Fic Title: Who Am I 21/? PG-13 Logan/Veronica
Author: Brandee
Pairing/Character:Logan/Veronica Casey, Mac, Meg
Word Count:4,534
Summary: AU Lilly lived but things still changed drastically...
Spoilers: Season 1
Warnings: Nothing to harsh.. A few words
A/N: I suck at updates.. Really suck..Life and school have just kept be way to busy,but here it is finally a new chapter!! And in case she doesn't know my beta? She's awesome!
Chapter 1),(
Chapter 2), (
Chapter 3)(
Chapter 4)(
Chapter 5)(
Chapter 6)(
Chapter 7)(
Chapter 8)(
Chapter 9)(
Chapter 10)(
Chapter 11)(
Chapter 12)(
Chapter 13)(
Chapter 14)(
Chapter 15)>)(
Chapter 16)(
Chapter 17)(
Chapter 18(
Chapter 19)(
Chapter 20)
Logan walked into school with more confidence than he had in weeks. He was with Veronica Mars, he was finally with Veronica Mars and that made him very happy. They still had a lot of things to work out, like Casey’s infatuation for her, and Veronica’s severe distrust in anyone who wasn’t her father. Those things had to be dealt with, but still he had spent the entire night before laughing and talking to Veronica. They kissed, and held hands and he didn’t even mind that it all felt so 7th grade.
Veronica needed time, time to adjust to who she was now, and time to deal with what they were now. Logan walked down the hall almost giddy, his smile was wider than it had ever been, and he didn’t even care when a few freshman stared at him when he skipped slightly and then nodded at them with a huge grin.
He was about to turn the corner when he saw Weevil Navarro huddled against the wall, obviously snooping on someone.
“Dude, didn’t they teach you that spying is practically a crime while you were in juvy?”
Weevil turned around quickly and then without warning grabbed Logan by the shirt and pulled him toward him, “Man shut up,” he whispered as he looked around the corner, “For once in your life just listen.”
Logan pulled away from Weevil’s grasp and peered around the corner to see what was so important. His eyes suddenly stopped on Lilly and Duncan just a few feet away and he frowned, “Oh,” he whispered low, “What are they saying?”
“If you’d shut up I could hear them!” Weevil grunted.
Logan nodded his head and turned his attention back to the brother and sister duo and listened closely as Lilly started to ramble to her brother.
“Oh Donut do you honestly think you are going to stop me?” Lilly laughed, “I mean really, how are you going to keep me from doing something?”
Logan saw Duncan clench his fist, “You won’t hurt her like that Lilly! I won’t let you!”
“Whatever,” Lilly smirked, “She deserves everything she gets!”
“When did you become so heartless?” Duncan questioned, “Seriously, everything that’s been said about you is true! You’re pure evil!”
“You want to see evil? You just watch the show Duncan. I’m going to ruin her the same way she ruined me!”
Logan and Weevil exchanged glances as Duncan grabbed his sister by the arm angrily.
“Duncan chill!” Lilly huffed.
“You won’t do that to her Lilly! Do you know what it’d do to her? Honestly it would destroy her. I don’t care what I have to do, but you’re not going to hurt Veronica like that.”
“Let go of me or I’ll totally tell her you knew the whole time you were dating! Do you know what kind of freak you’d look like then?”
“If this gets out it’s going to make me look like a freak anyway! Do you even care?”
Lilly smirked, “Nope can’t say that I do.”
Logan gasped, his stomach twisting into knots as Duncan pulled his sister closer to him.
“You breathe one word to her, and I’ll go to our parents with everything I have on you Lilly! I swear, I’ll bring you down so hard that what Veronica did to you will seem harmless!”
Lilly jerked out of Duncan’s grasp and Logan heard her let out a huge huff, “God Donut, it’s like you’re still in love with her or something!”
Logan felt his heart fall as he saw the _expression that fell across his former best friend’s face. It didn’t make sense, Duncan couldn’t still be in love with Veronica, he was the one who had dumped her.
“Just let it go Lilly, there are others ways you can get even.”
“You are still in love with her!” Lilly laughed, “You are such a moron, seriously!”
Duncan shook his head, “I’ll destroy what’s left of your life if you tell her. You’ll be in a convent when I’m done with you.”
Logan watched in amazement as Duncan pushed passed his sister and walked away. He turned back to look at Weevil and saw the confused look on his face.
“Dude, what was that?” Logan gasped as he stared at Weevil.
“Dude, no clue,” Weevil replied with his best surfer boy impression. “Seriously though, you better watch V, ‘cause that looked serious.”
“You think?” Logan retorted, “I’ve got to find out what that was all about!”
Weevil shook his head, “What do you plan to do rich boy? Walk up to Lilly and just ask her?”
Logan snorted, “I can handle this from here, you can just move right along.”
“No way, I let you handle this and you’ll cause Lilly to go after V full force. Best thing you can do is just keep your trap shut.”
“And when did I start taking orders from you?” Logan spoke.
Weevil let out a sigh and stared up at Logan, “Okay then, you tell me what you plan to do.”
Logan hated the way Weevil spoke to him. Like he was a stupid child that had no clue what he was doing. Logan didn't care what had happened between his ex and Weevil, he still knew Lilly much better.
“I’ll make Lilly tell me,” Logan spoke simply adding a shrug for effect.
Weevil chuckled, “Yeah that’ll work. When I asked if you were going to just walk up to her, you do realize that was sarcasm?”
Logan snorted, “You don’t say?”
Weevil shook his head in amusement, “You rich boys are all the same huh? You’re all a bunch cocky idiots that have no clue what the real world is like.”
“Oh so you have a better idea?” Logan challenged, “Let’s here it Eli just how should I handle Lilly Kane?”
Weevil frowned, “You don’t handle Lilly at all. Lilly ain’t gonna to talk, and you know that. What you do, is go to the person that will talk….”
Logan nodded his head in understanding, “Duncan.”
”Give the white boy a cookie!”
Logan glared down at Weevil, “Although I dislike you tremendously, you do make a valid point. Duncan has always been rather weak, and I as his former best friend do know how to hit him where it hurts,” Logan spoke with a boastful smirk, “Yes, I do believe I can get he truth out of DK.”
“Do you always talk like that?” Weevil questioned, “’ ‘Cause I don’t know how you didn’t get beat up more as a kid.”
Logan looked at Weevil and smirked, “A much as I would love to continue our little chat, I have a cute little blonde to find. It’s been fun Weevil, but let’s not make it a habit K?”
“Hey, you’ve got no complaints from me Echolls,” Weevil frowned, “None at all.”
Veronica had never actually had to break up with anyone. She’d never really had to let anyone down either for that matter. There was that one time in third grade when Dick asked her to be his girlfriend, but even then, Madison had been around to tell Dick he was gross and to leave them alone. So Veronica really wasn’t sure how she was going to explain to Casey that she couldn’t go out with him, because well, she was finally ready to admit that the Echolls charm had won her over.
She really didn’t want to loose Casey as a friend, and honestly she knew that Logan couldn’t afford to loose him. Logan needed Casey in his life, because otherwise he would be stuck with three girls, and that could easily become annoying.
Veronica saw Casey standing at his locker and she frowned. She had no idea what she was going to say to him, but she knew she had to tell him that they would never be more than friends.
She saw him look up and as his smile spread across his face she felt her stomach drop.
“Well my day just got better,” Casey spoke loudly, “If it isn’t the most beautiful girl in Neptune.”
“Just Neptune?” Veronica questioned with a pout.
“Would you prefer I say the world?” Casey laughed, “Because I will.”
Veronica winced at Casey’s comment and realized she should have never started the conversation the way she did. She sounded like she was flirting, and maybe on some level she accidentally had. This had already started off bad, and she was sure she was only going to make things worse.
“Casey, we need to um, talk.”
She watched as Casey lowered his head, “I detect pity in your tone Veronica,” he spoke looking back at her, “Why does that worry me?”
“It’s about us….” She spoke watching as he nodded his head, “And Logan.”
“And Logan,” Casey frowned, “Yeah, I heard he locked you in the storage room yesterday,” he sighed, “I’m guessing something happened there?”
Veronica frowned, “We worked things out.”
She saw the happiness fade from Casey’s face had she was almost sure he knew something was up. He wasn’t frowning, but he no longer seemed confident. She didn’t want to hurt him, but what she felt for Logan was amazing.
“Worked things out, how exactly?” Casey questioned.
“Well…..” Veronica blushed dropping her head.
Casey leaned against his locker and forced a smile, “So will this be the ‘lets be friends’ speech, or the ‘I really like you but..’ speech?” he questioned, “Although I must admit, I have never been on the receiving end of either.”
“What do you usually hear then?” Veronica asked arching a curious eyebrow.
Casey laughed gently, “Something like, ‘I hate you, you arrogant jerk’, apparently I’m very misunderstood when it comes to women,” he shrugged forcing Veronica to smile.
“You’re not a jerk,” Veronica spoke with a sigh, “Arrogant maybe, but jerk? I don’t see it.”
“But my charm just isn’t enough to get you past the feelings you have for Logan?” Casey asked knowingly.
“I’m sorry,” Veronica frowned, “Honestly I am, you are one of my best friends Casey, mine and Logan’s.”
Casey nodded his head, “You’re not loosing me Veronica, neither is Logan.”
“You’re not mad?” She asked confused at how well he was taking things.
She watched as he smiled at her and shook his head. It was almost as if he had known all along how she felt. She couldn’t help but wonder if she was the only one that hadn’t realized how much she cared about Logan.
“I gave it my best shot,” Casey explained, “I knew the odds weren’t in my favor, but that’s never stopped me before,” he smirked, “You and Logan, you’ve got this thing, I just thought maybe I could woo you with the Gant charm, but I guess that’s a no go.”
“I just don’t want things to get weird, you know?”
Casey smiled, “No weirdness from me,” he promised, “Logan finally wised up, I was hoping he wouldn’t, but he did.”
“Wow,” Veronica sighed, “Just wow.”
“Hey now,” Casey smirked, “I didn’t say I wasn’t disappointed. Dude, this totally stings, but I’d rather loose you to Logan, than say Duncan or Dick?”
“You’re not going to loose me,” Veronica smiled, “We’re still friends.”
Casey laughed, “Ah, but I’m never going to get to make out with you as originally planned.”
Veronica rolled her eyes, “No, don’t see that happening.”
“So I’m just loosing out on all the fun?” Casey joked, “Seriously though, don’t stress about this ‘Ronica, you deserve to be happy.”
“So do you Casey,” Veronica smiled, “You’re a great guy.”
“I know this,” Casey laughed, “Now come on, we’ve better get to class.”
Veronica nodded her head, “Yeah, and honestly I’m sorry about all this.”
“Don't worry about it,” Casey shrugged, “Things have a way of working out for the best, you know?”
“That's very profound of you Casey," Veronica smiled.
"Thanks, its my bruised ego's way of pretending like I'm not bothered by loosing out on my chance with you."
"Casey...." Veronica frowned.
"I'm okay 'Ronica," Casey smiled, "I'm okay."
Veronica walked out of her class expecting to see Logan waiting on her. Instead, she was surprised to find Weevil resting against the wall outside the classroom, with his arms crossed, waiting not so patiently on her.
“Just couldn’t wait to see me could you?” Veronica asked with a sweet smile.
“You know it chica,” Weevil smirked, “After all those dreams I’ve been having…”
His voice trailed when she gave him a warning glance, “What’s up Weevil?”
“About that whole storage room thing,” he frowned, “Just so you know, I really had no choice.”
Veronica feigned shock, “Wait a second, what is this I hear? Is Eli Navarro attempting to apologize too little ole’ me?”
Weevil groaned, “See I knew you were gonna do this, get all sentimental and crap.”
“Not sentimental,” Veronica corrected, “Just surprised.”
“Yeah well, I didn’t apologize, I just explained things.”
They started walking down the hall together and Veronica saw a couple girls stare at them. She rolled her eyes and turned back to Weevil. Underneath all the leather and scary words, he really was a good guy. She could see it in his eyes, he just wanted to protect the people he loved, and Veronica respected that.
“Logan told me why you helped him,” Veronica shrugged, “I understand why you did it.”
“That extra money, it’ll help you know?” Weevil questioned, “I wasn’t sure your boy would make good on his word but he did.”
“Was your grandmother surprised?” Veronica asked.
Weevil smiled gently, “Couldn’t believe it, she just couldn’t believe it.”
“Well she deserved it,” Veronica nodded, “And if Logan had of even attempted to break his word, I would have personally forced him into keeping it.’
Weevil chuckled, “You’ve got a lot of fire in you V, to be so tiny and all.”
Veronica smiled brightly, “I could say the same about you.”
She saw Weevil’s eyes grow wide, but then he just shook his head in amusement.
“Tiny ain’t a word girls use to describe me V,” He spoke, “Trust me on that.”
Veronica laughed, “I'm going to take your word on that.”
Weevil was about to speak when the smile on his face faded as he looked in front of them. Veronica looked up to see what had caused him to react so weird, and found herself smiling. Logan was walking toward them wearing a huge grin. She knew the transition from best friends to dating was going to be odd for them, after all it had took them what felt like forever just to admit what they felt. Now they had to start over, move into a totally different realm, and as excited as she was to see it happen Veronica was also nervous.
“Should I be jealous?” Logan questioned as he Veronica and Weevil stopped in the hallway to meet Logan. “Together one day, and you have already found someone new.” He smirked wrapping his arm around Veronica.
“Hold up,” Weevil frowned, “So I helped him lock you and a storage room, and you two hooked up?”
“More like declared our undying love for each other, but whatever works for you Weevs.” Logan smirked.
Veronica rolled her eyes, “We worked things out, isn’t that what everyone wanted?”
Weevil shrugged, “I wanted the two bucks more an hour, but seriously V, I thought you had better taste….”
“You know what my little sugar bear, I think Eli here is jealous,” Logan spoke his face serious, “Sorry man, but you, well you’re just not my type.”
Veronica groaned, “Okay boys, play time is over.”
“But we were having so much fun,” Logan spoke with a fake pout.
“Man, you’re not right.” Weevil spoke with a shudder, “Seriously warped.”
“Weevil, I think what Logan is trying to say, is that he wants to be friends,” Veronica smiled brightly, “Right Logan? Isn’t that what you’re trying to say?”
“What? No!” Logan protested causing Veronica to cross her arms defensively, “Tink, that’s not remotely funny.”
Veronica sighed, “Well you two did prove that you can work together, you know when you locked poor defenseless me in that storage closest, so why not just let the past go?”
“Chica, I don’t want no part of him,” Weevil frowned, “I’ve got your back, but your boy is on his own.”
“Come on guys, just think of what a friendship between the two of you would do to Lilly!” Veronica smiled throwing her arms around Logan and Weevil, “Seriously, you boys need to look at the big picture!”
Weevil glanced at Logan and frowned, “Lilly got what was coming to her V, maybe you should just let it go.”
Logan frowned and nodded his head, “Yeah, the munchkin has a point. Lilly has lost everyone; we can let everyone else torment her now.”
Veronica looked from Logan to Weevil and narrowed her eyes, “What are you two talking about? And why are you agreeing with each other?” She asked, “Do you know something I don’t?”
“I’m just sayin’,” Weevil shrugged, “You don’t want Lilly to go for payback.”
“We all know Lilly is going to go for payback Weevil,” Veronica shrugged, “But seriously, do you two realize you’re almost acting like friends now?”
“We will never be friends,” Logan shrugged, “That’s crazy talk.”
“Crazy? There’s no such thing as crazy in this town.” Veronica laughed.
“Look, I’m out of here. You’re freakin’ me out V. I ain’t gonna be all sunshine and rainbows with your rich boy.” Weevil frowned taking a few steps away from Veronica.
“You disappoint me Weevil.” Veronica sighed watching as Weevil smirked slightly and then turned and headed away from her and Logan.
Logan smiled widely at Veronica, “Aw Tink, I’m sorry. Did your plan to make the world a better place fail?”
Veronica rolled her eyes, “It was a plan to make Lilly suffer!”
Logan frowned, “Don’t mess with her anymore Veronica.”
Veronica stopped walking and grabbed Logan’s arm, “Okay what’s going on? You and Weevil know something, so give it up.”
“I’ll be more than happy to give it up Veronica, but do you really think the hall is the proper place?” Logan smirked, “I never took you for being the naughty school girl.”
Veronica rolled her eyes, “I’m serious, what do you know about Lilly?”
Logan let out a long sigh, “I ran into Weevil while he was listening in on a conversation between Lilly and Duncan. Duncan was freaking out, and all but begging Lilly not to go after you. He knew what she had planned, and from the looks of it, it was huge.”
Veronica lowered her head, “Any idea what it was?”
Logan shrugged his shoulders, “It was like she had something on you, something big.”
Veronica thought for a moment and smiled, “Not possible, there is nothing out there that could ruin me. Sure Lilly knows a lot of my secrets, but none of them are major.”
“So you think she’s just lying?” Logan asked still concerned.
“Has to be,” Veronica shrugged, “Let her come at me Logan, I have nothing to hide.”
Logan smiled and leaned down, gently kissing Veronica on the lips. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
“Yes, actually I do.” She laughed.
“And did you know that you have fabulous taste in men?” Logan winked.
Veronica chuckled, “Is that so?”
“Well at the moment, I’d say your taste in men is top notch.”
“And you Mr. Echolls made a fine choice in your new lady love.” Veronica laughed.
Logan ducked his head and smiled as her rested his hands on her hips. He kissed her gently on the lips and she sighed against him. When he deepened the kiss she wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged him closer to her. Veronica was surprised when Logan suddenly pulled away from her.
“What?” She questioned looking at him confused.
“Hall full of people..” he muttered.
“Well after lunch you could meet me in the storage room,” she smirked.
“I like the way you think.”
Veronica smiled up at him and sighed when he smiled back. She could feel the glares from other students as Logan took her hand in his. She was used to the looks and the whispers, but today she saw people smiling at them. It was almost as if they were showing their approval.
“I ordered us Chinese food, does that work for you?” Logan questioned as he lead her outside.
Veronica was about to speak when she turned her head and spotted Lilly. Her former best friend was standing at the 09er table watching in confusion as everyone ignored her.
“Look,” Veronica whispered to Logan, “Look at Lilly.”
“Do I have too?” Logan questioned.
Veronica rolled her eyes at him, “You will want to see this.”
“Okay, like will someone move, because I need to sit down,” Lilly commanded.
Dick glared up at her and smirked, “Dude, get a new table.”
“This is my table,” Lilly snapped quickly, “Now move over!” she spoke to one of the younger 09er girls.
“She’s not moving,” Madison spoke up, “But you are!”
Veronica looked up at Logan and sighed, “Wow, huh?”
“Yeah,” Logan agreed, “I knew she wouldn’t give up without a fight though.”
“Come on,” Veronica spoke she motioned toward their table. She saw Mac, Meg and Casey watching the show almost as if they were in a trance. Veronica couldn’t help but smile when she looked at her friends. Mac was wearing a goofy grin, Casey was smirking, and Meg, well Meg looked like she didn’t know what to do.
Logan nodded his head and followed Veronica to their seats. She scooted in beside Mac, but Mac barely noticed. Instead her focus was on Lilly as pranced over to the end of the table where Duncan was sitting.
“Move over Donut!” She yelled, “Now.”
“No.” Duncan spoke simply.
“Excuse me?” Lilly questioned, “What did you just say?”
“He said no dude,” Dick laughed, “So like take your used goods elsewhere.”
“You did not just do that to me,” Lilly growled down at her brother.
“Just go Lilly,” Duncan sighed dropping his head, “You’re making a scene.”
“Do I look like I care?” Lilly shrieked, “This is my table! I am Lilly Kane, do you people not get that?”
“We get that your the whore of Neptune and nothing more.” Madison said loudly causing everyone to laugh.
Duncan stood up slowly and frowned as he took his sister by the arm, “Come on Lilly, let’s just get out of here.”
Lilly ripped herself away from Duncan, “So you can do what Duncan? Stop me from embarrassing you? You are such a loser! You always have been!” She yelled. “I don’t need your help Donut.”
Veronica shook her head as Logan wrapped his arm around her, “She’s having a meltdown.” Veronica whispered.
“No one has talked to her all day,” Meg frowned, “I almost feel sorry for her.”
“She deserves this,” Casey shrugged, “Seriously deserves it.”
Veronica nodded her head but deep down part of her hated the scene in front of them. So much had been destroyed, friendships, relationships, things that she had always held so dear. She watched Lilly as she pushed passed her brother and stomped quickly back into to the school and she didn’t know if she should laugh or cry. Duncan looked so lost, so confused, but Veronica couldn’t help but remember all the things he had accused her of. She felt Logan rest his hand on her leg and she rested her head against his shoulder.
She could still remember when they were the unbreakable four. Logan and Duncan were as close as she was with Lilly. They were their own little group amongst the large circle of 09ers. Now they were all so different, and it hurt her to think about how much they had all changed in such a short time.
“Hey you okay?” Logan whispered in her ear.
“Yeah,” Veronica nodded coming out of her daze, “That was quite the show.”
“That made coming to school today worthwhile.” Mac smiled.
“I agree.” Casey nodded.
“It certainly is a beautiful day in the neighborhood isn’t it?” Logan smirked.
Veronica saw Casey tense up slightly, but then he smiled.
”Easy for you to say, you got the girl.”
Logan sighed, “Yeah, about that..”
“No hard feelings dude,” Casey shrugged, “It was obvious all along.”
“So we’re good?” Logan asked.
“Yeah, besides there are plenty women out that are just dying to see what Casey Gant is all about.” Casey laughed.
“Really? Who?” Meg teased.
“Meg Manning, did you finally find your sense of humor?” Casey asked, “Looks like we’re rubbing off on her guys.”
“You better be careful Meg, we’ll take you down the road of evil if you let us.” Logan joked.
“Oh shut up,” Meg laughed, “I’m far from perfect.”
Veronica watched as the group exchanged glances. Mac looked at her and without warning the four all started laughing together. Meg let out a tiny huff and then smiled brightly and let a tiny laugh of her own. Veronica looked up at Logan and realized he was staring down at her.
“I love seeing you smile,” he whispered against her ear.
“You make me smile,” she spoke sincerely.
“That’s because I’m amazing,” Logan shrugged nonchalant, “But you already know that.”
“Oh I don’t know about amazing,” Veronica smirked, “But you’ll do.”
“You wound me Tink, you know that right?” Logan asked pulling her closer.
“You two are sick, you know that sick?” Mac spoke with a smirk.
“Don’t worry Mac, you'll find a cyber love connection someday. He is out there, just a mouse click away.” Casey smiled.
"And then you'll be off on your merry way for some cyber lovin." Logan smirked.
“Wait, didn’t you guys hear?” Meg smirked, “She’s ‘tutoring’ Luke this weekend.”
“Tutoring huh?” Logan grinned, “Nice.”
“He needs help studying for his biology test,” Mac groaned, “He said his baseball career depended on it.”
“Sure it does,” Casey laughed, “That’s his excuse for a little one on one.”
“And where will this ‘tutoring session’ take place?” Logan asked with a grin.
“His place,” Mac shrugged, “It’s really no big deal.”
Logan chuckled, “You do realize his parents are going out of town this weekend right?”
Mac frowned, “He might have mentioned it, but it’s nothing! I wouldn’t even call us friends, we just talk sometimes.”
Meg sighed, “And I’m the naïve one?”
Mac rolled her eyes, “Seriously, I’m helping him with a test!”
Veronica smiled sweetly, “Well I think it’s nice of you. You could be out with friends this weekend, but instead you’re going to be stuck all alone with a very cute baseball player tutoring him in, what was it again, chemistry?”
“Biology!” Mac yelled causing everyone at the table to laugh except for Logan.
“’Very cute’?” Logan asked arching an eyebrow, “You think Luke is ‘very cute’?”
“Does that hurt your fragile ego dear?” Veronica questioned.
“I would have said pleasant looking, but ‘very cute’?” Logan asked, “I don’t see it.”
“Isn’t that a good thing?” Casey questioned with a sly grin.
Veronica laughed and looked up at Logan who was looking back at her once more. She kissed him gently, his lips soft against hers as he opened his mouth to deepen the kiss. When she pulled away, still face to face to Logan she smiled.
“It’s a very good thing.”