For What It's Worth Chapter 1

Mar 25, 2007 18:47

Title: For What It's Worth Chapter 1
Author: vulgar_vogue
Length: 1/6
Fandom: Angelo/Dir en grey
Pairing: Kaoru/Kirito
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Angst
Disclaimer/Claimer: I do no own Kirito, or Kaoru. I am also not making money from this and these events never happened.
Summary: After years of being together and falling in love with each other Kirito did something and broke Kaoru's heart. Can their relationship be saved?
Notes: Yeah I'm out of my writer's funk! :D


You showed up at my door at three in the morning soaking wet from the pouring rain. I thought that I was done with you. I thought that you had given up on me. After years of being together, after years of the good and the bad I thought that it was over.

It had ended in the blink of an eye. I didn’t have time to react or realize what was going on. The next thing I knew was that I was on tour in America and your phone number was erased from my cell phone.

I let you inside. Why did I give into you? Why were you back? Why am I questioning this? I should be glad that you are here; Lord only knows how many times I’ve prayed to have you in my arms again.

You are shaking from the freezing rain, idiot. It is the middle of winter, even if there is no snow on the ground; of course you would be freezing. “I’ll get you a towel.” I barely have time to turn around when you grab my arm. I turn around slowly only to come face to face with your emotionless face. You never looked like you cared, so… why are you here?

I close my eyes because I don’t want to look at you. Can’t you be honest with me for once?

I can feel your hands on my face. The cold fingertips of yours send a chill up my spine. “Kaoru,” You speak my name so quietly in a way that I’ve never heard you say it before that I can’t help but open my eyes.

You look so… sorry.

And your lips feel so soft and gentle.

It ended so roughly that it’s hard to imagine how gentle you are being with me right now. What happened to us? What happened to make you want to cheat on me?

Everything is silent, the only sound being the raindrops hitting the ground outside. Maybe we are a lot like those raindrops, falling so freely never realizing what is going on until we hit the ground.

dir en grey, angelo, kaoruxkirito, nc-17, english, rps, angst

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