It Warms A Paladin's Heart...

May 15, 2012 00:33

Today, as we faced the Lawful Evil lich trying to get us to recover his stolen phylactery, the lich (Percival) asked the fatal question "What do they TEACH you in paladin school?!"

Rooster didn't even get to open his mouth. The entire party jumped in.

"Not to trust orphans!"
"To burn things and sow them with salt!"
"Hand out pamphlets!"
"...something ( Read more... )

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marielaf May 15 2012, 13:46:55 UTC
Reminds me of when we were play-testing Lejendary Adventures. My dice luck in general would have to improve to reach "terrible," so my character - Thelma - was the party's research assistant, chief of logistics, loot evaluator, and

I might not always have come up with the right answer, but I wasn't getting gacked constantly, either!


fatfred May 15 2012, 12:27:22 UTC

I work at a Law School.
I'd love to see some of this stuff come up before the professors!


ebenbrooks May 15 2012, 16:22:39 UTC
Something like this came up in my Pathfinder game recently. The Chellaxean wizard and the Skjald Cleric of the God of Drunkenness started talking about running an inn. This dialog stream occurred:

Sam (playing the wizard, Valeria): We could run an inn!
John (playing the celric, Stegen): Do we have enough gold?
Sam: You may not know this, but Val is a pretty good cook.
John: We could spend the rest of the campaign running an inn. Vanquishing bedbugs!
GM: You can’t afford it.
Sam: What if we took out a small business loan?
Eben: There is no Small Business Administration in this gameworld.
Sam: I roll my Paperwork.
Eben: We are not! Playing! Papers & Paychecks!


selenite May 15 2012, 17:20:30 UTC
I let the players get a big loot haul in a fantasy game once. The intent was to up their social status so they'd get sucked into the city-state politics. They decided to pool it to buy an inn.


archangelbeth May 15 2012, 17:33:28 UTC
That's one way to get them sucked into local politics, at least! Local black market/extortionists, local zoning laws...


selenite May 15 2012, 20:06:03 UTC
I made them lobby the city council for favorable tax treatment. Fun times. :)


archangelbeth May 15 2012, 17:31:50 UTC
But... what if the lich demands that you go thirty miles from the city and restore its phylactery then?

I think you may need some laws about returning phylacteries only if there is a written contract for how the lich will behave afterwards. You could probably go with the Evil Overlord rules and cross out all the ones about killing the hero and the hero's girlfriend, and keep the ones about treating your minions with reasonable care.


tuftears May 15 2012, 18:29:38 UTC
Are we overlooking the possibility the lich may be INFLUENCING the lawmakers here? -_-

I could foresee a 'Return lost property to its owners or be faced with charges for accessory to theft' law getting passed.


rebelsheart May 15 2012, 19:38:46 UTC
Oh he is. He came up as a significant landowner.

Did I mention we're in the capital?


tuftears May 15 2012, 19:58:13 UTC
I'd be worried at that point. >_> I mean, even if the party goes through with getting the phylactery, they'd be lucky if the lich simply finessed the situation so they didn't get a reward...


1hope1dream May 15 2012, 17:48:11 UTC
You guys have the best gaming sessions. Although I'm sure your DM would be happier if things went more as he expected. Do keep posting these. I dearly miss my old D&D group, but two got married and their spouses wouldn't let them play anymore, one joined the Marines, and the other started working two jobs. We're all a little too busy/distracted to play anymore.


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