[Santo - Marketplace]

Apr 02, 2008 20:30

[ master post]Portions of the marketplace are covered. The vast majority of it isn't ( Read more... )

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gonna_live April 18 2008, 03:59:11 UTC
The market has a fair few watering holes, too. And at least one of them is about to gain two people.

"Wonder what Simon and Sam're up to?" Kaylee looks over her shoulder at Dean as she passes through the beaded curtain, and holds part of it back for him to pass through.

The speakeasy in front of them is, of course, poorly lit. There's something with a slow, hollow backbeat playing over a speaker system that isn't immediately visible. Over that is the hum of a dusty, smoky bar -- and not everything that's being smoked is tobacco, from the smell of it.


gonna_live April 21 2008, 02:34:22 UTC
"I'm waitin'," Kaylee says happily, and goes back to her drink. " -- ow." She (gingerly) claps her hand to her forehead. "Hate it when that happens -- "


hopeitsworthit April 21 2008, 02:39:21 UTC

"So, wait. You can handle the alcohol, it's the brain freeze that gives you trouble?"

Dean is so ashamed to know her right now.


gonna_live April 21 2008, 02:53:00 UTC
"It hurts." Kaylee's hand is still on her forehead. Muttered: "Mentula vulgaris."


hopeitsworthit April 21 2008, 02:55:59 UTC
Dean does not crack up.

Or choke.

"God, you're worse'n Sammy was when he was ten."

Dean is exaggerating.



gonna_live April 21 2008, 03:01:06 UTC
Kaylee opens an eye to peer at Dean. "I'll smack you for that later."


hopeitsworthit April 21 2008, 03:02:08 UTC
"Yeah, yeah."

He snickers.

"You just wanna get your hands on me. I see how it is."

He takes a swig of the pink stuff.

Kinda grows on a guy, you know?


gonna_live April 21 2008, 03:04:24 UTC
"You wish."

She lowers her hand and eyes her glass, a little warily. "I'm switchin' to somethin' else, after this."


hopeitsworthit April 21 2008, 03:07:26 UTC
Dean just grins at her, eyebrow lifting.

There may be a little bit of checking out, too.

"You goin' for something else fancy?"

A thought occurs to him.

"You guys got anything like Jack here?"

It'd be kinda sad if they didn't.


gonna_live April 21 2008, 03:09:32 UTC
Kaylee's stirring her drink with her straw. The look she gives Dean is a little confused. "Sparrow?"


hopeitsworthit April 21 2008, 03:11:44 UTC
Dean looks . . . kinda blank.


So maybe they don't have anything like it.



gonna_live April 21 2008, 03:14:29 UTC
Her face clears. "Oh, that -- why didn't you say so? Yeah -- all kinds, probably gonna get decent stuff here more so than most places we go."


hopeitsworthit April 21 2008, 03:15:16 UTC

He looks both pleased and impressed.

"You gonna tell me what counts as decent?"


gonna_live April 21 2008, 03:31:52 UTC
"Atelier," she says promptly. "Inverpolly ain't bad neither, least it wasn't the one time I tried it. And I got to confess to bein' fond of Old Crow, when I can get it, which ain't often."


hopeitsworthit April 21 2008, 03:34:10 UTC
"Huh. You think they got either of the first two here?"

He's guessin' Old Crow is expensive.

"Or whatever. I mean, you're buyin'."


gonna_live April 21 2008, 03:42:46 UTC
"Atelier, probably -- about all can be said for it is it won't make you go blind and it goes down a little smoother than some." Kaylee tries more of her drink. When there's no brain freeze, she has a little more. Then: "Simon's the one to ask, really -- beer's more my speed, and rice wine, sometimes, and the stuff I make. But when he drinks, it's whiskey of one kind or another."


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