413: Sunday evening

Dec 31, 2007 06:17

Karal was hungry. He never did have breakfast after his ride this morning, and he'd been so engrossed in reading, lunch had passed him by without him noticing ( Read more... )

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notqueenyet December 30 2007, 21:05:51 UTC
Aravis and Seely had returned from Archenland the day prior, but she'd spent the night in his room rather than venture back into her own just yet.

Thus it was for the first time in weeks (or simply one week, Fandom time) that Aravis, followed closely by her dog, poked her head into her room. "I smell chocolate. Hello, Karal."


vkandis_son December 30 2007, 21:09:26 UTC
"Aravis!" Karal was warm, Karal was happy, and Karal was feeling exceedingly mellow.

He was also incredibly glad to see his room mate, so he put his book aside and stood up, walking over to give her a hug, the wisdom of doing so not really a concern at the moment. "I missed you."


notqueenyet December 30 2007, 21:15:39 UTC
Aravis was a bit taken aback, considering she didn't think it had been that long at all, here. So she sort of awkwardly hugged him back. "I...missed you too, Karal. Did you have a good Christmas?"


vkandis_son December 30 2007, 21:21:37 UTC
Karal did stop hugging her. Eventually. "Glory, I don't know," he replied. "I didn't really have a Christmas, because it's not something I celebrate, but the time off was quite nice. Too quiet, especially with you gone, but I gave Gavin a spinny hat, so it was good, I think. Did you and Seely enjoy your trip home? And would you like a brownie? They're very nice."

He beamed down at Ata. "And hello, Ata. were you a good dog for Aravis?"


notqueenyet December 30 2007, 21:46:16 UTC
"I've never had brownies, but if they're chocolate, yes, I would love one," Aravis said, while Ata happily barked a little hello back at Karal before going to flop onto Aravis's bed. "It was a nice trip, and mostly quiet. And...a spinny hat? A hat that spins? How...very Gavin."


vkandis_son December 30 2007, 21:51:57 UTC
He nodded. "It has a propeller that goes around and around and around but it doesn't make him fly, and you have to call him Lieutenant Little Ray when next you see him," he added, picking up the plate and presenting it to her very solemnly. "They are very chocolatey and very rich. I was hungry, so I probably ate more than I should have, but there are lots left."


notqueenyet December 30 2007, 21:57:45 UTC
Aravis happily took one, listening to him chatter. "Perhaps you've got a sugar rush," she laughed, breaking off a piece and popping it into her mouth. "These are quite good!"


vkandis_son December 30 2007, 22:03:35 UTC
"They really are." He set the plate down and sat on the edge of his bed, considering that. A sugar rush would explain it. Maybe. He didn't think he'd ever had a sugar rush before.

Karal set his chin in his hand, staring distractedly into space while he tried to remember.


notqueenyet December 30 2007, 22:11:59 UTC
"I had a sugar rush after I got here and Seely introduced me to all the kinds of sweets and chocolates," Aravis explained, "and it was very fun and nice and then the next day I scarcely wanted to move."

Aravis was very surprised to note that she'd finished her brownie already. Odd. She reached for another, though.


vkandis_son December 30 2007, 22:15:47 UTC
He nodded, still staring into space, then focussed on her again and smiled. "I do feel odd, though not at all bad. Happy. I feel happy," he decided, "as if none of the troubles of the world could touch me, because I'm with one of my dearest friends."


notqueenyet December 30 2007, 22:24:22 UTC
"Me too!" she said, beaming. "Warm and happy. It's very nice being here with you, Karal. I did rather miss you."


vkandis_son December 30 2007, 22:27:52 UTC
"It was too quiet here with you gone," he said, looking momentarily sad. "I discovered I no longer like having a room to myself."


notqueenyet December 30 2007, 22:32:29 UTC
"Nor do I!" she said, a bit amazed. "I had my old rooms and it was very lonely. And huge. My bed was too big and there was no one to talk to."


vkandis_son December 30 2007, 22:37:25 UTC
"And of course Seely would not have been allowed to stay with you," he said, nodding again. "It's not good being lonely. I had always shared a room with my brother, before I went to the Cloister. It was lonely when I didn't any more."


notqueenyet December 30 2007, 22:43:50 UTC
"I've never shared a room before this," she admitted, nodding wisely. "Though when I was small Rishti and I used to climb into bed with our mother during storms."


vkandis_son December 30 2007, 22:51:23 UTC
"Trenor used to do that to me!" Karal shook his head. "And any other time he felt like it. I used to complain, but I didn't really mind. Except when he drooled." Karal made a face. "That was unpleasant."


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