run! run like the gingerbread man!

Mar 15, 2011 22:07

Characters: Slenderman and you poor fools.
Location: The Plaza.
Time: Late afternoon.
Style: First! (please? c: )

[There is something strange about Vatheon today. If you are blessed with the ability of being able to sense darkness, well, say hello to a dark figure. It doesn't know what it's doing in this bubble, but it' ( Read more... )

mion sonozaki, roxas, minato arisato, anarchy panty

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Comments 67

demon_heir March 16 2011, 02:26:14 UTC
[Mion had been passing through the plaza when she suddenly stops, a chill shooting up her spine. It's an eeiry feeling, as though someone is watching her from a distance. Slowly her eyes scan the area, until she turns around and looks at an alleyway she hasn't paid attention to until now.

Standing before it is a man...or what looks like a man, anyway. It wears clothes and looks like a human, but something still]

Er.... Hello...?


tentaclearms March 16 2011, 02:33:49 UTC
[The girl catches the Operator's attention, his head tilting in her direction. He may have no face, but there is a certain intensity, an intensity that creeps around your mind to give you the idea that he's actually staring at you.

He doesn't move just yet, though. Whatever this place was, it was strange.]


demon_heir March 16 2011, 02:43:19 UTC
[Mion raises an eyebrow at the 'man's' lack of words. Perhaps he's just shy or scared, but he's almost certainly new.]

Hey! Do you need some help?

[She begins walking over to him, but once again her body freezes completely. A small voice in the back of her head keeps whispering "don't go. don't go over there."]


tentaclearms March 16 2011, 02:52:21 UTC
[He is still unmoving. He's watching you, girl, so don't blink.

After a few long moments, his arm twitches, but that's about it. The movement is so sudden that it doesn't seem like it happened at all. It was more like a glitch if anything. Still, his head is still facing her, examining her as a whole.

Then, if the girl listens close enough, there may be a voice in the back of her head, slowly growing louder. It's distorted and strangled, but it's there.

W̸̠͉͂̈́͝h͚̼ͩͮe̢̧͖͕̲̠̹̲͗ͮ̈́̑̅̿̏r̍̂̉̒̐ͦ̈́ͧ͏̩̩̦̻͍̫͚̹ȇ̴̞̮̝͎̮̪̎ͩ́͠.̊̒̔̅̍ͨ͏͚̜̜̼ ]


fightwithundies March 16 2011, 02:49:40 UTC
[Man, something had better happen here soon. Panty was getting sick and tired of having nothing better to do than harass Stocking. As entertaining as it could be, even THAT got old after a while.

So here she is, just sauntering through the plaza, when she pauses, an eyebrow raised. Something's nearby; it feels sort of like a Ghost, but then again not, and she looks toward the alley.

Oh. A weirdo. Probably a new one.]

Hey! What the hell's your problem?


tentaclearms March 16 2011, 02:55:34 UTC
[No answer, but his head jerks in the direction of where Panty is standing. Maybe Panty should cut back on the insults; it's usually not a good idea when a strange entity that is new to an under water bubble is confused and doesn't know what's going on.]


fightwithundies March 16 2011, 02:59:23 UTC
[Just tilts her head irritably, shaking it after a moment.]

I'm talkin' to you, jackass! If you're going to be a fucking peeper, be a little less obvious about it, huh?


tentaclearms March 16 2011, 03:03:52 UTC
[This was curious: something that didn't fear him. In a slow motion, Slenderman takes a step closer, as if to examine her.]


lunateclock March 16 2011, 02:54:24 UTC
[He has been walking, easily enough, bag of supplies in one hand and mp3 player playing, when--

He senses something off. Rather like a shadow, actually, which automatically puts him on edge.

Minato pulls one headphone off, looking around curiously.

When he spies the man, he can tell that...something seems very off, but he isn't sure what. And so, he steps closer.]



tentaclearms March 16 2011, 03:02:26 UTC
[The figure stands still, moving his head in the direction of the boy.


If Slenderman ever had the chance to be on edge, it was now. Underwater bubbles weren't really his thing, so whatever bad energy he usually gave off was doubled. He wasn't going to move towards him just yet, though.]


lunateclock March 16 2011, 03:05:29 UTC
[He tenses further--the negative energy given off by this figure was...extremely unnerving, if he was entirely honest.

The silence certainly isn't helping.

A long pause; silently, Minato brushes a hand by where his Evoker rests, making sure he has it. He always does these days, ever since what happened to Ryoji, but it is comforting to know that it is there.

...And he doesn't entirely know why he is so on edge in the first place, which doesn't help, though he has long since learned to trust his instincts.]

...Can I help you with anything?


tentaclearms March 16 2011, 03:12:01 UTC
[His head tilts, as if he were 'staring' at where the Evoker is hidden. He takes a step forward, his movements slow and stiff, towards the boy, which would reveal his completely blank face, literally.

As long as Minato doesn't blink, he won't be able to get closer very fast.]


prominence_glow March 16 2011, 03:33:14 UTC
[Unfortunately, Lea doesn't get to decide whether or not to approach the bewildering, abnormal creature. In fact, he almost barrels right into it by complete accident.

It's not usual for Miss V from his work to send him on delivery runs. Once he'd gotten his A-T skates, and later still when he'd properly gotten them working, it's been a regular thing for him. He's also gotten very used to the city of Vatheon, and knows all it's ins and outs, the little alleyways and so-forth. It's the alleyway that the creature stands near which Lea almost bursts out of, an empty bag slung around his shoulder.

Just in time, however, his heart gives a painful twist in his chest, and little alarm bells go off in his mind. While he's not the most adept with magic, it's still seeped enough into his person for him to realize there's something extremely wrong right before the figure comes into view.

With a loud screech of wheels, he comes to a stop, staring with wide eyes.]


tentaclearms March 16 2011, 20:48:07 UTC
[The screech is definitely enough to grab Slenderman's attention. He turns, slowly but surely, to look at the boy. Well, as much as a no-faced thing can look. Though he may have no facial features to distinguish an expression, there is a certain intensity that gives you a strong chill, a reason to run away while you still can.]


prominence_glow March 16 2011, 21:18:30 UTC
[Lea doesn't need to be told twice. It's slow going with his skates on, however. They were meant for going forward, not back, and he definitely doesn't want to take his eyes off of... whatever this is.]

If this is another stupid thing of this city... [He's more muttering to himself than anything.]


tentaclearms March 17 2011, 21:41:02 UTC
[If Lea is paying attention, a high pitch noise is heard before a voice creeps into his mind. A voice that is contorted and strange.

'Where is this place?']


scaresplants March 16 2011, 17:16:36 UTC
[You know that phrase, "By the prickling of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes"? Well, Crowley's thumbs never prickled, but when he passed by the plaza on his way to get something to eat, he couldn't help but pause. There was something wrong here. Something very, very wrong.]

[It wasn't a demon. But it was something just as old, something just as evil. And the feeling was unboubtedly coming from the man standing in the middle of the plaza.]

[Crowley is definitely keeping his distance, but at the same time, he's curious as to who this guy is.]



tentaclearms March 16 2011, 20:45:35 UTC
[Slenderman's head jerks in the direction of where Crowley is standing, but gives no signs of moving. His head tilts curiously, as if he were looking right through him.]


scaresplants March 18 2011, 03:33:55 UTC
[Crowley frowns, trying to keep his cool.]

...What are you?


tentaclearms March 19 2011, 02:32:58 UTC
[He takes a slow step towards Crowley, not answering his question until a few long minutes go by. He seems to be making a small list when a voice is pushing its way into Crowley's mind, obscure and strangled.

'Slenderman. The Operator. Where is Alex?'


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