She's innocent and young, from a family of means...

Dec 15, 2007 13:28

Two things.

1) Megathanks to those who've contributed, but can't anyone else think of any shadowy, broody tunes? Need distraction plz!!

2) Moonlight last night OMG. The show tends to get better every week, but this was, like, a leap into the stratosphere. (  Bullet-point list of amazement )

moonlight, vampires

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Comments 9

smyleykyley December 15 2007, 19:16:03 UTC
I saw Juno last night (loved it!) and during the credits they listed a song called 'vampire.' There weren't any creepy, eerie songs in this movie; they were mostly pretty light (and awesome!), but this made me think of you none-the-less.


tinuviellen December 15 2007, 19:54:20 UTC
Oooh, I can't wait to see Juno! I'm so glad to hear you loved it!


valancy_s December 15 2007, 21:29:37 UTC
Okay, that song is HILARIOUS!


winkingstar December 15 2007, 19:39:08 UTC
I was kind of meh about the opening until Josef's office exploded, at which point I squealed "Logan!" in distress. (His Logan was totally showing again with the poker-playing.)

I was then very interested and very worried about Josef. But then a potential housemate dropped by and kept distracting me and I missed a few minutes and was very vexed at everyone because can't they see I'm a watching a very exciting and important TV show? D: I'll have to watch it again online. Oh drats... ;)

But yes. Awesome episode. And the heartbreak and humour was very well done, as you said. I assume Coraline has other plans for getting revenge on Beth than just ratting her out to the police. And I'm still vastly intrigued by this apparently temporary cure for vampirism.


valancy_s December 15 2007, 22:04:13 UTC
then a potential housemate dropped by and kept distracting me

See, this is why your landlord should have let me come live there. I would never distract anyone from Moonlight!

I assume Coraline has other plans for getting revenge on Beth

Hmm, interesting. Coraline is such a mysterious character. She seems completely psycho, egotistical and manipulative - yet genuinely in love with Mick. Unless it's an ownership thing with him. Either way, it makes her impossible to predict.

Oh, and yeah - several times throughout the episode Josef would do something and my sister and I would yell out "LOGAN!" ("His Logan was showing" - great phrase :D)


winkingstar December 15 2007, 22:42:16 UTC
See, this is why your landlord should have let me come live there.

Also, I wouldn't feel as weird about squealing at the TV if there was someone else to squeal with me. ;)

Regarding Coraline, she's definitely unpredictable. The whole human/not-human thing has kept me guessing since she showed up as Morgan. I see her connection with Mick as more of an ownership thing. And on his part it seems to be lust/addiction. I'd love to see more of their backstory, though, so we get a clearer picture of what their relationship was like. All we really know is that she played hard to get and drove him crazy, and then turned him into a vampire on their wedding night. I want to know what happened in between those bits of backstory. And also, as I've mentioned before, what caused their falling out and what caused Mick to swear off feeding on live humans. So many things to ponder!


Hmm, what else is there to offer tinuviellen December 15 2007, 19:53:08 UTC
What about Shivari (sp?)'s "Good Night Moon"? It's not exactly vampiric, but the Cure's "Spiderman" gets at that creepy feeling of possession and appetite (the spiderman is having me for dinner tonight...). Fiona Apple's "Criminal" ("Heaven help me from the way I am/save me from these evil deeds before I get them done")? Kind of Coraline like. I second Evanscence, of course. The Indigo Girls "Blood and Fire"? I don't know that any of these are precise, but it's something to distract you, anyhow.


valancy_s December 15 2007, 22:07:36 UTC
I was thinking of using Shivaree. I have that and "Tired of Being Sorry" on another playlist I listen to a lot, but they both have such a good slinky night vibe I don't see how I can leave them off this one. I don't think I can do "Spiderman" because that song creeps me out way too much. Maybe something else by them... "Strange Attraction"? Too specific a story? Haven't heard "Blood and Fire" and can't find it on Youtube. Do you have? Evanescence is a must.


tinuviellen December 16 2007, 06:28:13 UTC
I definitely have. You'll have to take a listen. "I am intense I an in need I am in love, and I feel forsaken..." great song, anyway, but kind of apropos.

And yes, "Spiderman" is really creepy. I can see where it would be too much.

Wow - this is so random, but as of this evening, my mail program is showing icons in the comment emails I get. It didn't do that this morning. Nifty!


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