Happy-happy joy-joy!

Sep 05, 2012 19:10

Excellent news, my food stamp benefits were approved. Not only that, they loaded the benefits onto my old card, so that I could access them immediately---"immediately" being "I just got back from Aldis, and it sure felt good not to agonize about what else I should be spending it on". My biggest splurge was a box of PopTarts. (I talked myself out of baklava and chocolate eclairs and chocolate-dipped wafer cookies.) Got rice cakes as munchies. Bliss! I have missed snacky things.

A timely birthday gift is going to assuage my concerns about renewing my driver's license. I feel like I'm channeling Nic Cage in National Treasure: "I'd really love not to go to prison."... I still have to renew my tag, but that's marginally less urgent. Driving with an expired tag isn't nearly as serious as getting caught driving with an expired license.

An email this morning from Big Red informs me that she has to be out of town this weekend, but where would I like her to lunch me next weekend? Oooh, the possibilities! I've told her I'll get back to her with an answer next week, so I can see what all transpires this weekend---I know Mb has promised me lunch at a place I used to go to with Kat, but on the off-chance that J hauls me kicking and screaming to Olive Garden*, I want to keep my options open.

A box from GK is enroute via Priority mail...it might even make it by the weekend, which would be lovely.

Had an odd dream last night. I was going to marry I guy I didn't care about in the least, but I was incredably excited about the wedding and the ring, which had three emerald-cut diamonds on the band. Part of the time, my maid-of-honor was some girl I don't know IRL, in other scenes it was Mb, which is who I would choose IRL. And there was something about putting ice cubes in a big plastic bag so they wouldn't dilute the punch. Wtf? IDEK.


* That was me being facetious, because I can happily eat myself stupid at OG. If I haven't had breakfast especially, I can slurp down three bowls of soup, NO problem.


food stamps, dream, birthday, money

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