Book 001

Sep 30, 2011 15:24

Characters: Zexion, Riku ( & Demyx if you want to jump in, feel free to.)
Location: Middle / Lower districts
Time: Starting around Noon and onward
Style: Either
Status: Closed, though if you want to meet the man, poke me, I'll likely say yes ( Read more... )

zexion, riku

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Comments 11

limitless_land September 30 2011, 21:05:25 UTC
Riku never really was one to sit still, really, so being on patrols to make sure there weren't any problems developing always helped to calm himself.

At least, until today.

Being told by Demyx that this particular Nobody returned to the city and running across the scent in midst of light knows how many for himself were two different things entirely. His eyes narrow under the hood as he walked closer, meaning to pass him by as he continued and yet he just couldn't help himself. Who knew what he recalled?

"Look what the coral dragged in," he muttered under his breath, just barely audible. Although, the coat probably caught his attention before the voice behind it.


sechstel September 30 2011, 22:32:18 UTC
The coat indeed catch his attention before the voice and he paused, turning to watch the other a second before replying. "If you have something to say, I'd prefer you said it instead of making snide remarks."

He had a vague idea of just whom it might belong to, but how he got one of those coats he doesn't know unless perhaps he'd actually succeeded in his plan to draw the boy in.


limitless_land September 30 2011, 22:56:11 UTC
An eyebrow raised in query, and he lowers the hood to at least make it so he wouldn't be getting a call from the Replica asking if he was still here. The danger is in the unknown, just like the state of his eyes which are narrowed and hidden. Otherwise, his face is completely unreadable.

"What is there to say to another who lurks in the shadows?" Testing the waters, keeping the walls up. He'd rather avoid the members from Castle Oblivion, but no doubt he probably wouldn't get the chance to just yet.


sechstel September 30 2011, 23:08:01 UTC
Well, it would appear his guess as to the identity of the person was correct. Though there was the mystery of the coat and the blindfold still. "An actual greeting perhaps? Might I ask just where you got the coat?"


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