through a straw -- and beams at him.


hopeitsworthit April 18 2008, 04:57:39 UTC
Dean spends a couple seconds giving it the hairy eyeball.

Especially the umbrella.

"You tryin' to tell me something?"

He sets the little umbrella on the bar's surface, then downs the fizzy pink alcohol.

He'll say this for it, at least it packs a punch.


gonna_live April 18 2008, 04:59:15 UTC
It is punch.

Kind of.

"I was hopin' you'd put it behind your ear."


hopeitsworthit April 18 2008, 05:06:28 UTC
Dean just gives her a Look.

"You're gonna have to get me a lot more drunk, sweetheart."

And even then--

Hell no.


gonna_live April 18 2008, 05:13:29 UTC
Kaylee looks back over her shoulder, signals the bartender -- who promptly starts mixing up another one, when Kaylee nods to Dean.

She trains her (ridiculously bright) smile on him.

"Whatever you say. Pokey."


hopeitsworthit April 18 2008, 05:22:27 UTC
Dean puts on a betrayed look. It's kind of ruined by the smirk lurking in his expression.

"You know, someday I'm gonna give you a nickname, too."

Once he can think of a good one.

And, you know, maybe one that's really freakin' inappropriate.

Or maybe not.


gonna_live April 21 2008, 02:10:50 UTC
"Sunshine's been done," Kaylee says airily, and slides Dean drink number two.


hopeitsworthit April 21 2008, 02:11:58 UTC
Dean doesn't down this one as fast.

Not yet.

Maybe if/when people start lookin' at him funny.


"Yeah, and it's kinda boring."


"No offense."


gonna_live April 21 2008, 02:14:07 UTC
Kaylee waves a hand, straw in her mouth. When she swallows: "Oh, none taken -- I just don't think you can come up with nothin' better."


hopeitsworthit April 21 2008, 02:18:39 UTC
Well, he could call her Twinkletoes, but that probably isn't what she means.

Not that he would, anyway. That's lame, too.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Just you wait and see."

He's not ignoring his drink, not really.

But--two pink ones in a row?


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