Star Trek TOS, Episode 61: Spock's Brain

Sep 30, 2009 06:51


NEXT EPISODE: MYSTERIOUS LADY IN VIOLET appears and everyone falls over in excitement. Then SPOCK’S brain goes bye-bye, causing KIRK to make funny faces, and DeForest Kelley would have deserved a fucking award for being able to say his lines with a straight face. MYSTERIOUS LADY wants the brain because she doesn’t have one herself and ( Read more... )

fandom: star trek, medium: recap

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thistlerose September 30 2009, 14:51:24 UTC
Oh my. This was loltastic. And thank you for sparing me the pain of actually sitting through this episode.


vail_kagami September 30 2009, 16:39:11 UTC
It's worth watching it just for the lulz.


gritsinmisery September 30 2009, 17:08:21 UTC
Drive-by G&S!Reboot icon love!


thistlerose September 30 2009, 17:25:14 UTC
I'd wondered if anyone would get the reference. *g* Thanks!


gritsinmisery September 30 2009, 17:30:53 UTC
Alas, I am a bit G&S-mad. I even reworked the libretto for Pinafore using the Life on Mars-UK cast. In my defense, I was on every over-the-counter cold medication known to man at the time... And yet, I put it online. I am shameless, it seems.


thistlerose September 30 2009, 22:10:52 UTC
I love G&S. My brother and I used to sing "I Am the Captain of the Pinafore," except we changed the lyrics so it was about Kirk ... and his expanding girth and receding hairline. We were young and we were cruel. :(


gritsinmisery September 30 2009, 22:24:35 UTC
Have you seen the Animaniacs skit "HMS Yakko"? Unfortunately, it's only on YouTube in Dutch, or I'd link it.


thistlerose October 1 2009, 00:39:44 UTC
I haven't seen it. :(


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