Challenge 2: Combined Vidder & Viewer

Sep 01, 2009 22:00

Only 21 people weighed in with a vote for challenge 2, which doesn't exactly bode well, but we are going ahead and I am going to be depending on all of you to pimp the challenge to an unprecedented degree. If you want to see, or to write/record commentary on a specific vid then it is up to YOU to convince the vidder to sign-up.

The Combined Vidder & Viewer Commentary Challenge

This is how challenge 2 is going to work:

1) Vidders that wish to write or record commentary for one (or many) of their vids will sign up first from September 1st (today) until the 9th.

2) A masterlist will be posted on the 10th of those vidders & vids that have been signed-up, and viewer volunteers have the chance to grab one off the list until the 17th.

3) Posting dates will be assigned on the 18th, with viewer commentaries due a day before the vidder commentaries. Everyone will have approximately 3 weeks (or more) to put their commentary together.

You, as vidder/viewer commentator, can choose to either produce a written commentary with screencaps, or an audio/video commentary with a transcript. We had some miscommunication during the last challenge, so I want to clarify that we are not just looking for a play by play of what is happening on screen; we want to know why certain clips were chosen, what they mean to the source and the vid itself, why combining them with effects or transitions or the other clips in the vid create a particular story or reading, the inspiration for the vid or the reading, etc....

ETA, Answering Questions: Vidder commentaries do not need to have a viewer commentary to proceed; the focus is on vidder commentaries for this round with the option of a viewer commentary if someone volunteers. Also, everyone works independently, so viewers and vidders can produce commentaries of different kinds (example: vidder records audio/video & viewer writes a commentary with screencaps).

For examples of the different types of vid commentaries that we are looking for, check out the following links:

Audio/Video Examples of Vidder commentary:
Agnus Dei by hollywoodgrrl
Headlights by buffyann
New Dawn Fades by obsessive24
Change by obsessive24
Here I Dreamt I was an Architect by kuwdora

Audio/Video examples of Viewer commentary:
Andrew Dignan, Kevin B. Lee, and Matt Zoller Seitz of look at the title sequences for The Wire
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5

Written Commentary examples:
Community commentary memories section
Non-community commentary memories section

The Rules:

1.) Vids of all fandoms, characters, and/or pairings are permitted for commentary.

2.) Only one person can write or record a viewer commentary on a vid, and sign-ups will be first come, first served. During this round viewer commentary will only be accepted for vids that have their vidder signed up for vidder commentary.

3.) Vidders do not get a say in who writes commentary on their vids if they sign-up*; however, they do have to give permission for audio/video commentary to be recorded over one of their vids. Any audio/video commentary posted without permission will be deleted from the community.

* Vidders can pair up with a viewer ahead of time and sign-up as a group.

4.) There is no maximum number of commentaries that you can sign-up for, but please be practical about what you can actually finish in the time allotted.

5.) I do not want to restrict anyone by saying that they cannot write a viewer commentary on a vid that they beta-ed; however, this is about your views on what the vid is doing and how and why it works, not the vidders. I am trusting you to decide if your opinions on the vid have been overly influenced by the beta process and what the vidder's own intentions were, and to avoid picking a vid where this is the case.

6.) Posting dates are non-negotiable!

7.) Please post all vid and viewer commentaries straight to the community, with a cut tag after the standard header. If you want to also post it to your own LJ then I ask that you wait a week after posting here.

8.) Hosting: All screencaps must be hosted on your own webspace/photobucket/scrapbook account. No hotlinking! All audio/video commentaries must be hosted on your own website or streaming site account and embeded within your post, not just linked.

9.) In the event that you are unable to finish the commentary you signed up for, please send me a private message immediately and I will remove you from the list.

10.) I encourage discussion in the comment section of the commentaries, but I do not tolerate trolls, flames, or any kind of rude behaviour. One infraction will get you a warning, multiple will get you banned and your named passed to every moderator of every community I know.

11.) Posting to Dreamwidth is no longer necessary; I will be posting a master list to that community once the round is over.

Signing up for vidder commentary: September 1st - 9th
Please comment to this post with your name, the vid title, the fandom of the vid, whether you can be reached via LJ inbox or e-mail, and a link to the streaming/download page/LJ entry where it can be found. Note: We prefer LJ announcement entries over direct links to vid pages so that members of this community can leave feedback for the vidder if they wish.

If you have made arrangements with a viewer to pair up on a vid then please add their name to your sign-up comment.

Signing up for viewer commentary: September 10th - 17th
On the 10th a masterlist of vidder volunteers will be posted, and viewers will be asked to comment to that post in order to sign-up. If you have arranged ahead of time to write or record commentary for a vidder that is signing up for the challenge then verify that the vidder adds your name to their comment when they volunteer.

Questions, comments and screams of woe can be posted here or can be sent to me through LJ inbox.


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