i found her walking down the road from home

Nov 15, 2011 20:40

Characters: suck3rpunch3d
Location: Sushi place. YEP.
Time: Nov. 15, afternoon. :T
Style: Starting with prose because shit bro I love starting logs with prose BUT I'm fine with action if you're lazy.
Status: Open like Mindfang's legs. ha ha ha


the adventures of redglare and her matesprit, food )

feferi peixes, yoshiya kiryu, neophyte redglare

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witch_of_life November 15 2011, 19:34:23 UTC


Feferi stares from a nearby window on the outside of the restaurant. She is staring because this troll looks older then her, looks older then all of them, and she has yet to MEET an ancestor... She knows about them, as the Empress to be, she got a lot of reading material on that, even if it was sifted through and changed to be... well, let's not get into her views of her own ancestor. But... ancestors... HHHMMMmmmmm.

She steps into the sushi place, coy, er, 'koi', sly, stealthy, well okay not very stealthy. Her trident in hand, not menacingly or anything! And steps over to the table.



"You are not Teresea," how astute, Feferi. But yes, though this woman looks like Terezi, she is not. And it's good of you to tell her that, apparently?


suck3rpunch3d November 16 2011, 11:02:37 UTC
Fish, fish, fish, octopus, fish, raspberries -- wait, that's not right. Redglare sniffs the air and looks for the source of the raspberry. Her snout stumbles upon a young troll near her table. She is a bit fishy-smelling, all raspberries beneath the gray concrete of skin, tootie fruitie and licorice clothing. She takes a couple more whiffs, trying to focus on the figure near her instead of the sushi, and finally...


Though the child before her is sweeps younger, she bows, polite and courteous all of a sudden. "Nope! My name is Redglare. I am a Neophyte Legislacerator."


witch_of_life November 17 2011, 07:01:18 UTC
Juuuust watching this. She feels that these ancestors are definitely a little fishy!. And the bow doesn't really help. Hmmm. Feferi really hopes that this is going to be okay! But looking at how this 'Redglare' is happily a midst the other people living here, and not doing and funny business, it SHOULD be okay! Though still, her face looks, or smells to be that of the suspicious side of the this fish girls expressions.

"Hmmmmmmm, WHALE Redglare, apparent neophyte ledislacerator, whooooo do you think I am? WHOOOoooo, do I smell like?"

She's assuming smelling is how you see... With all the sniffing happening anyway. Terezi like, OOoohh so Terezi like! Still, a fish girl needs to be reashored!


suck3rpunch3d November 17 2011, 10:48:22 UTC
She could smell tension in the air! It smells kind of like smouldering cherries.

"The Heiress Apparent, my lady." She smiles at her, baring rows of sharp teeth. "Don't worry, the Condesce isn't around to order me to kill you, hahahaha!"


witch_of_life November 17 2011, 15:17:49 UTC
"The order you? Ugh, so I was right!" Feferi's frown is much more purposeful now, pushing back in her chair as she grips her trident tighter in both frustration and paranoia. Just...referring to the Empress before her and saying that title is so unnerving and she hates it so much! And the idea of ordering someone to hurt someone else is just, ugh. No. No!

"I guess I'm not surprised! Once a dogfish, always a dogfish. Glub."


suck3rpunch3d November 17 2011, 15:36:03 UTC
Redglare bites back a laugh at her reaction -- oh the sweet, naive thing -- and sits down on her chair herself. "Relax, Your Highness! From my timeline, you weren't even born yet. But isn't that the course of action she would take?"

She gestures for a waiter to come over. He does, and she orders him to get Feferi an iced tea; it's only proper. "The Condesce, for all her strategic and combat prowess, is incredibly predictable, isn't she?

"Any threat to her crown is --" She makes a slicing movement around her own throat. "-- culled."


witch_of_life November 17 2011, 15:40:46 UTC
"Um, no? That's not how the royal line works! BASSIDES. The only power the empress has is through our glubbing lusus! And not only will that not work at all anymore, buuuuut, it wouldn't work against me anyway! She doesn't help either me OR the former Empress or whatever. We have to fight on our own." BIGGER FROWN. As Empress to be, it was her duty to ...fight and gain her status as Empress. She was to do that on her own, and the Empress before her was supposed to do the same.

"TCH. Culled. The definition of that word that yooooou, are using, I know longer know!" Some bite to her words, puff of her cheeks.


suck3rpunch3d November 17 2011, 15:54:31 UTC
She raises an eyebrow at her words. The idealism is strikingly similar to Karkat's, and she wonders if this learned this through Karkat's influence or if she was idealistic herself. Questions begin to rush in her head but she decides to take the safer, politer route.



witch_of_life November 17 2011, 16:04:01 UTC
"Why what? Be more pacific, cod!"


suck3rpunch3d November 18 2011, 03:33:31 UTC
"Why are you going against tradition?"


witch_of_life November 18 2011, 07:43:32 UTC
"Well, I really don't give a glub about 'tradition' and all that fishness because WOW, there is a halibut lot of things I would have changed if everything hadn't dried up. But There's no gutting it differently when our lusus just won't help! New Empress is supposed to get rid of the older one, and blah blah, glub."


suck3rpunch3d November 19 2011, 05:03:32 UTC
When Feferi's iced tea arrives, Redglare slides it over to her. "You're a funny little fish, you know that?"


witch_of_life November 19 2011, 10:10:44 UTC
"And you're still on my bad water list, missy! What have you been getting your fins into since you gt here?" She slams her hands on the table and leeeeeaaans forward, giving Redglare a puckered lip expression, one eyebrow raised.



suck3rpunch3d November 19 2011, 13:11:56 UTC
The slam almost topples over Feferi's iced tea, to which Redglare immediately saves with her lightning fast reflexes. Yes, this is a productive way of applying one's Legislacerator training.

"To be perfectly honest? Nothing, that's what! I fell into a coma shortly after I got here," she spits, bitter. "And I doubt I could've done anything bad, as this place has no legal system."


witch_of_life November 20 2011, 08:16:49 UTC
"Oh, well that's good," her tone is rather calm, all anger in her expression gone as she goes to sit down. Feferi's eyes move to the glass and she smiles wide, going to grab it.

"Thanks for saving the drink! Heehee," and then an audible sigh. Feferi still... isn't sure about these ancestors. But the more of them that show up, the more worried she gets! She wouldn't show up... would she? No way, that'd be crazy! That could never happen.

"So, what DO you plan on doing here?" Sipping her drink as she looks back up to Redglare, Feferi's legs kicking back and forth playfully as she sits.


suck3rpunch3d November 20 2011, 08:36:06 UTC
"First and foremost, I plan on establishing a decent legal system!" Redglare declares. She is, for the first time, serious. "I came here and asked about the laws of the place and, to my surprise, there are none. I'm surprised this place didn't dissolve into utter chaos yet!"


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