Game On- Round #5

Dec 14, 2009 23:54

I know that I said I was closing the round #3 awards poll tonight and then I would be announcing the winners some time after, but I'm sick now and I just haven't had the energy to get stuff together for the winning banners and get into touch with hiddeneloise about 'em. So the poll will still be open for at least a few more days. Sorry for the delay! I'll try to get on it as soon as I start feeling better. But now here's your chance to vote if you haven't done it yet.

Here's the challenges for Round #5, which will open January 1st. As always, rememberto wait until the first to post any responses, since December is for round #4 entries.

Round #5 will be held from January 1st until January 31st, and fics must be submitted (or linked to) during that time in order to be considered for awards.

vmfic_gameon's Challenge Round #5 (January)

Challenge 1- Character Challenge
Characters: Dick and Beaver
Prompt: Those Casablancas boys. Write about their relationship as brothers, whether it was outings with their friends, competition for their father’s attention, or the antagonism and taunting that helped define their relationship. Other characters are welcome, and romantic pairings are allowed, but the fic must explore some aspect of that Dick and Beaver bond. Any ratings and genres accepted.

Challenge 2- Episode Challenge
Episode: 1.21- A Trip to the Dentist
Prompt: After another tense confrontation with his dad, Logan tells Aaron, "Well, you’ve got limited time. Cause let’s face it- my eighteenth birthday, whenever that is, Mom’s inheritance comes through and it’s bon voyage." Write an AU fic where, a year later and still under his father's thumb, Logan makes good on his word.

Challenge 3- Monthly Theme Challenge
Month: January
Theme: New Year's Resolutions

For many people, the first of January means a chance to start fresh while making some changes. So write a fic where a VM character decides to turn things around by bettering themselves in some way, whether it's giving up the bottle, their life of crime, or even working on those pesky trust issues. The character's motivation doesn't have to be the new year (that doesn't have to be part of the fic at all); they just need to promise themselves and at least try to follow-through on it. This challenge is open to any characters/pairings/ratings.

Challenge 4- Table Challenge
January's Word Table:

(Play around with the random word generator I use and see if you get as many dirty ones as I do!)

Write a fic using at least five of the words in the table (but hey, why not try for all 25?!). Any characters/pairings/ratings are welcome.

And finally:

Challenge 5- Veronica Mars Fanfiction Squared

It's fanfiction fanfiction! In this challenge you can write a story playing in someone else's VM universe. The list of authors who have offered up their work (and their rules and conditions, if any) can be found here. You can only use fanfic an author has given their permission for in this thread! Anything else will be deleted, since it might be considered borderline plagerism.

If you haven't been following the community for long and you're confused about this challenge, check out the posts about it here for more information. If you still have any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to ask here and I'll try to reply to you as soon as I can. Thanks!

Please spread word about Round #5! Feel free to take the banner to advertise it, too. The more the word gets out, the more fic we're likely to receive!

!challenge post, challenge: fanfic squared, challenge of the month: new year resolut, character challenge: beaver & dick, round #5

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