Matthew // 012

Dec 02, 2010 08:30

Who: Matthew and you!
Where: Center plaza
When: Midday
Style: Your choice!
Status: Open open open~

[If you walk by the coral today, dear Vatheon, you will find an interesting sight ( Read more... )

saya minatsuki, zen wistal, obi, kamui, billy iketani, enjin hiizumi, devil survivor mc (katsu aoki), kagome higurashi, matthew

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[1/2] sweeperesque December 2 2010, 23:33:38 UTC
[An interesting sight indeed. One that she hadn't ever expected to see again.

Stupid thief. She was just getting used to not having to deal with him again. In fact, she'd even gotten a full night's sleep for a few days in a row! And now he has the gall to come back, even daring to be injured?

For crying out loud, she can't hit an injured person probably!

Was the world conspiring against her being angry at him? Was that it?

Maybe she should hit him just to defy expectations.]


[2/2] sweeperesque December 2 2010, 23:38:05 UTC
[... and she really needed to hit something, because she wasn't sure who to blame for the fact that now she actually felt something like relief. Obviously it was just relief that she wouldn't have to entertain herself for the rest of her stay. Obviously.

Not to mention it was kind of funny to see him so disoriented.

... hmph.]

Hey stranger.

[And she'll offer him a towel. Because they can't go grab a bite to eat with him looking like a drowned rat.]


redcloakedthief December 3 2010, 00:46:30 UTC
[Disoriented indeed.

He brings up his daggers immediately in response to someone approaching, but when he sees Saya, he just sighs, shaking his head and lowering them. He's tense and on edge, but he's slowly beginning to accept that he is in Vatheon again--and not fighting a giant dragon.

The knives disappear into sheathes, and he accepts the towel.]

Are you this nice to all strangers who show up in this place?

[Haha. It's...a relief? Almost?]


sweeperesque December 3 2010, 00:54:23 UTC
... not really.

[And she had an extra towel in her other hand, and she'll be smacking him in the head with it now, though it's lacking in force in comparison to what they both know she could do. Better than a suckerpunch, right?]

I actually refrain from hitting the strangers who come here injured. But I don't think you deserve quite so much kindness from me, jerk.

You were supposed to get out and stay out! I said all that sappy stuff to Sora and them about how I was happy for you and then you come back? The nerve! I had faith that you'd be able to remain in your world! News flash, thief, when you leave someone's life, you're supposed to leave it for good.

[A huff and she'll be pressing the towel she has against the wound on his head with care that does not match her words or tone at all.]

... dummy.


redcloakedthief December 3 2010, 01:11:32 UTC


His reflexes are definitely suffering from his disorientation, and so he is entirely unable to dodge that. But then she presses that towel against his cut, and he laughs, refraining the urge to shake his head.]

It definitely wasn't any choice of mine. I would have at least saw the end of the fight before coming here.

[A bit of a melancholic note, hidden under the laughter. He wishes he would have been able to see it through to completion. He has only faith in his lord and his friends, but...

Seeing it through to the end was a promise he made to Leila.]


sweeperesque December 3 2010, 01:18:23 UTC
[.... you know how it's really hard to stay angry at someone so carefree? And how it's really hard to pick a fight with someone who won't return the animosity?

Yeah, she's fighting to hold on to her annoyance right now.]

... hmph. You'll get back to it, I'm sure.

[And she removes the towel, tilting her head to see if most of the bleeding's stopped at least. A bit of a sigh and she turns on her heel, beginning to walk away- muttering something that sounds suspiciously like 'stupid workaholic'- only glancing back at him over her shoulder after taking a few steps.]

C'mon. Tell me a story while you dry off.


redcloakedthief December 3 2010, 01:26:08 UTC
[He's still glad she isn't punching him. And he follows, slowly growing more relaxed and less on edge the longer he stays. And a shrug, even though she can't see it.]

Things were going well until the dragon showed up?


sweeperesque December 3 2010, 01:29:51 UTC
[The punching may come later. Except punching would be imply that she was upset with him and she's been trying reeaaaally hard to convince herself that him leaving didn't matter.

And at this point, she turns and starts walking backwards.]

I take it that they still don't like you guys too much.


redcloakedthief December 3 2010, 01:43:43 UTC
[A nod; his arms are crossed behind his back in a sign of complete relaxedness--

Even though he is still quite one edge.]

That's putting it lightly.

[And a mutter.]

You would thing the enemy soldiers would be smart enough to run away, not stick around and cause more problems.


sweeperesque December 3 2010, 01:47:37 UTC
... so would you say the dragon or the soldiers were more of a pain in the neck for you? Or maybe a pain in the head.

[Mockingly, she points to approximately where he was cut on her own head, grinning.]


redcloakedthief December 3 2010, 01:59:33 UTC
The soldiers. I'm not stupid enough to go try to fight a dragon.

[He holds up one of his daggers.]

With one of these? I wouldn't make a dent.


sweeperesque December 3 2010, 02:03:24 UTC
[She laughs.]

Right. And that's where the magic comes in, I guess.

[His world seems so interesting. She's kind of envious.]

But it looks like they still got you pretty good. Knocked you right back into Vatheon at any rate.


redcloakedthief December 3 2010, 02:08:23 UTC
Something like that, yes. Let's hope the mages don't get themselves fried to a crisp.

[...heh. He rubs at his temples absently.]

Couldn't avoid them all.


sweeperesque December 3 2010, 02:13:24 UTC
You'll find out in a little while, I guess.

[And she grins.]

Apparently dodging paint bullets wasn't enough practice, huh?


redcloakedthief December 3 2010, 02:16:49 UTC
Perhaps. We'll see.

[He shakes his head, grinning as well.]

Looks like it. You forgot to throw the giant dragon into the fray.


sweeperesque December 3 2010, 02:22:06 UTC
Well, dragons and soldiers aside, how was returning home for a while? ... and how long has it been for you anyway?

[At that, she laughs.]

Alright. Next time around, we're putting paint bullets and an angry Naoya together. Complete that and then we toss in Obi and Zen.


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