The Combined Vidder & Viewer Commentary Challenge Is Now Open
Welcome to the first day of Challenge two: the combined vidder & viewer commentary challenge! We are going to be starting off a little slow, but we'll pick up in frequency as the challenge progresses. I'm going to re-post all the relevant rules below, so please read them over once again before posting anything to the community. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the rules or your posting date, please comment to this post or send me an LJ inbox message immediately.
If you are experiencing commentary block you can find examples of past audio/video or written commentaries at
I hope that everyone enjoys the results of this challenge, and I ask that you don't forget to comment to the pieces that you read and/or watch. :D
The Basic Rules:
1.) Please post all vid and viewer commentaries straight to the community, with a cut tag after the standard header. If you want to also post it to your own LJ then I ask that you wait a week after posting here.
2.) Hosting: All screencaps must be hosted on your own webspace/photobucket/scrapbook account. No hotlinking! All audio/video commentaries must be hosted on your own website or streaming site account and embedded within your post, not just linked.
3.) In the event that you are unable to finish the commentary you signed up for, please send me a private message immediately and I will remove you from the list.
4.) I encourage discussion in the comment section of the commentaries, but I do not tolerate trolls, flames, or any kind of rude behaviour. One infraction will get you a warning, multiple will get you banned and your named passed to every moderator of every community I know.
5.) Posting to Dreamwidth is no longer necessary; I will be posting a master list to that community once the round is over.
Viewer specific posting rules:
1) If you are a viewer and miss your posting date then you will not be assigned a new one; we want to avoid viewer commentaries that are influenced by vidder commentaries, so posting after your vidder in not allowed.
2) If you are recording an audio/video commentary then please remember to include a transcript as well; some members of the community may have trouble deciphering accents, or differentiating between the voice over and the video audio.
3) Viewers must adhere to the following posting template:
Title field for viewer commentary: Vid Name by Vidder Name, Commentary by Author Name
Link to vid:
Warnings: (optional)
Commentary by:
*insert LJ cut embedded video/audio content and/or download links, with transcript.*
*insert LJ cut text & screencap commentary*
Vidder specific posting rules:
1) Vidders that miss their posting date can post their commentary on the next EVEN numbered day only(vidder days). However, there will be NO posting after the 26th of October for this challenge!
2) If you are recording an audio/video commentary then please remember to include a transcript as well; some members of the community may have trouble deciphering accents, or differentiating between the voice-over and the video audio.
3) Vidders must adhere to the following posting template:
Title field for vidder commentary: Vid Name, Commentary by Author Name.
Link to vid:
Warnings: (optional)
Commentary by:
*insert LJ cut embedded video/audio content and/or download links, with transcript.*
*insert LJ cut text & screencap commentary*