[Santo - Marketplace]

Apr 02, 2008 20:30

[ master post]Portions of the marketplace are covered. The vast majority of it isn't ( Read more... )

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mapmakerchur April 3 2008, 22:20:09 UTC
Chur has no intention of hurrying through the marketplace. Her translator's been calibrated and carefully hidden, she's adjusted her burqa a dozen times, she's made sure she can walk in her new boots, and now she is gazing at everything through the mesh covering her eyes. Marketplaces on planets are so much better than the ones on space stations. More smells! Goods displayed in sunlight instead of artificial lamps!


young_tmriddle April 5 2008, 04:49:08 UTC
Tom and Door move past the main heart of the marketplace, exploring more than shopping at this point. The walls are brick here, which is different from the main architecture of the city.

"Lemon Alley?" Tom says, as they walk towards a sign in English manuscript. "That seems rather out of place here."

He feels a strangely familiar prickling of energy all about him. It's almost as if- as if he's near a wizarding quarter, but that cannot be.

Can it?


walk_ins April 5 2008, 04:55:38 UTC
It's relatively deserted for a street so close to the marketplace, although there are a few half-hearted booths up and down the street, and a fountain playing at a dead-end.

Someone is perched on the edge of the fountain; a tall, lanky someone with a close-cropped haircut and a long black coat with a hood. "Tourists," he says, "always look for the lemon trees. But the natives know it's because this used to be the outer edge of the city, before it expanded again." He snaps the shabby green-bound journal on his lap shut and gets to his feet nimbly.

"In Chinese, it's Li Men Dao, Yak Gate Alley. So named for the vast herds of yaks that never, ever lived on Santo." He's ambled closer now. "Ni hao."

He's a very intense young man, with startling eyes.


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young_tmriddle April 5 2008, 05:08:33 UTC
"I forget how Chinese has influenced everything here. It's a fascinating place."

Made even more so by the fact that not only does this place have the feeling of his Wizarding world, but there's something like home here, too. Not the Underside, of course, but an echo, a taste, a something that reminds him of the wild magic he's grown to know and love.

He frowns, looking around rather puzzled. His grip on Door's hand has tightened.


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walk_ins April 30 2008, 03:58:44 UTC
The market's bright and noisy, and Shepard may or may not hear the first low hiss directed at her.

"Pssst. Hey, lady."


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walk_ins April 30 2008, 04:04:19 UTC
The speaker's standing half-hidden behind the back of a tentlike stall selling preserves. It's a skinny teenaged boy, with dark hair falling into his eyes; his smile manages to be both insolent and servile.

"You want to buy some dokhen, lady?"


tobeclosetohim April 10 2008, 03:28:01 UTC
Jo had her money changed before she arrived.

The block of wood Bar was nice like that.

She'd meant to look for not suspicious looking medical supplies.

Hunting accouterments the future has devised.

A table of knives stole her attention first.

If she wasn't warned it might steal all her money too.


river_meimei April 19 2008, 08:41:18 UTC
They are very shiny.

River's peering at them, too. Along with the table, the awning, and the empty air.

But mostly, she's peering at Jo.


tobeclosetohim April 20 2008, 19:25:22 UTC
Obsessions were fun.

Not fun enough that Jo didn't look at the hands or legs of each person who passed.

Especially once that girl was staring at her.

One eye brow raised, Jo stared back.

"In your way?"


river_meimei April 20 2008, 19:43:06 UTC
"It's just an object."


ff_ambassador April 10 2008, 18:42:48 UTC
Inara is browsing slowly through the market, enjoying the lovely weather and the swirl of activity around her. She's not with anyone at the moment.


bad_in_latin April 10 2008, 18:52:14 UTC
That changes.

"You spendin' my coin again?"


ff_ambassador April 10 2008, 18:54:30 UTC
Inara turns and grins.

"Of course not, Mal." She smiles sweetly. "Well, maybe a little. Mostly mine."


bad_in_latin April 10 2008, 18:57:26 UTC
Mal is disbelieving, but doesn't comment further.

"Good; had to spend a fair bit on parts. I hate bein' legal."


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