May 10, 2011 19:27

Characters: obsequience and vatheon
Location: Around the plaza
Time: Early evening
Style: Either
Status: Open

[Since the moment he found out what the bubbles broadcast, Hubert has been cooped up in "his" place of residence for paranoia that the foreigners and the locals alike might breach his privacy. On top of that, Mother's Day left him feeling a little numb. And ( Read more... )

train heartnet, !curse: nineteen, hubert ozwell, sven vollfied

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Comments 140

sweepered May 11 2011, 02:37:54 UTC
[Well, it wouldn't have mattered either way when it comes to Train, who was simply sitting up on the rooftop pensively when he spots Hubert.

... He's not exactly thrilled at the thought bubbles either, but he's learned to make do-which is why, with a grin, he jumps off the roof and lands near where Hubert is.]

Heeeey, Sven Jr.!

[His bubble shows a flash of said partner, before nothing (except for maybe a brief image of milk |D).]


obsequience May 11 2011, 02:45:23 UTC
[ . . . Milk.

The thought bubble sees some use, though only for a second as the letters "Sv" flash before -- ]

S-Sven Jr . . . !?

[Hubert has always been one to speak his mind when given the opportunity. Well. Usually.]


sweepered May 11 2011, 02:52:29 UTC
'Cause you act just like him sometimes!


obsequience May 11 2011, 04:34:23 UTC
That . . . that sort of nickname is improper! To begin with, even if it's a mere joke I am in no way related to Sir Sven.


allays May 11 2011, 02:56:36 UTC
[Priscilla's thought bubble is the most simplest thing it's kind of funny. Have nothing but a bunch of symbols, Hubert.

So here she is, walking along with ♫♪ happily just floating right along with her. When she sees him, she smiles.]

Hubert, good evening!


obsequience May 11 2011, 04:40:39 UTC
[Hubert stops when he, too, sees her and nods in greeting. He tries not to look at the thought bubble behind her.]

Good evening, Priscilla.


allays May 12 2011, 04:58:36 UTC
How might you be, Hubert? Things have certainly gotten rather... interesting!

[There's a glance at his thought bubble and a ? appears in hers.]


obsequience May 12 2011, 05:07:42 UTC
Fine. [ . . . ] They've gotten more personal, at any rate.

[He can't overlook that question mark. It nags at him to respond.]

Is something wrong?


lovingdream May 11 2011, 03:11:16 UTC
[ And Rapunzel just happened to be out buying more paper for artistic purposes, when she ran into Hubert.


Having been a little bit preoccupied carrying tons of brightly colored papers, Rapunzel was a bit lost in the mess, and ended up walking straight into him, dropping all her papers to the floor.

oops. ]

Ah-- sorry! [ asjdkhkj picking them up! ] But I'm happy to see you Mister Hubert! It's been awhile, huh?


obsequience May 11 2011, 04:50:36 UTC
[ An undignified "!?" flashes in his thought bubble when he feels the weight of someone crashing into him. Fortunately, he steels himself and manages to keep upright, although there's . . . paper flying everywhere. He looks at the person. Ah. ]

Rapunzel. So it has. Let me --

[ He crouches to pick up the rest of the papers she dropped. ]


lovingdream May 11 2011, 23:17:19 UTC
[ Aww, she really didn't want to bother him, since he seemed like he was the "busy" type, so she makes a little sad noise when he crouches down to help her. Not that she doesn't appreciate it, she just... doesn't want to take time out of his very important life! ]

Aw, thanks Hubert! You really don't have to, though...


obsequience May 11 2011, 23:44:59 UTC
[ Or the lack thereof. Paying that awfully sad sound no heed, he continues to pick everything up around them before he rises and offers them to her, then responds. ]

I insist. I did get in your way.

[ And it already happened. So. ]


sweeperpartner May 11 2011, 04:42:55 UTC
So the curse hit you? [He was lucky.]


obsequience May 11 2011, 04:54:10 UTC
. . . Yes. Unfortunately. It looks like you've remained unaffected.


sweeperpartner May 11 2011, 07:33:37 UTC
It looks that way. [...]

After hearing about the dinosaurs I was expecting something a little more threatening.


obsequience May 11 2011, 07:38:06 UTC
( This place itself is a -- )

I suspect the dinosaurs and that degree of danger were rare occurrences. Even the locals were killed . . .


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