In which we see what blue b100d can really do to a troll

Aug 08, 2011 12:44

Characters: Equius Zahhak and anyone stupid brave enough to get in his way
Location: All over the bubble... but with an unerring guidance towards Sollux Captor's apartment
Time: Immediately after this post
Status: Open

[Some trolls need a moirail to keep them calm, to keep them from flipping out and going completely off the deep ( Read more... )

snowman, deadpool (wade wilson), gamzee makara, lea, alex louis armstrong, karkat vantas, feferi peixes, dave strider, equius zahhak

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YOU DIDNT SEE THAT TYPO scargasm August 8 2011, 04:22:47 UTC
[So, Deadpool's doing his daily rounds, but then he notices this ....strange little creature wandering around in a complete rage.

This means he has to investigate and get in his way. Ever-so casually, he saunters over to Equius, and inserts a comment that would have probably been better left unsaid.]

Hey, looks like someone needs some anger management.


fuck yeah, Deadpool CR! ...can Equius hit him? please, please, please? stayb100ponyboy August 8 2011, 05:46:28 UTC

[Get lost, Captain Obvious, he doesn't have time for you.]


YES. please. ohmygod. as long as deadpool can hit back? c: scargasm August 8 2011, 05:57:47 UTC
[Sorry, Lieutenant Sarcasm, that's a no-can-do.]

Whoa, you got some issues you want to talk about? Maybe a psychiatrist could help you out. Seriously. Get that taken care of before you hurt yourself.

[I think you're digging your own hole with this one, red.]


Absolutely! should we just assume they are pretty evenly matched, strength-wise? stayb100ponyboy August 8 2011, 06:03:42 UTC

[Sorry, Major Douchebag, should've gotten out of his way.]


possibly! scargasm August 8 2011, 06:22:20 UTC
( ooc: here is some more information about him in the strengths/weaknesses section :0 he also has 800+ years of practice, but that doesn't mean that he cant be evenly matched, i just wanted to let you know. )

[Well that wasn't expected. Deadpool is taken off-guard, being forced to the ground. His mind wavers, blanking for a few seconds before he knows what's going on once again. He's not very easily knocked out, so he gets back up, stumbling and eying Equius before moving in. He's not letting this go, oh no he is not.

He jumps into the air and aims for a spinning back heel kick to the head, not to kill, but it would either send Equius to the ground or give him a slight concussion. Or both. Probably both, if he makes the hit.]


let's say for sake of argument they are... I want someone in Vath Equius can fight with! stayb100ponyboy August 8 2011, 06:35:24 UTC
[The boot heel connects with a solid whunk, and Equius goes down. It's a good thing trolls have thick skulls, otherwise his would probably be fractured right about now.]

[Instead, he gets to his feet almost immediately and whirls on the annoying human thing in red.]

What the hell, man? WHAT THE HELL?!!

[Look at that, Deadpool; got him so worked up he's swearing.]

[OOC: Deadpool is one of my favorite Marvel guys, and I'm so pleased these two are getting CR! I'm sure he's a better fighter and has more finesse than Equius, but my basic concern is that he's strong enough to really get into it with Equius and not get ground into jelly. I'm thinking that with his healing factor he could probably take Equius if he had to, but it wouldn't necessarily be an easy fight for either of them.]


okay! :D scargasm August 8 2011, 06:45:49 UTC
[He's kind of like a miniature tank, isn't he? With a boatload of problems.]

I don't know if you noticed, but you hit me first.

And you still need to talk about some things. Maybe work it out.

Got daddy issues?

[And that justifies everything ever. Honestly, Deadpool's surprised he's getting any action in Vatheon. May as well duke it out while he can.]


stayb100ponyboy August 8 2011, 06:49:29 UTC
[Daddy issues? Oh god, this human is disgusting!]

[Just gonna go for another punch now. Because solving problems with your fists is the best way to solve them. True fact.]


ALSO I HOPE I DONT DISAPPOINT. he's a favorite of mine too, and fna;ljsdf /self conscious scargasm August 8 2011, 06:54:07 UTC
Or maybe you just need to get laid.

[Deadpool is obviously playing with the guy, and doesn't care if he is. The punch reaches his arm, and it stings for a moment, possibly because Equius gave him a dead arm. Luckily, he doesn't have to deal with that for too long thanks to his regenerating factor. With a rather smug grin, he retaliates with an elbow to the solar plexus.

Close combat is pretty fun, if you think about it.]


he's hilarious, I'm loving this stayb100ponyboy August 8 2011, 07:05:30 UTC
[Wow, he managed to punch him and the guy is coming back for more. Either Equius is getting weaker, or this human is surprisingly strong and resilient.]

[The elbow to the chest knocks him backwards and forces all the air out of his lungs, as well as cracking the bone where it hit; but as he goes down, Equius tries to sweep the red-suited human's legs out from under him.]

[If he was in a better mood, he'd probably be enjoying this too.]


<3! i am too! scargasm August 8 2011, 23:18:45 UTC
[Equius succeeds, and Deadpool goes down as well, but he catches himself before he hits the ground with his hand. He doesn't quite get up, though, he stays near the ground, watching Equius intently.]

Yo. I don't know about you, but your position could be considered provocative.

What's your problem-o anyway? Got some issues, we know that. But why won't you talk?

[Maybe he's a mute.]


stayb100ponyboy August 9 2011, 03:32:51 UTC
[Nah, not mute, just too full of rage to be particularly coherent.]

[And now he's getting called provocative... what is with this guy? Time to end this, before the red-suited human distracts him further.]

[With another low growl, Equius goes for a full-on body tackle.]


scargasm August 10 2011, 03:11:30 UTC
[Deadpool lets out a small grunt before letting Equius hold him down. He dosen't fight back just yet, he just kind of ...lies there.]

We don't have to kiss or anything, right?

Anyway, you should talk. At least once.

Maybe a name. Yeah, a name would be nice.


stayb100ponyboy August 10 2011, 04:50:53 UTC

I already have a matesprit, you disgusting piece of filth!

[Hey, look at that, he found his voice!]


scargasm August 10 2011, 04:54:02 UTC
Oh, gross, you mate with things?

[He's being sarcastic, but he makes himself sound pretty grossed out. Oh, and you're also getting a punch to the ribs, Equius, because he's done with this whole touching thing.]


stayb100ponyboy August 10 2011, 04:59:05 UTC
[The punch takes him by surprise and knocks him off Deadpool, but he scrambles quickly to his feet and starts circling the human warily.]

How do you think we reproduce, idiot?


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