Matthew // 012

Dec 02, 2010 08:30

Who: Matthew and you!
Where: Center plaza
When: Midday
Style: Your choice!
Status: Open open open~

[If you walk by the coral today, dear Vatheon, you will find an interesting sight ( Read more... )

saya minatsuki, zen wistal, obi, kamui, billy iketani, enjin hiizumi, devil survivor mc (katsu aoki), kagome higurashi, matthew

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Comments 153

aimforthesun December 2 2010, 17:50:14 UTC

At first, Billy doesn't quite believe what he's seeing. Oh, he recognizes that cloak, and that hair, and everything-

-But to have him disappear so suddenly and then just reappear like this is... It just doesn't compute properly in Billy's mind. And so, he'll simply be staring at Matthew, as if he's seeing a ghost.]


redcloakedthief December 2 2010, 17:56:39 UTC
[He senses someone watching him and whirls instantly, daggers up and ready.

A pause.]


[And he lowers his weapons and shakes his head sightly, expression a mix of a grin and a grimace.]

Don't look so surprised.


aimforthesun December 2 2010, 18:01:57 UTC
[This is. Just-what?]

You-You were gone!


redcloakedthief December 2 2010, 18:14:35 UTC
[A contemplative nod; he sheathes the daggers finally, taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out.]

Looks like it. How long was I gone?


countrybeloved December 2 2010, 17:59:05 UTC
[Fffffff, walking's for losers.

Zen's just jumping along the roofs, when, while on a building by the plaza, he spots Matthew and halts. At first, he blinks, obviously surprised-before his face breaks out into a grin.

Calling down below-]

Saya will be happy to see you, I bet.


redcloakedthief December 2 2010, 18:15:44 UTC
[He is still extremely disoriented, but he recognizes the voice and manages a bit of a grin in a vague upward direction.]

She'll probably punch me for leaving. Which I could really do without.


countrybeloved December 2 2010, 18:17:33 UTC
Hitting an injured person? I didn't know she had it in her.


redcloakedthief December 2 2010, 18:18:56 UTC
You would be surprised what she's capable of doing when the mood strikes.

I take it everything's been pretty peaceful while I was gone?


shard_finder December 2 2010, 20:30:28 UTC
Kagome was wandering by when she saw a very bloody Matthew. She was glad that she had her bag with her as she ran to him.

"Matthew, are you okay!"


redcloakedthief December 3 2010, 00:40:01 UTC
After having been torn directly from a battle with a dragon, of all things, Matthew was entirely justified in being on edge. His daggers were out, and he turned instantly to face the oncoming threat, eyes narrowed.

Upon recognizing Kagome, however, he simply sighs, letting his hands drop to his sides, and shaking his head.

"I'm fine." A bit of a laugh. "I've never been better."


shard_finder December 3 2010, 01:01:44 UTC
She froze and both hands came up showing that she was unarmed and her eyes widened as he turned towards her, with his eyes narrowed and the knife up.

"Matthew...don't you recognize me?" She took a step back and suddenly wondered if she would have to fight him. Has he forgotten Vatheon?

"You're covered in blood." She said as she went to step up to him again so she could look him over.


redcloakedthief December 3 2010, 01:07:01 UTC
He simply sheathes his daggers in response, laughing faintly. "Of course I recognize you. The girl who tried to cover me in paint. How could I forget?"

Matthew simply shrugged, grin now sticking more firmly on his face. "I'll be fine. It's just a minor injury. That sort of thing happens when you're in a fight," he responded, voice calm and amused.


[1/2] sweeperesque December 2 2010, 23:33:38 UTC
[An interesting sight indeed. One that she hadn't ever expected to see again.

Stupid thief. She was just getting used to not having to deal with him again. In fact, she'd even gotten a full night's sleep for a few days in a row! And now he has the gall to come back, even daring to be injured?

For crying out loud, she can't hit an injured person probably!

Was the world conspiring against her being angry at him? Was that it?

Maybe she should hit him just to defy expectations.]


[2/2] sweeperesque December 2 2010, 23:38:05 UTC
[... and she really needed to hit something, because she wasn't sure who to blame for the fact that now she actually felt something like relief. Obviously it was just relief that she wouldn't have to entertain herself for the rest of her stay. Obviously.

Not to mention it was kind of funny to see him so disoriented.

... hmph.]

Hey stranger.

[And she'll offer him a towel. Because they can't go grab a bite to eat with him looking like a drowned rat.]


redcloakedthief December 3 2010, 00:46:30 UTC
[Disoriented indeed.

He brings up his daggers immediately in response to someone approaching, but when he sees Saya, he just sighs, shaking his head and lowering them. He's tense and on edge, but he's slowly beginning to accept that he is in Vatheon again--and not fighting a giant dragon.

The knives disappear into sheathes, and he accepts the towel.]

Are you this nice to all strangers who show up in this place?

[Haha. It's...a relief? Almost?]


sweeperesque December 3 2010, 00:54:23 UTC
... not really.

[And she had an extra towel in her other hand, and she'll be smacking him in the head with it now, though it's lacking in force in comparison to what they both know she could do. Better than a suckerpunch, right?]

I actually refrain from hitting the strangers who come here injured. But I don't think you deserve quite so much kindness from me, jerk.

You were supposed to get out and stay out! I said all that sappy stuff to Sora and them about how I was happy for you and then you come back? The nerve! I had faith that you'd be able to remain in your world! News flash, thief, when you leave someone's life, you're supposed to leave it for good.

[A huff and she'll be pressing the towel she has against the wound on his head with care that does not match her words or tone at all.]

... dummy.


ninjaservant December 3 2010, 00:20:16 UTC
[was just napping in a tree when he heard the splash. he notes the blood, but doesn't move, instead calling out to him from his spot.]

If you're feeling a headache now, just wait until Saya finds you.

[yep, that's his way of welcoming you back, Matthew.]


redcloakedthief December 3 2010, 00:48:31 UTC
[A pause--

A few short breaths and he slowly convinces himself that no, he is not fighting a large dragon, and yes, he is once again in Vatheon.

And when he calms himself enough, the daggers disappear into hidden sheathes, and he turns, calling back in a vaguely upward direction.]

Oh, don't remind me. I'd rather not be welcomed back by her fist.


ninjaservant December 3 2010, 16:53:30 UTC
She might give you more than her fist if she sees you like that. [curious] So what happened?


redcloakedthief December 4 2010, 16:09:28 UTC
Dragons. A war.

[He gestures to the blood.]

This sort of thing happens.


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