Sep 30, 2011 15:24
Characters: Zexion, Riku ( & Demyx if you want to jump in, feel free to.)
Location: Middle / Lower districts
Time: Starting around Noon and onward
Style: Either
Status: Closed, though if you want to meet the man, poke me, I'll likely say yes.
As simple as it might be to stay in the hotel for however long he might find himself here, Zexion had decided to go find himself a place of his own and check out the city while he was at it. Despite the shoddy recall he had of his last time here, he'd already noted a few major differences between his memory and the reality to warrant the tour.
He would look into the residential areas first and decide just where he'd be staying and then once that matter had been settled he'd widen his wanderings to include the rest of the city, possibly even shop for needed items such as clothing, food and such.