Jan 08, 2011 16:02

The inhabitants of the Temple were all assembled in the Dining Hall. It was a large room with high ceilings, warmed by the fire in the fireplace opposite the main entrance and several smaller braziers scattered between the tables. The three large tables, normally set side by side, had been pushed against the walls to clear a space at the center of ( Read more... )

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forestcalf January 9 2011, 00:54:00 UTC
Fillin, unlike the others, had not been standing in one place. He had been moving from table to table and decoration to decoration, ensuring that every little detail was in place. This mean, unfortunately for him, that he was very far away from Loe or Raina's protective custody when the Called--er, monsters? Oh no.--appeared in the hall.

And then Loe fired his rifle, and Raina threw a chair, which meant that naturally Fillin needed to do something, too. Sadly, he had neither rifle, nor chair, so he instead opted to play to his strengths and use whatever else he had.

He lifted a tray and...offered it to the Called around him. "Hors d'oeuvres?"

[OOC: All comers may interact with Fillin! Have at him!]


forestcalf January 9 2011, 01:40:09 UTC
The smile on his face doesn't falter. Clearly, Fillin is very used to being ignored. He offers her the hors d'oeuvres again.

"Would you like one? The quiche are especially good--filled with bacon!"


missmimmi January 9 2011, 01:49:02 UTC
For a moment Mimmi doesn't understand what he's saying. His words are foreign and Mimmi hardly ever speaks English.

His words slowly register in her mind, however, and she blinks a few times.

Oh. Bacon. She can't eat bacon.

Mimmi shakes her head.


forestcalf January 9 2011, 02:20:18 UTC
Hm. So she isn't a fan of bacon...

He offers Mimmi a sample of seven-bean dip instead. Chips?


missmimmi January 9 2011, 02:25:47 UTC
While Mimmi's mind is still trying to piece everything together, her thoughts are fractured.

So now that Fillin is offering her food that isn't bacon, she realizes that she's actually pretty hungry. Famished, really. Whatever.

She takes up his offer and eats the closest thing she can grab.

Christ, it's been ages since she's eaten anything decent.


forestcalf January 9 2011, 02:33:01 UTC
Excellent! It's always nice to see when his cooking goes over well. He rearranges the food items on his little tray so that all the bacon-filled items are segregated to one side, and everything without is closer to Mimmi.

"Would you like a drink?"


missmimmi January 9 2011, 02:53:28 UTC
At this point, Mimmi is just hanging onto every word Fillin says. She's of the opinion that this is a wacky and disturbingly realistic dream. But there's food, so it can't be all bad!

Once she's done stuffing her face eating, she nods at his question.


forestcalf January 9 2011, 03:01:40 UTC
Any dream with food this delicious is a good dream, Mimmi. And the food is delicious. He retrieves a goblet full of a very nice, blue juice (it smells and tastes oddly of oranges), and hands it over.

"What is your name?"


missmimmi January 9 2011, 03:06:14 UTC
Oh hey, blue orange juice. Rad.

And this is when Mimmi finally remembers that she actually has a voice and she is perfectly capable of speech. Whether or not she remembers to speak English is another story all together.



knowsvinewhip January 9 2011, 01:19:18 UTC
His mind is hazy from pain. He remembers his limiters being replaced, he remembers being lifted off the ground by familiar, hands -- "Why are you looking at me like that?" -- a dim vision of Sanzo's face while Gojyo snarls something unkind and deserved at the monk.

Then, quite suddenly, it's all gone. The impact of the floor shakes him back to consciousness, and Hakkai gasps quietly in pain, unable to stop himself from curling into a fetal position.


forestcalf January 9 2011, 01:59:57 UTC
Fillin crouches by Hakkai's side, tray still quite perfectly balanced.

"You appear unwell. Would you like a healer?"


knowsvinewhip January 9 2011, 02:07:35 UTC
He draws in a quiet breath of surprise, expecting... well, Hakkai isn't sure what he was expecting. Maybe a familiar face -- friendly or otherwise.

"I... I believe that would be advisable..." he manages to say, his breath hitching painfully in his chest. "Where... am I?"

Where are the others?


forestcalf January 9 2011, 02:25:57 UTC
Fillin snaps his fingers. Nothing happens. He looks over his shoulder and...ah. The servants are still mostly all cowering. Well, nothing to do but take care of it himself. He puts the tray down and rests a hand on Hakkai's shoulder.

"If you can stand, I will help you to the hall. It's not far from here." His smile is reassuring. "This is Vertiline. Generally, our greetings are a bit quieter than this."


knowsvinewhip January 9 2011, 02:32:56 UTC
Vertiline? The name means nothing to him. He's never heard it before. The stranger makes it sound as if spontaneous appearances are completely normal. And Hakkai is too disoriented and pained to try and offer much in the way of questions right now.

Blood loss might have something to do with it.

"One of my legs is injured," he says, quietly. "I don't believe I can stand on it... at the moment..." He dimly recalled the Seiten Taisei throwing him around by that limb. It stood to reason that he couldn't use it.


forestcalf January 9 2011, 02:48:21 UTC
"Don't worry." Fillin pats Hakkai's shoulder. He seems remarkably unconcerned. "We can call a healer in here. Wait just a moment."

He'll be right back, Hakkai!


knowsvinewhip January 9 2011, 02:55:22 UTC
"Ah... yes."

He had no other option, really. Staying conscious was a lot of effort on its own. Moving was out of the question entirely. Hakkai did, however, shift enough to press a battered hand against the wound in his side. As best he could.


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