Title: promises, swear them into the sky
Prompt: Sky
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Characters/Pairings: mild Spain/Romano
Rating: General
Warnings: None.
The wind breathes against his face and he soars, higher and higher, up into the sun.
If he's lost, he doesn't mind.
Antonio jerks backwards and the plane spins, twirling into a ribbon of brown and black and red. His hair flies everywhere - across his face, against his forehead, slapping his neck. The propeller screams against his ears, screams in happiness and in joy.
He wants to laugh.
The world is blue and white and beautiful. Antonio likes it up here. He loves the sky. He loves his own sea of endless blue.
But then he falls, as all creatures do.
The sea catches him, waves erupting and parting, sea foam seeping into his clothes.
Antonio breathes, the sun in his eyes, the saltwater heavy against his skin.
He doesn't sink.
Sometimes he just wants to fly away, away, wander off into the heavens.
(But then someone laughs, and it's not his own, and he thinks that maybe there's still time)
"You crashed into the ocean? What the hell, you suicidal idiot?"
It's Antonio's turn to laugh.
(He is loved. The sky can wait)