She's innocent and young, from a family of means...

Dec 15, 2007 13:28

Two things.

1) Megathanks to those who've contributed, but can't anyone else think of any shadowy, broody tunes? Need distraction plz!!

2) Moonlight last night OMG. The show tends to get better every week, but this was, like, a leap into the stratosphere. Amazing things:
  • Josef's secret tender heart
  • Mick breaking down: "I don't know how to mourn him"
  • Coraline is evil but didn't turn in Beth, why??
  • Mick snapping that guy's neck with effortless grace
  • The very idea of a giddy NYC date with Mick
  • Josef: "You know I get lonely."
  • Mick: "At least don't get your friends killed!"
  • Happy 1950s Josef
  • Mick and Beth fighting
  • Mick and Beth hugging
  • Shirtless Josef (I am only human!)
  • Beth's face in the scene with the coma-girl
  • The way everyone's heart is breaking and everyone keeps their sense of humor
I love this show so very very much.

moonlight, vampires

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