The Great Outdoors

Aug 19, 2015 01:27

The heat and humidity have been destroying me lately with pain, dizziness, and weakness but I managed to get out to Flushing Meadows Corona Park for a while when things cooled down a bit at 7:30 p.m. They're finally repainting the New York State Pavilion; bridge and steel painters are donating their time and labor to prime and paint to clean up the ( Read more... )

writing, cats, new york city moment, flushing meadows corona park, queens, new york state pavilion

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Comments 12

thornsilver August 19 2015, 18:54:09 UTC
heat and humidity have been destroying me lately with pain, dizziness, and weakness but I managed to get out to Flushing Meadows Corona Park for a while when things cooled down a bit at 7:30 p.m

You are braver than I am.


viridian5 August 19 2015, 20:29:30 UTC
I've been feeling like I haven't done much this summer because of things like this so I'm trying to get out for a bit when I can.


mousebebe August 20 2015, 13:29:46 UTC
I don't know which chunk of canon you need (or if your computer is willing to play nice with the site), but Hulu has the some of it for free viewing, if I remember correctly. Their system is set up for one free episode watch a day with no login and unlimited episodes with an unpaid account.


viridian5 August 21 2015, 00:29:40 UTC
Thanks, but I'm on dial-up so my connection doesn't have the speed needed for Hulu.

I'm post-Takatori now, when the team reunites, maybe episode 16?


mousebebe August 21 2015, 14:21:50 UTC
And I checked and it looks like they don't have that far anyway. Rats. Sorry, I was trying to be helpful and it didn't quite pan out. :(


viridian5 August 21 2015, 15:30:06 UTC
No, it's cool. I appreciate it!


indelicateink August 21 2015, 00:08:32 UTC
Dude, I just gotta say I am *living* for the mere mention of a Schuldig/Yohji WIP. Good luck!

I'm sending you a cool breeze from Texas. (It briefly dropped from the upper 90s/mid-100s to two days of 70s/80s due to a fluke cool front; it was like being transported to heaven? Tomorrow we'll be back to 99 degrees and constant sweat. But I'll share the cool while we've got it!)


viridian5 August 21 2015, 07:35:59 UTC
It's a smutty and longish WIP. Thanks!

It keeps dipping up and down here, which makes it worse for me since my Chiari hates environmental changes and makes my body need time to adjust.


pucktheplayer August 23 2015, 22:38:25 UTC
Okay so I was going through the Weiss Kreuz fanfic I saved to my hard drive out of pure LOVE ten years ago, and I stumbled upon Glass Houses, only to wonder how the HELL I could have forgotten so much of the story!!! I get to chapter 73 by holing myself away in my Caribbean apartment for three days rather than SCUBA diving along the gorgeous reef or basking in the sun like normal people living in Paradise, only to find the chapters I saved jumped from 73 to 173--NO! So I bounce over here, desperate to get the rest of my fic but NEVER thinking that you could possibly still be updating it, only to find myself absolutely overwhelmed with joy that you are still writing on this!!! (And that I can see the whole thing on one screen over at AO3, LOL!) And also to discover that my very FAVorite Weiss/Schwarz pairing, Schu/Yohji, has come under your tender mercies! *does a little dance, makes a little love, jumps for joy tonight* I only wish I could upload my DVDs so you could canon review, but they are back in the States and my ( ... )


viridian5 August 26 2015, 10:09:49 UTC
Depending on your device, you might have been able to bask in the sun and read.... I initially wasn't sure if I should post "Glass Houses" to AO3, since it's a WIP, until folks convinced me it would be easier for people to read and move around in the chapters over there and that AO3 would allow them to download it. I like to make things better for my readers.

I don't write much Schu/Yoji, but I know I have one or two fics among my works at AO3, the most recent being "Chasing the Dragon." Have you seen them?

Thank you so much!


pucktheplayer August 23 2015, 22:42:30 UTC
Not to mention that it really makes me want to publish the Weiss Kreuz fic I occasionally write on for my own pleasure (an AU where Kritiker attempts to "retrain" Schuldig using Esstet torture devices then dumps him on Weiss' tender mercies after the rest of Schwarz (supposedly) dies in the citadel crash) because it means there is at least one other person in the universe who still loves Weiss Kreuz stuff! I am not alone! (I actually have the cels of Schwarz from the opener of WK on my wall at home... how I miss staring at them).


viridian5 August 26 2015, 10:04:04 UTC
There are still some fans out there but not much talking going on. Some new WK things get posted at AO3. Everything fan-related online is quieter in the summer but still. I wrote a lot more and a lot faster when I had people to talk about the show and my plots with and to beta read for me. I'm glad I still have a pre-reader/beta for "Glass Houses," since most people take a look at the size of the fic and depth of its continuity and run screaming in the other direction....


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