Alrighty fluffs this is it.... in a few hours I'm finnaly going to go to college once again.... it's been three years since I went last and now this time it's something that I myself am choozing.... this will be AWESOME *jidders* I just can't wait!!!!!!!
I'm very very very happy to announce my engagement to Moon-Drummer, a wonderfull black furred muscle wolf that has compleatly captivated my heart. Now the wedding won't be for quite a long while now, but I just wanted to let it be known everywhere.
Question, does anyone that I've not visited yet and that does not live DEPRESSINGLY far want me to come visit? I have 100$ for via and I wanna get out of the city, do something else then sit on my arse and play video games all day I wall meet people and do new and exciting things...