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  • Mod Post: End of the year update

    deathisyourart wrote in vid_commentary Nov 28, 2010 00:04

    It has been a few months since we had a proper mod post updating everyone on what is being planned for the community, or asked for community feedback, so here it is!

    Interview SeriesThe first round of the Interview Series ran fairly well, so we are going to try it again with a few more vidders. We still have several names left over from last time ( Read more... )


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  • Mod Post: Reminders & Round 3 Thank Yous

    deathisyourart wrote in vid_commentary Jul 24, 2010 18:38

    I wanted to say thank you to everyone who submitted a commentary in the latest round. THANK YOU! It was smaller than previous rounds, but I love reading and watching new commentaries, and I truly appreciate the work that is put into them. If you signed up but were unable to post on time, or if you were inspired by any of the commentaries to make ( Read more... )


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  • Interview Series - Submit Questions Here

    deathisyourart wrote in vid_commentary Jul 11, 2010 09:40

    Well, this is quite a few hours late. My apologies. The following 5 lovely vidders agreed to be interviewed by the community, and now they need QUESTIONS! All comments will be screened if everything works correctly, but LJ does not consistently want to cooperate, so all questions can be left anonymous if you wish, signed, or sent by e-mailing them ( Read more... )


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  • Mod Post: Update on round 3 & Interview Series

    deathisyourart wrote in vid_commentary Jul 09, 2010 21:31

    Vid Commentary Challenge

    Starting on Sunday, posting for Round 3 of the vid commentary challenge will begin, and will continue for approximately a week. It is a short round this time, but hopefully we will still have something of interest to everyone. A special thanks to cozzybob who will be providing almost half the content for this round ( Read more... )


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  • Mod Post: Reminders

    deathisyourart wrote in vid_commentary May 22, 2010 20:10

    Commentary Challenge:There is a little over a week left to sign-up for the new VIEWER's Commentary Challenge. We haven't seen a lot of participation so far (just 4 volunteers as of this morning), but I'm hoping that is because many of our members missed the last post. This community only works if everyone participates in some way; whether it is by ( Read more... )


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  • Challenge 3: Viewer Commentary Sign-up Post

    deathisyourart wrote in vid_commentary May 16, 2010 23:12

    The Multifandom VID Commentary Challenge!

    The objective of this challenge is for you (the viewer) to write or record your own commentary for a vid that is not of your making. This is not a review, a critique, or a recommendation, and we don't want a rehash of what the vidder says they did. We want to know what you believe the vid is doing, and how ( Read more... )


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  • Mod Post: Challenge 3 + New Content

    deathisyourart wrote in vid_commentary May 08, 2010 19:48

    Commentary Challenge 3

    The next vid_commentary challenge is coming up! Unfortunately, only 10 people answered our poll for the timing of the next challenge (I get it, you don’t like polls), so I just have to hope that the timing works for a majority of you ( Read more... )


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  • Mod Post: Is this thing on?

    deathisyourart wrote in vid_commentary Apr 02, 2010 18:35

    Does anyone know how it got to be April? 0_o Things have been rather quiet around here since Brad decided that sleep might be vital to his survival, so let's start talking about the next challenge. For challenge 3 we are going to simplify a little bit and return to a single, non-combined challenge, allowing the viewers to talk about their favourite ( Read more... )


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