⇨ № 007 ₪ [41]

May 26, 2011 23:55

Characters: Wanijima Akito & vatheon
Location: Park; middle area, in a small clearing by the pond.
Time: Early Afternoon.
Style: No preference.
Status: Open.

[Having been given the day off from training due to a botched trick that left their ankle just this side of sprained, Akito decides to go to the park for a change and have a picnic with the ducks ( Read more... )

wanijima akito/agito/lind (gazelle), minato arisato

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Comments 72

toomanypetals May 27 2011, 03:34:58 UTC
...Oi. Is this yours?

[There's a very gruff, slightly familiar, long-haired man holding out your sketchbook-thing to you, Akito.]


skyglide May 27 2011, 04:38:03 UTC

[He's only mildly startled by the interruption - he had heard someone nearby, but just wasn't expecting to be spoken to. He is, however, surprised to see his notebook in someone else's hands, and quickly picks up his bag to check if his is still there or not.]

...Un! Yeah, I think that it's mine.


toomanypetals May 27 2011, 04:41:05 UTC

[Kanda just hands it over.]

...It's been awhile.


skyglide May 27 2011, 04:52:12 UTC
Ah, thanks.

[Akito perches on his knees so he can reach his proffered notebook without too much trouble, then quickly sits back down and flips through the pages. He seems surprised by this person's greeting - tries to place where they would know each other from.]

Um.. Have we met before? I don't remember.


lunateclock May 28 2011, 00:34:04 UTC
[It isn't unusual for Minato to wander--he often takes care of people in that way, and it is that time of the month for people to start arriving. With his job in the Welcoming Committee, it's not really surprising he keeps an eye out for new arrivals.

But something else catches his eye today, and he blinks upon spying Akito by the lake. Then, with a shrug, he sticks his hands in his pockets and wanders over, expression curious.]

Akito-kun? Are you feeding the ducks?


skyglide May 28 2011, 01:06:11 UTC
[Akito is surprised, not having expected to be spoken to by anyone. He recognizes this person though and offers a wane smile before reaching a hand full of crumbs to a nearby duck.]

The crackers were stale, so I thought it would be fun.


lunateclock May 28 2011, 05:14:49 UTC
[A pause--for a moment he watches.

And then he crouches beside Akito, watching the duck eat.]

...This does seem nice. Do you do this often?


skyglide May 28 2011, 05:23:12 UTC

[If he's entirely honest, this is the first time he's even been here. They passed it once before - ages ago - when first scouting their new cage, but never since.]

Most of the time we're training, but today we couldn't.


vermillionlotus May 28 2011, 01:57:21 UTC
[Vietnam's been exploring, and one of the places she's ended up at was the park! She's staring out at the pond, sizing it up.]

It might be too small to put a row boat on... [She taps her chin as she murmurs, before turning to see the youth with the ducks. She watches for a moment, before--]

Hello, I hope I'm not intruding.


skyglide May 28 2011, 03:45:51 UTC
[He's mildly startled by the address, distracted by the ducks and not having expected to be spoken to anyway. He brushes it off fairly quickly, however, and continues feeding the birds.]

You're not.


vermillionlotus May 28 2011, 03:54:44 UTC
[She nods and smiles softly, before watching again. This whole scene is just so reminiscent of a normal life, which makes her curious.]

Interesting, there's ducks in a giant bubble too.


skyglide May 28 2011, 04:37:50 UTC
[Figuring that she must be new, Akito pays her no attention. It's easier to pretend that he's not trapped in an underwater cage, and that the sky will be there if he looks up when he's not faced with things that force him to remember where he is.

If she needs help with anything he'll help, but figures that she'll ask if she needs it.]


Placeholder! \o/ to_takamagahara June 2 2011, 16:25:31 UTC
[Ammy, after feeding the ducks, has been messing around with them. Drawing enormous lily pads and hopping on them, blowing gusts of wind to try and knock them off balance, and generally being impish.

But she's quickly distracted! Hey, we know you!]


skyglide June 2 2011, 22:50:59 UTC
[Akito just... watched. He vaguely remembers her from a while ago, but the surprise of what she's doing drowns out most of his recognition. His attention quickly goes back to that of the ducks once one snatches some food right out of his hand.]


to_takamagahara June 3 2011, 16:15:29 UTC
[She trots on over, sitting down next to him. WHAT UP.]


skyglide June 3 2011, 16:19:12 UTC
[...Dogs like crackers, right? So that means that wolves probably do too. He holds one out for her to have if she wants, knowing that he's met her before but still trying to remem- oh!]

Amaterasu omikami-chan?


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