Star Trek TOS, Episode 61: Spock's Brain

Sep 30, 2009 06:51


NEXT EPISODE: MYSTERIOUS LADY IN VIOLET appears and everyone falls over in excitement. Then SPOCK’S brain goes bye-bye, causing KIRK to make funny faces, and DeForest Kelley would have deserved a fucking award for being able to say his lines with a straight face. MYSTERIOUS LADY wants the brain because she doesn’t have one herself and ( Read more... )

fandom: star trek, medium: recap

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Comments 32

rose_cat September 30 2009, 08:30:37 UTC
LOLing until my stomach hurts XD

I'd forgotten how utterly failtastic this episode was. (Probably a self-defense mechanism.) What I mostly remember is how all of Spock's hair was still on. I guess he has a flip-top :D (see icon)

It's not easy to make it funnier than it already is, but you did!

MCCOY: *is on intercom* Please come down to sickbay for the biggest WTF moment of your life. You summed up the whole episode, right there.

CHEKOV: Nothing is going on here, but I like the cold. It was invented inwented in Russia. Fixed :)

Yup, with season three, Star Trek became a comedy. Who knew?


vail_kagami September 30 2009, 17:10:07 UTC
Spock's hair is amazing. I believe it is actually just one hair, broad enough to cover his entire head.

The WTF was strong in this one!

Well, with season three, they knew the show would be cancelled and stopped trying.

I'm happy you found this funny. I do my best!


rose_cat October 1 2009, 07:26:27 UTC
Vulcans have their own version of the pudding-bowl haircut :D

...with season three, they knew the show would be cancelled and stopped trying.

Which was really sad. The fans fought so hard to save the show, only to watch it go into the toilet :( (After seeing Six's first episode, I thought Doctor Who was going the same way. Luckily it refused to die :) )


vail_kagami October 1 2009, 14:02:26 UTC
Six would have deserved better writing, though. I liked him.
In the end DW wasn't saved either. They got an aditional couple of seasons, but in the end, that show died an untimely death too.

Fortunately it regenerated!


sookail September 30 2009, 08:38:04 UTC
KIRK: Haha! You did not anticipate the power of my Awesome. I can control Spock’s brainless body well enough to take the pain controller from you with a remote I have never used before or even looked at, while I am writhing in agony on the floor

Sounds like a Pratchett quote xDDD

and DeForest Kelley would have deserved a fucking award for being able to say his lines with a straight face

100% trufax! I wonder how he did this...


vail_kagami September 30 2009, 17:05:44 UTC
Pratchet is awesome. So I'll take that as a big compliment and am happy.

Cool icon!


gritsinmisery September 30 2009, 12:23:46 UTC
I sat down with my cuppa and this came up on my f-list, and my cuppa had to wait, because I could not pass up Teh Awesome and I knew better than to even start reading while drinking. I was right -- I had to go get a tissue not two screens in because I was laughing so hard I was crying.

This confirms that you are officially a genius. You have earned an Internet in the flavor of your choice (I personally recommend the chocolate-chocolate chip-tart cherry) to be delivered to the destination you specify.


vail_kagami September 30 2009, 17:02:03 UTC
I'm glad you had the senes to save your screen a shower! I'm also glad you fund it funny - I was worried I had failed in the face of this episode's badness...

I'll take that internet you recomended. Have it delivered to the brain lying under the table. (The episode would not have sufferent from that being actually true.)


thistlerose September 30 2009, 14:51:24 UTC
Oh my. This was loltastic. And thank you for sparing me the pain of actually sitting through this episode.


vail_kagami September 30 2009, 16:39:11 UTC
It's worth watching it just for the lulz.


gritsinmisery September 30 2009, 17:08:21 UTC
Drive-by G&S!Reboot icon love!


thistlerose September 30 2009, 17:25:14 UTC
I'd wondered if anyone would get the reference. *g* Thanks!


(The comment has been removed)

vail_kagami October 1 2009, 02:02:27 UTC
More, please?

Certainly. It's fun!


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