Question du jour

Sep 05, 2012 22:03

In the spirit of back-to-school, what is your favorite book that you had to read as a student?

Treasure Island. As far as I'm concerned, that's the ONLY good thing that happened in 6th grade. Our teacher was a 24-karat asshole, I have no other good memories of that year, but the adventures of Jim Hawkins are a shining exception.

What that when my love affair with pirates started? I think so. I know the plot was all fresh to me when I read it, although I'd vaguely heard of Long John Silver in passing. Oh, the suspense as Jim hid in the apple barrel! The humor of Ben Gunn and his craving for cheese! The atmosphere of creaking sails and the scent of gunpowder---one of the enduring classics of literature for a very good reason!

I've seen various adaptations, including Treasure Planet (rather interesting, I thought), but the book is still the best. Although I still have the hardcover I got in 1974, I also have it on my Nook. It deserves to be carried into the future.


book, question du jour, nostalgia

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