Wet Dog

Feb 18, 2011 14:08

Characters: Sirius Black and Everyone!!!!
Location: Plaza (so unoriginal, I know)
Time: Afternoon-ish
Style: Boats, floating, the like (Whatever kind)
Status: OPEN

There were few things that really upset Sirius short of messing with him and his friends. What he didn't like was being cold, wet for no reason, and confused, and right now he was all three.

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sirius black, godric gryffindor, james potter, iceland, integra fairbrook wingates hellsing

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Comments 46

islandnation February 18 2011, 20:19:49 UTC
Iceland turned around at the shout. A sopping wet, somewhat-sketchy-looking guy was there. The kind of guy that he'd usually stay away from, if they weren't soaked and confused, which wasn't pleasant for anyone.

"You're in Vatheon," he started, as quiet as he could be over the din of the plaza. "We're all stuck here for some reason, 'spell' or not."


marauderinggrim February 18 2011, 20:35:12 UTC
Sirius saw the boy turn and was just able to make out what he said.

"Vatheon? I must be dreaming, I've never heard of such a place."

The second part of the guy's reply clicked in his mind and he felt dissapointment as his dream theory slipped away a little.

"'We'? You mean there are others who've 'woken up' soaked in the middle of a city?"


islandnation February 18 2011, 20:56:32 UTC
He gave him a sympathetic look.

"I don't know what world you come from, but this is some place beyond everything, so.. yeah."

He nodded to the next statement. "Yeah, everyone who has a mark--" He absent-mindedly touched the black mark on the side of his jaw. "Is someone who woke up soaked in the middle of the city, as you put it."

Oh right, he should probably introduce himself. "I'm Iceland, by the way. Welcome to Vatheon."


marauderinggrim February 18 2011, 22:12:46 UTC
Sirius checked himself over, briefly wishing he had a mirrior, but he didn't have to look far, there on his left wrist was a swirly weird looking tattoo that hadn't been there before.

"Damn it..."

There went his dream idea. He briefly wondered if 'Iceland' was joking about his name, but the completely serious look on his face told the teen otherwise.

"Iceland, huh, like the country, nice. I'm Sirius Black, it's nice to meet you, I guess."

Or would be if he hadn't just learned he'd essentially been kidnapped and branded for no obvious reason.


Who let the dogs out? kingofsweets February 19 2011, 06:13:38 UTC
He was out and about, acquiring a sugary treat, when he stumbled across a familiar scene. Someone was wet and confused. He paused to get a towel from one of he locals before approaching the male.
"Welcome to Vatheon."


Vatheon let the dogs out. (woof woof woof) marauderinggrim February 19 2011, 11:49:31 UTC
Sirius accepted the towel greatfully and shot the new guy a confused look.

"Vatheon? Is that the new name for Atlantis?"

He was mostly joking, joke was about all he could do.

It was either that or get angry, and he didn't want to scare the guy off, it wasn't his fault Sirius woke up drenched.


lionshollow February 19 2011, 08:06:32 UTC
Godric was well versed in playing the part of the introducer, so he steps forward without a second thought when he sees someone in need. He knows that many are confused by his dress and the way he speaks, but unfortunately that is what occurs when people are dragged from differing timelines. He can only hope that, like others, the newcomer is not put off.

"It is no trick, not any kind of magic of which I know," Godric states quietly. "You have been brought to the city of Vatheon - there is no way to return home as of yet. I am afraid you are trapped."


marauderinggrim February 20 2011, 05:33:15 UTC
While Sirius might have usually had a small quipe about the man's style, he just didn't feel like putting forth the effort and thought required, so he moved past it instead.

"Trapped? That's just great. What about my friends, and my life?"

Not that his life was all that great, but, really, Sirius didn't know what he'd do without his friends.

"I don't suppose I could just be dreaming, could I?"


lionshollow February 21 2011, 04:26:03 UTC
"I have been made aware that time does not change in the world from which you came," Godric replied carefully. "It is as though time stops while you are here. I cannot tell you more than that, however, as I have not yet learned enough."

He smiles, shaking his head before he crosses his arms.

"It is no dream, nor is it any kind of familiar magic. We know far too little to judge."


marauderinggrim February 21 2011, 04:48:13 UTC
Sirius laughed bitterly, of course it couldn't be easy, but at least it wouldn't be like he would be missing anything.

"Well, that's just great, I don't know which is worse. Leaving my friends behind or knowing they're frozen in time."

As sirius thought this over it occured to him, he wasn't being very nice, talking to this guy and not even offering his name.

"Sorry, I guess I'm being a little rude, my name's Sirius Black. How long have you been stuck here?"


bastaaaaaards February 19 2011, 11:55:43 UTC
Integra had just been on her way to the library when she spotted the poor man, soaking wet and looking more than a little confused. The heiress sighed, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. Usually, it wasn't her business -- she didn't just help people off the bat.

"Excuse me," she called out to him suddenly, and her direction of steps had changed; all thoughts of the library vanished for now as she strode towards him, her pace determined.

"Excuse me," she stated again as she approached. "You've just arrived, I take it?"


marauderinggrim February 20 2011, 05:25:35 UTC
Sirius was more than a litte surprised by the voice, which oddly reminded him of his professors, and was half expecting one to be standing there when he looked up.

However, it was a relatively attractive woman heading his way instead. Had he been his usual self, he might have had a wise remark or an easy smile for her.

"Yeah, I guess. Assuming I'm not dreaming and really am standing underwater."


bastaaaaaards February 20 2011, 11:50:08 UTC
The heiress tilted her head slightly at his words, and unable to help herself, she chuckled. This poor man had no idea what he was in for, did he? Granted, it hadn't been as bad as she'd initially thought it would be... still, people had been kind enough to warn her, and it was time to pay it forward, so to speak.

"This is no dream, I can assure you. This city is known as Vatheon to most. Don't ask why you've been brought here, or even really ponder it. You probably won't get an answer from those who run the city, anyways," she replied.


marauderinggrim February 20 2011, 18:56:16 UTC
As much as he wanted to argue and ask anyway, he could tell she wasn't lying to him, why would she? Everything in him wanted to find these "runners of the city"and hex them all.

"Then what can I do? I'm not one to do nothing, in fact, I hate it."


chasingstag February 20 2011, 08:53:13 UTC
As exciting as the initial prospect had been, James wasn't much enjoying Vatheon. He'd had to start making friends with Lily all over again, he couldn't play Quidditch, couldn't piss off any poltergeists for fun, his magic was weaker than usual, and, worst of all, two of his three best friends were missing. He'd been slowly descending into a rather bad mood, desperate for something to do-- he was very nearly going stir-crazy.

Until, wandering through the plaza, anyway, he saw a very wet Sirius Black.

Brilliant. James broke into a jog to approach his best friend, calling, "Late as usual, aren't you, Padfoot?"


marauderinggrim February 20 2011, 18:10:10 UTC
Whatever Sirius had been thinking vanished when he heard the unmistakeable voice of his best friend.

"Prongs! Oh, you know me, I always like to arrive fasionably late; Makes things more interesting."

As tired as he felt and as hopeless as the situation had been, he instantly decided it wasn't going to be so bad if James were here too.


chasingstag February 22 2011, 16:59:53 UTC
"There's nothing fashionable about you at all, you git," James informed him, pulling Sirius into a hug as soon as he was within arms-reach. After a moment he pushed him away again, mussing Sirius' hair as he did, and said, "Blimey, you have no idea how glad I am you're here, mate. This place is nuts, you wouldn't believe."


marauderinggrim February 22 2011, 20:57:43 UTC
"Oi! Lay off the hair, I'm already all wet." He batted at the hand but shot James a playful grin. "A city underwater? I knew there was something off about it. What else could possibly be wrong?"


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