It's Christmas and Logan Wonders Where He Is (Logan/Madison, Dick, Sacks) PG-13

Dec 14, 2009 23:16

Title: It’s Christmas and Logan Wonders Where He Is
Rating: PG-13
Summary: It will make for a great ‘drunk at Christmas’ story if Logan can remember it. Written for vmfic_gameon's Round #4 Christmas challenge.
Spoilers: None
Characters/Pairings: Logan/Madison, Dick, Sacks, mentions Veronica/Lamb and Mac/Dick
Word Count: 1330
Disclaimer: Veronica Mars is not owned by me, but by Rob Thomas. I’m simply borrowing these characters for non-profit entertainment.
A/N: Kevin, this one’s for you ;)


“Echolls!” one of his co-stars called. “Come on, man! You can’t leave without having at least one drink. It’s Christmas Eve!”

“Wife’s throwing a Christmas party tonight and she already wants to deck my halls. I show up trashed and I’m sleepin’ with the snowmen.”

Ian laughed. “Come on, just one. You know you’ll need it just to deal with that piece of work you married.”

Logan wanted to laugh. His friend wasn’t wrong. He loved his wife, but there was no way he was going to be able to get through this night without at least one drink. “Okay, just the one.”

Five minutes and one Bacardi later Logan was finally on his way home.

At least until he was until he saw all of the cars lined along the block leading from Dick’s place. Of course! He should have remembered! The Annual Casablancas Christmas Party was also tonight.

It wasn’t as though Madison was in competition with their friends, their party was supposed to be much more low-key and not even involve having their “real” friends over. Dick’s was, as always, a complete free for all.

With a grin, Logan pulled to the curb at the end of the long line. He had a couple minutes he could kill, he figured he may as well have some drinks with his longtime friends before heading home.

“The holiday spirit has arrived!” Dick cried out when he saw him.

“Dick! Enjoying the festivities, I see,” he replied when he saw the mistletoe hanging from his green plastic hat. “Mac still lets you get away with that?”

“Hey, while the kids are away the parents get to play,” he grinned.

Logan laughed as he headed towards what should have been the refreshment table. However, clearly, the only “refreshments” were those in the alcoholic beverage category. Grabbing a beer with one hand he reached for his cell with the other.

“Hello?” Madison answered with a sigh.

“Hey, babe, it’s me. What would you say to joining me over at Dick’s? I guarantee -”

“You get your ass home right now. I am not entertaining these people all night while you’re there. You’re the one who insisted I let these people into my house.”

“Whatever you say, Sugarplum,” he grinned before hanging up. Well that was clearly a ‘no.’

“Ha!” laughed as he watched Logan drain his beer. “I told you marrying Madison would drive you to drink. Still won’t let you out to play over here, will she?”

“Next year I’m inviting Mormons, that should be enough to bore her into coming here. Ah, well.”

“Here, have some of my famous eggnog and forget it,” he told him as he poured his friend a cup.

Logan slammed it. “See ya, man,” he replied a second later.

Mentally, Logan counted off as he climbed into his SUV. The Bacardi back at the set, the beer and now in retrospect he should have known that the eggnog would have been more ‘nog’ than anything. Dick had made it after all.

Still, he insisted he wasn’t drunk, (he was no lightweight!) just that he needed to get some air. And what better way to do that then to roll down his window and drive the next half mile home?

The only downside, he realized, was just how boring the people he had invited over were. He couldn’t even remember where he had found them, he guessed they were researchers for the movie he was working on. Either way he had gone through two bottles of wine over the course of the next hour.

Madison hadn’t even noticed as she had continued to nurse her martinis.

It was only after the “nice people” had decided to let the “happy couple” get on with their evening that Logan got the bright idea to invite his sister over. He knew she was in town for something or another, his memory wasn’t what it used to be. He refused to blame the innocent alcohol.

“You know what we need?” he asked finally.

“What?” Madison sighed.

“We should get out of here. Trina’s at the Grand -”

“Since when do you want to - ? Logan, you’ve had enough,” she replied when she realized. Of course when she turned back around she saw that she was apparently talking to herself.

“Which one of these cars is mine?” he asked when he heard her come up from behind him.

“The four on the left.” Madison was not amused. Did he really have to do this every year? “Logan, you’re not leaving like this. Trina’s on her way here, you don’t need to go see her at the hotel.”

“I want some music. Why don’t you go put on one of those Christmas CD’s you love so much? And maybe after that Santa can slide down your chimney,” he smirked as he went to kiss her - and missed.

“You’re going to freeze out here.”

“Too hot,” he sighed. Sure he could see his breath but he could hardly tell that’s what it was when he went outside to look over the Christmas decorations that illuminated his front yard. Madison always did love her ambiance. Maybe Neptune didn’t get nearly enough snow to make snowmen but that was why they always got the plastic kind that lit up and stood four feet high.

Unfortunately for him it was one of his neighbor’s snowman decorations that had become his dance partner tonight. Exactly when Logan had stripped down to his novelty Santa boxers he couldn’t remember.

“Echolls,” he heard a male voice call to him from the curb.

Looking up, he saw the Balboa County cruiser with its lights rolling. “Who’s asking?”

Sacks climbed out. “Have you been drinking, Logan?”

“Nuh uh,” he lied. “But if you’re offering you can feel free to drop me at the next bar. The little lady doesn’t seem to be all that impressed by Christmas gatherings this evening.”

“Your clothes?” he asked.

“Gotta give the people what they want,” he beamed.

“Do you know where you are?”

Logan glanced around. This wasn’t his front yard. No. He didn’t know where he was. “I might have misplaced my house.”

“And your clothes,” the deputy sighed. To think tonight he was getting to see for free what his wife would have him shell out $12 a weekend to see. “Come on,” he told him as he gripped his arm.

“I see your annual Christmas date with the sheriff’s department went well,” Madison smirked as Sacks led Logan back home.

“Think you can keep him inside this time?” Sacks asked her.

She nodded. “Thank you and Merry Christmas, Deputy. See you on New Year’s Eve.”

“Looking forward to it,” he muttered before heading out.

“I think Lamb broke up with me. He doesn’t call, doesn’t write… Now he has his deputies taking me home,” he sighed dramatically as he plopped down on the sofa.

“Last year he caught you trying to dance with Veronica at Dick’s party while you were wearing nothing but a lamp shade. And then he had Sacks drive you home when he caught you trying to make out with his dog. I think it’s Lamb’s way of making sure he doesn’t arrest you again. Veronica and me in the station on Christmas Eve because of you? You really think he wants to relieve that?”

“I didn’t tell him to marry her. Or tell their dog to hit on me.”

“Well I’m tired of talking about them,” she stated as she sat beside him. Running a slender hand along his thigh, she asked, “Santa still has plans to play with his Mrs. Claus, doesn’t he?”

“Trying to take advantage of me, Mrs. Echolls?” he asked as he tried to figure out which one of her should be addressing.

“Would you really want that costume to go to waste?” she smirked.

Logan didn’t have to be sober for his answer to be a resounding, “Never.”

The End

challenge of the month: christmas, pairing: logan/madison, round #4, character: dick

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