⇨ № 007 ₪ [41]

May 26, 2011 23:55

Characters: Wanijima Akito & vatheon
Location: Park; middle area, in a small clearing by the pond.
Time: Early Afternoon.
Style: No preference.
Status: Open.

[Having been given the day off from training due to a botched trick that left their ankle just this side of sprained, Akito decides to go to the park for a change and have a picnic with the ducks ( Read more... )

wanijima akito/agito/lind (gazelle), minato arisato

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lunateclock May 28 2011, 00:34:04 UTC
[It isn't unusual for Minato to wander--he often takes care of people in that way, and it is that time of the month for people to start arriving. With his job in the Welcoming Committee, it's not really surprising he keeps an eye out for new arrivals.

But something else catches his eye today, and he blinks upon spying Akito by the lake. Then, with a shrug, he sticks his hands in his pockets and wanders over, expression curious.]

Akito-kun? Are you feeding the ducks?


lunateclock May 28 2011, 08:52:43 UTC
You need a particular place to use them?


skyglide May 28 2011, 14:35:45 UTC
We can use them anywhere, but you can't really fly if there's no sky to fly in.


lunateclock May 29 2011, 02:20:29 UTC
[...oh. Well.]

That does make sense. Hopefully if we can find a way to the surface, then, you'll be able to use them again.


skyglide May 29 2011, 02:40:41 UTC
I don't want to go to the surface - I want to go home. Even my cage would be better than this place.


lunateclock May 29 2011, 16:54:40 UTC

His tone is neutral when he speaks.]

Why is that?


skyglide May 30 2011, 00:38:44 UTC
A cage with bars doesn't pretend to be something it's not. [Having run out of crackers to give, Akito pulls a sandwich from his bag and begins to pick apart the crusts.] Plus all my friends will be there, so I'd just have to wait for him to let me out again.


lunateclock May 30 2011, 05:48:55 UTC

I understand wanting to see your friends again, but...

Even if this is a cage pretending to be something it isn't, is it possible to make the most of it? Even if just...feeding the ducks every once in awhile.


skyglide May 30 2011, 06:09:14 UTC
This place took away everything I've ever lived for. If the best thing I can have is a chance to feed some ducks, then I wish I had never been born. [He remembers the first time he had ever felt glad to have been born, but that was ages ago and things have changed since then.]


lunateclock May 30 2011, 22:00:23 UTC
[...ah. That strikes a chord with him. He stiffens, gaze on the lake, hands in his pockets, and pauses for a long moment.


Because in the end, people needed to be grateful for the lives they had. It was the only life they got--so why did they regret it like this? This was what...had happened in his world. And this was what he had fought against.

His tone is quiet, calm.]

...Why do you give up so easily?


skyglide May 30 2011, 22:50:51 UTC
Why do you think it was easy? There's only so long a person can try without success before they realize their energy would be better spent elsewhere. There's no 'place' for me here - I'm just a tool being used for someone else's gain.


lunateclock May 30 2011, 23:09:08 UTC
I'm not sure I understand, Akito-kun.

[He's not pleased, but he's also quiet about it, carefully holding onto his neutrality. This is...he has to understand why.]

We're here now...and it might be true that we're being used. But we also have the opportunity still to live our lives to the fullest. Why should we allow someone to take that away from us?


skyglide May 30 2011, 23:38:12 UTC
No, we don't. You can't live your life to the fullest in a cage - I would know.


lunateclock May 31 2011, 00:49:26 UTC
...I disagree.

It is unfair to be caged. But I don't think we have to let that take away our ability to live.


skyglide May 31 2011, 02:55:13 UTC
There's a difference between living and living to the fullest. There's also a difference between living and just being alive. [All the crusts are gone by now, so he picks out the filling and starts feeding the birds the rest of the bread too.] You wouldn't understand unless you've been through what I have. Disagree all you want, but my opinion will stay the same.


lunateclock May 31 2011, 06:57:16 UTC
[...hmm. The bit about experiences--experiences and circumstances and all...

He nods.]

You're right. Those differences are there, and you're also right in that I can't know what you've been through. We all live our own lives.

[...A quiet sigh, and one hand falls to lightly touch the top of the lake, fingers disturbing the water.]

It is unfortunate that you've ever regretted being born, however.


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