
Jul 20, 2007 13:19

I've finished Cleopatra 2525. It actually picked up about midway through. Still cheesy, but it started to feel like the people really meant it. Plus, the series started to have a coherent plot arc. The final episode seemed to me to be an "Oh shit, we've been canceled! Let's tie up some loose ends" effort.

I forgot to mention that I also watched "The Big Lebowski" for the first time It's not a great movie, as some people tried to convince me, but it was amusing. I liked the fact that the noirish mystery was not actually the real story, but a distraction. The movie is really about The Dude and his friends, what drove them apart, and what brought them back together. Also, bowling.

Even before "The Big Lebowski", I watched Werner Herzog's "Even Dwarfs Started Small". DO NOT WATCH THIS FILM. OK, maybe you can watch this film, but this is how I recommend doing it:
  1. Play about a minute of each scene
  2. Fast-forward for fifteen minutes, until you get to the next scene
  3. Repeat as needed.
I think it was Mark Kermode who said that no one can make fifteen minutes of film drag the way Herzog can.

Last night, I watched "Excalibur", which I haven't seen for a while, but I have seen it before, so I have nothing new to report here, except that I thought there really should be a mix tape of just Merlin's dialog. Of course, I also said there should be a mix tape of just Calamity Jane's dialog from the Deadwood series, which leads me to the inescapable conclusion that there should be a mix tape of Merlin and Calamity Jane talking to each other.

And now, I have to wrap up this post, because I'm heading out to see the new Harry Potter movie. You all have seen it, but I'll probably report on it, anyways.


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