For What It's Worth Chapter 5

Mar 25, 2007 22:37

Title: For What It's Worth Chapter 5
Author: vulgar_vogue
Length: 5/6
Fandom: Angelo/Dir en grey
Pairing: Kaoru/Kirito
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Angst
Disclaimer/Claimer: I do no own Kirito, or Kaoru. I am also not making money from this and these events never happened.
Previous Chapters: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 |
Summary: After years of being together and falling in love with each other Kirito did something and broke Kaoru's heart. Can their relationship be saved?
Notes: Written in Kaoru’s POV.


Things have mellowed out now and we have slipped into a clam zone with our relationship. I am learning to trust you while you are learning to be honest with me.

I don’t go around thinking that you are just using me or that you really do not love me.

Your band broke up. You said that it was because of personal differences but I’m in the same industry as you and we both know the real reason why the band broke up. I try not t think about it, but I still need to ask.

“Even though you said that you loved me, I never felt it. You never gave me any attention. It was always work with you. I’m glad that your band has become so big but it was almost as if you had forgotten about me. I was feeling unwanted and he made me feel desired again.” The words were softly and slowly spoken.

Kirito, did I really do that? Why couldn’t we talk about this? I will fix it so that this time you will never feel as if you need to search else where for love.

“Kirito…” I didn’t know what to say. You looked at me and I could see your pain in those deep dark eyes of yours. Have I always been blind to your eyes? I always thought that your face was emotionless but now I can see so much in it.

I hope, no, I know that we can rebuild our relationship, and this time we will built it on honesty without all of this hurting bullshit.

“I love you Kirito.”

“I love you too.”

A smile, a real smile spread across our faces.

dir en grey, angelo, kaoruxkirito, nc-17, english, rps, angst

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