I love you all, you are so wonderful and patient with me and my slooow updating. You've put up with my errors and lack of brit picking. And you've left me such wonderful comments, I just can't explain how happy as a writer you've made me feel
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Comments 81
(cue obligatory I NEED MORE)
Good luck with the rest of the writing process :)
On a slightly different note, you seem to be able to decipher my comments which are riddled with typos and missing words quite well. I'm always impressed. haha!
So if someone says they can't possibly enjoy the story as written -- I literally can't do anything about that.
I know how it feels to make someone upset and you're right, they should just stop reading it through. :)
I love to world build, but not all worlds are going to suit everyone's fancy. And my worlds tend to have a strong dystopian element to them -- because that's what floats my boat.
I was pretty sure that all of this was a given like most people that have commented. I was pretty sure it was a given for all writers/fandoms.
Honestly, if you're complaining about another writer's story arc or the kinks or basically whatever you have a problem with, that person needs a reality check. If they have a problem with it, then they should write what they want and not complaint to a writer about what they want and what they would enjoy.
A writer writes what they want and you have every right to make them talk to your hand.
Also, I'm still working my way through your fic, but you're my first rec when anyone asks for Sherlock fic to read. Most of your kinks (that I know of) are my kinks too and I can't express how much I love your writing and world building, and everytime you update I get excited.
I'm sorry, this comment sucks. *kicks comment*
People get wound up and vent. But at the end of the day, I guess I am a human being and not a fic writing machine. I'm starting to feel in an uncomfortable with the responsibility to keep my readers happy.
But sometimes, I just can't tell that's what's going on at all. It's treading close to an accusation that my writing is traumatising my reader, and I'm honestly not sure what to do with that. And some of it has been close to "I love this, but if you continue on with what you've planned, I will be furious with you."
This isn't one comment by any means, it's a whole range.
So yeah, comments like 'If you keep going the way I think you might be going and don't make it all sunshine and rainbows for me at the end I'm gonna be mad at you' are kinda off-putting. In the world of fiction, including fanfiction, you're not guaranteed a happy ending. And you can't blame the author. That's life.
Me, I'm just along for the ride. It's your story - follow your muse to the depths of hell if that's where she's taking you!
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