i found her walking down the road from home

Nov 15, 2011 20:40

Characters: suck3rpunch3d
Location: Sushi place. YEP.
Time: Nov. 15, afternoon. :T
Style: Starting with prose because shit bro I love starting logs with prose BUT I'm fine with action if you're lazy.
Status: Open like Mindfang's legs. ha ha ha


the adventures of redglare and her matesprit, food )

feferi peixes, yoshiya kiryu, neophyte redglare

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Comments 75

witch_of_life November 15 2011, 19:34:23 UTC


Feferi stares from a nearby window on the outside of the restaurant. She is staring because this troll looks older then her, looks older then all of them, and she has yet to MEET an ancestor... She knows about them, as the Empress to be, she got a lot of reading material on that, even if it was sifted through and changed to be... well, let's not get into her views of her own ancestor. But... ancestors... HHHMMMmmmmm.

She steps into the sushi place, coy, er, 'koi', sly, stealthy, well okay not very stealthy. Her trident in hand, not menacingly or anything! And steps over to the table.



"You are not Teresea," how astute, Feferi. But yes, though this woman looks like Terezi, she is not. And it's good of you to tell her that, apparently?


suck3rpunch3d November 16 2011, 11:02:37 UTC
Fish, fish, fish, octopus, fish, raspberries -- wait, that's not right. Redglare sniffs the air and looks for the source of the raspberry. Her snout stumbles upon a young troll near her table. She is a bit fishy-smelling, all raspberries beneath the gray concrete of skin, tootie fruitie and licorice clothing. She takes a couple more whiffs, trying to focus on the figure near her instead of the sushi, and finally...


Though the child before her is sweeps younger, she bows, polite and courteous all of a sudden. "Nope! My name is Redglare. I am a Neophyte Legislacerator."


witch_of_life November 17 2011, 07:01:18 UTC
Juuuust watching this. She feels that these ancestors are definitely a little fishy!. And the bow doesn't really help. Hmmm. Feferi really hopes that this is going to be okay! But looking at how this 'Redglare' is happily a midst the other people living here, and not doing and funny business, it SHOULD be okay! Though still, her face looks, or smells to be that of the suspicious side of the this fish girls expressions.

"Hmmmmmmm, WHALE Redglare, apparent neophyte ledislacerator, whooooo do you think I am? WHOOOoooo, do I smell like?"

She's assuming smelling is how you see... With all the sniffing happening anyway. Terezi like, OOoohh so Terezi like! Still, a fish girl needs to be reashored!


suck3rpunch3d November 17 2011, 10:48:22 UTC
She could smell tension in the air! It smells kind of like smouldering cherries.

"The Heiress Apparent, my lady." She smiles at her, baring rows of sharp teeth. "Don't worry, the Condesce isn't around to order me to kill you, hahahaha!"


fallingjunkyard November 17 2011, 23:52:50 UTC
Joshua was enjoying his time in the bubble. All the window shopping he could want (just because goods were free didn't mean he needed to actually get them), all the exotic food he could eat, all the people and their friends running amok... it all made for a relaxing and entertaining holiday.

But he had to admit, all the foreign food in Vatheon made him just a little nostalgic for food from his home world, so here he was, looking for a nice plate of sushi. And what should he find but a woman(?) with her nose over one. That was certainly not how you were supposed to eat sushi.

Joshua couldn't help but comment. "You know, sushi is meant to be eaten, not made out with."


suck3rpunch3d November 18 2011, 03:31:46 UTC
Redglare glanced at the boy with pinkish skin and a horrible, mop of dead grass excuse for hair. She, then, proceeded to laugh, loud and obnoxious, the noise vibrating around the walls and making some of the customers look at her with trepidation or general unease.

"Excuse me, young man, how dare you judge our love?" She looked at the sushi, caressing one with the tip of her finger like she's trying to comfort it. "Shhh, it's okay, my sweet. I won't let them judge your preferences; the fires in your loins will be appeased."

She picked it up, popped it in her mouth and ate it.


/SOB LAUGHING TOO HARD HAHAHA fallingjunkyard November 18 2011, 15:14:15 UTC
Joshua's grin widened, not at all put off by her laughter, giving a laugh of his own -- more like an irritating giggle than a laugh -- at her response to his little jab.

"Oh my!" He dramatically placed his hands over his heart, as if he was calming a racing heart at the sight of such a public display of affection. "I simply cannot stand against you two in the face of such passion! It's almost enough to make me blush!"

Except he was smirking. "I'm sure you wouldn't mind indulging the curiosities of a newly inducted sushi-lover." He leaned forward to stage-whisper, "Was it good?"


im sorry she's so creepy suck3rpunch3d November 19 2011, 05:06:01 UTC
She played a long and raised her eyebrows incredulously, as if she couldn't believe he was even asking that question. "Oh, it was... intense," she whispered back. She laughed again, slapping the table comically.


sufferrogate November 18 2011, 04:00:20 UTC
Although she has no immediate interest in entering this particular human food establishment, the Dolorosa changes her mind as she notices the only other adult lady troll to be found in Vatheon through the window. They kind of stand out like a sore opposable digit, after all. Having not seen the other troll for a while, she decides to be polite and inquire.

"Hello, Neophyte," the jadeblood says when she gets to where the legislacerator is sitting. "I have not seen you in some time; I had thought you perhaps having left this place."


suck3rpunch3d November 19 2011, 05:10:03 UTC
"Blaaaargh, don't remind me!" She sat down, exasperated, and popped a sushi in her mouth, irritably chewing it. Her anger didn't last for long when an explosion of color, texture and exotic tastes danced around her tongue. She looked pleasantly surprised for a few seconds before continuing what she was saying. "I fell into some stupid coma and just woke up."


sufferrogate November 19 2011, 21:07:59 UTC
The change in disposition is noted by the Dolorosa, but she tries not to indicate as such; it's a bit weird to her--is the food here that good? Well, she came here to greet the other troll, not to eat, so she ignores it. "I apologize; I had thought that likely to be the case, but I did not want to assume. How well are you feeling after said coma?"

Anyone else asking that question of someone one barely knows would either be small talk or a formality, but she is legitimately concerned. Because that is what she does.


suck3rpunch3d November 20 2011, 03:37:54 UTC
"Terrible!" Redglare replies. "My apartment is a mess and all of the food in my refrigerator are all popsicles. Popsicles! They should only come in fun, fruity flavors and not be raw meat flavored."

She takes a long whiff. Oh, she could make out the wonderful, jade color radiating from here -- unique and special, unlike anything she's smelled before. "You know, good company is hard to come by around these parts. Have you eaten lunch yet?"


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1/2 - oh my god. suck3rpunch3d November 20 2011, 05:44:44 UTC
Redglare was busy grazing a piece of raw fish with her teeth when her nose stumbled upon a peculiar man in the establishment. There was just something so unique, something so odd, something so... SO COOL about him that she fixed her nose on him and his shenanigans.


2/2 suck3rpunch3d November 20 2011, 05:54:59 UTC
He made a pool of black, liquorice liquid on his tray and made the raw, dead fishes swim around it in a ceremony of shameless hedonism. She wondered, for a moment, if he shared her philosophy of "TH3R3 1S NO SUCH TH1NG 4S *TOO MUCH* S4UCE". Her smell turned to his odd, wooden companion; its happy face contorted in a malicious but ultimately adorable manner. She wondered if this ceremony he was conducting was normal; judging from the looks of utter disgust the other customers made, she scratched that up to "apparently not".

Redglare's heart was going a thousand miles an hour. She was, as they say, getting a case of the vapors. This alien man, whoever he was, was her destiny. This was serendipity. She wondered... if he thought the same.

She slid on over to his table and watched him up close. "Excuse me, human man. Am I intruding your Vatheonistic ritual? I couldn't help but notice your cool demeanor and excellent taste in food."


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