In which we see what blue b100d can really do to a troll

Aug 08, 2011 12:44

Characters: Equius Zahhak and anyone stupid brave enough to get in his way
Location: All over the bubble... but with an unerring guidance towards Sollux Captor's apartment
Time: Immediately after this post
Status: Open

[Some trolls need a moirail to keep them calm, to keep them from flipping out and going completely off the deep ( Read more... )

snowman, deadpool (wade wilson), gamzee makara, lea, alex louis armstrong, karkat vantas, feferi peixes, dave strider, equius zahhak

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Comments 183

prominence_glow August 8 2011, 03:56:32 UTC
[Hey Equius, remember who your neighbor is? And is therefore one of the first to see the stampede right as it begins?

Well, it's not like Lea is one to keep his nose out of anyone's business. So, tossing Stein's coat onto a chair so it doesn't get damaged, he comes running out and chases after Equius.

You know Haste? The speedy spell? That is a good thing. Lea comes screeching to a stop somewhere in front of Equius' path- just enough distance to get the hell out of the way if it comes down to it.]

Hey, man, cool it!

[He was on the SFC, he could guess what the troll is upset about.]


stayb100ponyboy August 8 2011, 04:01:43 UTC
[Equius doesn't even notice Lea, beyond a reddish blur in the corners of his darkened vision. Sorry, kid, you're just not enough of a presence in his life yet that he realizes you're there... not in this state.]

[If Lea doesn't get out of the way, he's going to get flattened.]


prominence_glow August 8 2011, 04:07:33 UTC
[Because getting Lea out of the way is easy. Except when he's stubborn, which is all the time.

Narrowing his eyes, he just digs his feet into the ground and takes in a deep breath while his magic gathers in him. Stein had once talked to him about controlling his fear, but that's not what's happening.

Lea is just taking the opposite route from Equius- apathy is the way to go.

Protect is the spell he's strongest at, so a shimmering wall appears in front of him, pale orange and with a scale kind of pattern. In all honesty, it won't hold Equius forever, not with that STRENGTH. Hell, Lea will be lucky if he manages to stop him for a minute.

But, again. Stubborn.]


stayb100ponyboy August 8 2011, 04:10:53 UTC

[Equius runs head-on into the Protect spell, and bounces backwards a few steps. He shakes his head, a little dazed, before snarling, putting his shoulders down, and deliberately smashing back into the shield. Using all the muscles in his legs, he starts pushing on it, trying to drive it backwards and out of his way.]

[Walking around it is not a thing that occurs to him right now.]


witch_of_life August 8 2011, 04:03:09 UTC
[She was actually on her way to Sollux's herself! But, whoa, okay, Equius needs some help here and she might not be the one to do it. She's pretty sure this is about Nepeta, after all she just SAW Equius's conversation with Sollux and well... Take a deep breath girl. She moves to him quickly, a good amount of feet infront of him, hands neatly at her sides.]

Equius! This isn't gong to solve anything! ...[Bites her lip.] Stop, that's a DEMAND.


stayb100ponyboy August 8 2011, 04:12:53 UTC
[His head jerks to the side at the sound of her voice; he recognizes her, he's not just going to bull on ahead blindly and risk hurting one of his friends.]

[Unless she gets in his way. Then all bets are off.]

[Instead of rushing her, he STRONG jumps, trying to leap over her head and get past her and on his way.]


witch_of_life August 8 2011, 04:28:30 UTC
NO. EQUIUS. [She snarls, turning to going after him, Feferi puts out a hand and water manifests quickly, moving to the ground ahead of Equius and forming a sheet of ice in a small patch to try and slip him.]

By doing this you're only PROVING THEM RIGHT!


stayb100ponyboy August 8 2011, 05:38:26 UTC
[It's a good thing his metal shoes have such STRONG treads on them, otherwise that ice would have slipped him up! As it is, it cracks apart under his foot and doesn't slow him down at all.]

[Maybe he is just proving them right, but he can't think about that right now. He can't think about anything through the howling maelstrom of rage and loss spinning through his head.]


faygot August 8 2011, 04:11:39 UTC
[When Gamzee had seen that of Sollux, he hadn't even hesitated before setting off. Not to Sollux's place --nah, Sollux hated his guts, Gamzee was the last person he'd want to see-- but to Equius' instead. Sollux might have lost a matesprit, but Equius had lost a moirail and that was something far more valuable.

It was actually chance that he ran in to him halfway to his hive. He could've missed him and who knows what that could've led to. Pausing, he comes to a halt in front of Equius, casually blocking his path.]



stayb100ponyboy August 8 2011, 04:15:45 UTC
[That voice... it's one of the only ones that can penetrate the fog of rage inside his head, breaking through the clouds and piercing his mind with some vague sense of coherency. Equius stops charging, standing in the road with his arms around his head, vibrating with energy and rage and loss.]

[When he speaks, his voice is a harsh, broken rasp.]

Get out of the way.


faygot August 8 2011, 04:18:27 UTC
[Gamzee isn't even sure where Equius was rampaging at. All that lay this way is the building Nepeta and sollux--


Gamzee squares his shoulders slightly, not moving one inch. His voice is still soft though.]

I can't do that.


stayb100ponyboy August 8 2011, 05:41:23 UTC
[Dammit, Gamzee, he doesn't want to hurt you! And right now... right now he could. Right now he could hurt a lot of people.]

[He could even kill them.]

Gamzee... get out of the way.


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stayb100ponyboy August 8 2011, 05:45:17 UTC
[He's a little bit calmer now; some of the edge has worn off the rage, and he's coherent enough to recognize Karkat and understand what he's saying. This doesn't mean that he's going to stop though. Far from it.]

Get out of my way, mutant.


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stayb100ponyboy August 8 2011, 05:56:03 UTC
I said get out of the way!

[He has... slowed down, though. Whether Equius realizes it or not, Karkat is managing to distract him, and if he keeps it up long enough, Equius might calm down enough to see reason.]


YOU DIDNT SEE THAT TYPO scargasm August 8 2011, 04:22:47 UTC
[So, Deadpool's doing his daily rounds, but then he notices this ....strange little creature wandering around in a complete rage.

This means he has to investigate and get in his way. Ever-so casually, he saunters over to Equius, and inserts a comment that would have probably been better left unsaid.]

Hey, looks like someone needs some anger management.


fuck yeah, Deadpool CR! ...can Equius hit him? please, please, please? stayb100ponyboy August 8 2011, 05:46:28 UTC

[Get lost, Captain Obvious, he doesn't have time for you.]


YES. please. ohmygod. as long as deadpool can hit back? c: scargasm August 8 2011, 05:57:47 UTC
[Sorry, Lieutenant Sarcasm, that's a no-can-do.]

Whoa, you got some issues you want to talk about? Maybe a psychiatrist could help you out. Seriously. Get that taken care of before you hurt yourself.

[I think you're digging your own hole with this one, red.]


Absolutely! should we just assume they are pretty evenly matched, strength-wise? stayb100ponyboy August 8 2011, 06:03:42 UTC

[Sorry, Major Douchebag, should've gotten out of his way.]


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