Happy-happy joy-joy!

Sep 05, 2012 19:10

Excellent news, my food stamp benefits were approved. Not only that, they loaded the benefits onto my old card, so that I could access them immediately---"immediately" being "I just got back from Aldis, and it sure felt good not to agonize about what else I should be spending it on". My biggest splurge was a box of PopTarts. (I talked myself out of ( Read more... )

food stamps, dream, birthday, money

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Comments 14

sienamystic September 6 2012, 03:28:54 UTC
Excellent! What a relief that must be.


vanillafluffy September 6 2012, 06:31:57 UTC
It sure is. It'll be awesome not to live on cheap crap, which is what I've been doing for the last few months.



digitalwave September 6 2012, 05:29:42 UTC
That's fantastic news about your food stamps, sweetie! That has to be such a huge load off your shoulders. :)


vanillafluffy September 6 2012, 06:34:08 UTC
Tremendous. I've been spending my own money on food since May and feeling guilty every time I bought a few cans of soup instead of saving it for the light bill, or whatever.



digitalwave September 6 2012, 06:41:33 UTC
Boy, do I understnd, sweetie. I'm just so glad for you. Anything that helps take some of the pressure off is always a very good thing indeed. :)


vanillafluffy September 6 2012, 07:06:38 UTC



karaokegal September 10 2012, 20:42:02 UTC
Good news! I'm glad that technology means that "food stamps" no longer means actual pieces of paper that had to arrive in the mail. Although it's hard for me to divorce the phrase from the image. Of course I still say "albums" to mean recorded music, so my grumpy old woman persona just gets worse by the day.


vanillafluffy September 10 2012, 21:11:32 UTC
I remember back in the day when food stamps were actually booklets of paper and you had to go to an actual office and stand in line once a month to get them. I heart progress (in this, at least!).

Ditto albums. And my brain still short-circuits sometimes when I'm trying to differentiate the rest of the techno-alphabet soup: VHS, DVD, DVR, MP3, MPREG....



karaokegal September 10 2012, 21:12:48 UTC



vanillafluffy September 10 2012, 23:12:44 UTC
Heh heh heh.

Just got through trying to post to the brainstorming post over at Yuletide. LJ ate it, and it was HUGE. I'm so pissed!



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