Jan 08, 2011 16:02

The inhabitants of the Temple were all assembled in the Dining Hall. It was a large room with high ceilings, warmed by the fire in the fireplace opposite the main entrance and several smaller braziers scattered between the tables. The three large tables, normally set side by side, had been pushed against the walls to clear a space at the center of ( Read more... )

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forestcalf January 9 2011, 00:54:00 UTC
Fillin, unlike the others, had not been standing in one place. He had been moving from table to table and decoration to decoration, ensuring that every little detail was in place. This mean, unfortunately for him, that he was very far away from Loe or Raina's protective custody when the Called--er, monsters? Oh no.--appeared in the hall.

And then Loe fired his rifle, and Raina threw a chair, which meant that naturally Fillin needed to do something, too. Sadly, he had neither rifle, nor chair, so he instead opted to play to his strengths and use whatever else he had.

He lifted a tray and...offered it to the Called around him. "Hors d'oeuvres?"

[OOC: All comers may interact with Fillin! Have at him!]


withanokka January 9 2011, 02:44:30 UTC
The teenager shakes his head violently, his ponytail smacking either side of his skull. "Listen, I can't be here, I've got-- I have to help the Avatar save the world, okay? We've got a very tight schedule and we've got to get back into the Fire Nation! Don't you know Sozin's Comet is coming? I don't have time to be needed somewhere else!" He's trying to keep his voice down, trying not to lose his patience. "And-- and before that, I've got to save my Dad!"


sorrowfulstone January 9 2011, 03:12:30 UTC
"I'm really sorry, but there's nothing I can do," Eir replied. "Even if I could gather the power again, the decision isn't up to me. Our Lady makes all the decisions and it is her will that you are here, and our hope that you'll devote yourself to our cause. The people of Vertiline need you all desperately."


withanokka January 9 2011, 03:39:33 UTC
With that, Sokka's face falls. Had it been anyone else, Sokka probably would have attempted an interrogation, or continued arguing, or something, but-- it's kind of difficult with Yue so fresh in his mind.

He gives a frustrated little sigh and rubs the back of his neck. "Right, nothing you can do." After a few seconds of bouncing from foot to foot, looking around-- looked like the immediate danger was gone, after all-- "Look, okay, what 'cause' is this and how do we get it done so I can go?"


sorrowfulstone January 9 2011, 04:32:13 UTC
Eir isn't aware of the subtle power she holds over the young man with her appearance, but even if she did, she wouldn't use it against him.

She gives him a sympathetic look and sighs.

"It isn't something so simple as to get it done and go. The entire country has reported attacks from monsters. We have no defense against them, and have found that only those called here can hold any hope of defeating them to protect our people."


withanokka January 9 2011, 04:57:01 UTC
"Look, Eir--" Wow, Sokka, you do not know her that well yet, try again, and this time with civilized manners like they use in the rest of the world. "Miss... Miss Eir, you're not... making a very good case, here. What makes you think we can help?"

I mean, really.

You summoned two monsters, a bunch of teenagers, and Sokka's pretty sure there's a guy over there missing an arm and a leg.

You done goofed, Eir.


sorrowfulstone January 9 2011, 05:51:29 UTC
More than two monsters, it seemed. There were at least a few more than Eir had seen, offhand.

"Because the magic Called you. The magic always calls those who can help, one way or another," she replied, with clear faith in the magic and her skill wielding it. "And only those who are Called can defend the people," Eir stated once more, gently trying to reinforce the fact that Sokka was there for a reason, and that reason involved defending people who couldn't do it themselves.


withanokka January 9 2011, 06:14:22 UTC
Eir's playing up to his warrior streak, not to mention the big brother sensibilities. There's a final defeated sigh. He can figure out how to get out of here later, he'll give someone else a healthy dose of his skepticism.

She looks too much like Yue. He can't help it. He holds his hands up in the air.

"Right, right, defend the people, got it."


sorrowfulstone January 9 2011, 06:56:29 UTC
"We're grateful for your presence here," Eir said kindly, giving him a brief nod of her head. It was a lot to absorb and come to terms with, and already she could sense that much more would be too much for Sokka.

"For now, please enjoy the feast. We have all sorts of delicious foods and drinks prepared for your arrival."


withanokka January 9 2011, 07:02:41 UTC
Shifting uncomfortably under her gaze, he nodded a bit--

Oh. Hey, that sounds like shouting.

Sokka turns to the source of the noise and--

"Yeah, that's gonna have to wait. Uh-- if you'll excuse me, Miss Eir, Iiiii'm gonna go keep Zuko from burning your feast down." He offers a little wave good-bye before running to shut the Crown Prince of Jerkbenders up.

But he definitely glances back at her as he goes, nearly colliding with some other poor Called fool.


oneperfecthit January 9 2011, 01:11:53 UTC
Lucas stopped still. He had been in the forest. This right now was not a forest.

"What th..."

The hawk on his shoulder started flapping his wings wildly. Something was wrong. Something was really wrong.

Lucas turned to his panicked hawk and tried to calm the bird down. "Easy, Red. I don't like this none either..."

Lucas looked around at the rest of the room and noted the panic. Were the monsters at fault? There hadn't been monsters like that in Mesat for centuries.

"What's this 'bout?"


sorrowfulstone January 9 2011, 01:42:44 UTC
Making the rounds was exhausting. This Calling was a disaster. Loe and Raina had hurt two of Called already, people were panicking more than usual, and there were just far more of them than usual. It didn't feel manageable, and Eir was feeling the pressure.

"You've all been Called here to Vertiline," she replied. "We brought you here in hopes that you could all help our people..."


oneperfecthit January 9 2011, 01:50:03 UTC
Lucas nods to the panic going on behind him and the woman.

"Looks like y'all need it. Whaddaya need me t'do?"

Lucas was a man of few words. Also he loved to help.


sorrowfulstone January 9 2011, 02:05:57 UTC
Eir was grateful for his practical approach, and offered him a smile.

"Stay calm and try to keep the others calm as well? We know you all must have several questions and this is all a huge shock but...usually things don't happen quite like this," she replied.

Things were usually far more orderly than this. In the past Eir had Called people to Vertiline, they were greeted warmly, offered food, and there was a lovely speech she gave to explain what had happened and how they needed their help. Unfortunately, that was not how things were happening that evening.


oneperfecthit January 9 2011, 02:34:38 UTC
"I can work on that. Just as long as I'm gettin' those questions answered later. Thank ya, miss."

Lucas moved down into the crowd. His hawk still looked less than sure.


missmimmi January 9 2011, 01:18:24 UTC
So, honestly? Everything is completely going over Mimmi's head. Like, completely. She can't fathom the scene going on right in front of her face, because it doesn't make sense. She was supposed to be in the bunker where she'd been for ages now.


This wasn't the bunker.

And there was total chaos going on around her. And things. Things that only existed in the stories she read. This all had to be a dream, that was the only logical explanation.

So when Fillin offers her the tray of hors d'oeuvres, she just stares at him blankly.


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