Title: Waking Up Wonderful Fandom: CSI:Miami Pairing:: Speed/Calleigh Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 379 Disclaimer: All things CSI belong to Jerry Bruckheimer, I'm just taking them for a ride around the block and maybe a trip to the beach. A/N: verve_challenge : Table Can be found here
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Title: Taken Off Guard Author: my_sam_dean Fandom: Supernatural Pairing/character: Dean, Castiel Rating: R Prompt: 84 - viscera - 100 prompts for thought Notes/Warnings: I own nothing Supernatural.
Title: Love Has Many Forms, Part 7 Author: my_sam_dean Fandom: Supernatural Pairing/character: Dean/ofc, Sam Rating: R Prompt: 26 - pearlscent Notes/Warnings: None
Title: Love Has Many Forms, Part 2 Author: my_sam_dean Fandom: Supernatural Pairing/character: Sam, Dean Rating: R Prompt: 46 - plush - 100 prompts for thought Notes/Warnings: I own nothing Supernatural.
Title: Just You and Me Author: my_sam_dean Fandom: Supernatural Pairing/character: Dean, Sam Rating: R Prompt: 72 - tenderfoot - 100 prompts for thought Notes/Warnings: I own nothing.
Title: Castiel Finds a Family Rating: R Table/Prompt: 99 - lavish - 100 prompts for thought Fandom: Superantural Claim: General Series Authors Notes: I own nothing Supernatural. Warnings: polyship
Title: Green Bows... Fandom: CSI:Miami Pairing:: Speed/Calleigh challenge: verve_challenge Birthstones: Modern Prompt: #5 Emerald Rating: G Word Count:312 Disclaimer: All things CSI belong to Jerry Bruckheimer, I'm just taking them for a ride around the block and maybe a trip to the beach. Table Can be found here Also for adventdrabbles