For What It's Worth Chapter 2

Mar 25, 2007 19:02

Title: For What It's Worth Chapter 2
Author: vulgar_vogue
Length: 2/6
Fandom: Angelo/Dir en grey
Pairing: Kaoru/Kirito
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Angst
Disclaimer/Claimer: I do no own Kirito, or Kaoru. I am also not making money from this and these events never happened.
Previous Chapters: | Chapter 1 |
Summary: After years of being together and falling in love with each other Kirito did something and broke Kaoru's heart. Can their relationship be saved?
Notes: Yeah I'm out of my writer's funk! :D


It was seven days later when I saw you again. Since then you have tried to call me, every night you would call and leave a message on my answering machine when I never picked up. I guess you got tired of calling so you came over.

“Kaoru!” You shouted from the other side of the door.

“Go away!” I yelled back. I was not going to open the door up for you again. I would not be used by you again.

“Stop being so childish and open the goddamned door!”

I hesitate. Should I open the door? I go to reach for the door knob but at the last minute my hand falls. I just can’t bring myself to do it. I’m afraid Kirito. I don’t want to be hurt again.

Instead I fall to the floor and my head bangs against the door. I tighten my eyes to try and push the tears away. It’s no use. I can feel the tear drops falling down my face and leaving a wet never ending trail. I have to bite my lip to keep silent; I don’t want you to hear me crying.

“Kaoru! I will not give up. I will not lose you again!”

Please don’t give up. Please don’t give up on this foolish, stubborn man.

“Now please open the door.” I could hear your pleads getting weaker. You were… crying? “Please.”

I opened the door. I hope I don’t regret this.

dir en grey, angelo, kaoruxkirito, nc-17, english, rps, angst

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