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Comments 20

foreverlarrup March 24 2012, 07:57:22 UTC
I never even thought of this ship before but alskdfjasl, this fic was amazing (even though I had to look up who Nicole and Dean where, hahaha). I loved the whole merman thing, and this entire fic I just kept making squealing fangirly sounds and my sister kept laughing at me for being so squeaky. It was just so cute and awkward in all the right places and ugh, I just loved it.

But I am wondering if Logan and Nick actually ARE hanging out, and is that what inspired you to write this fic? Or did you just think they would make a good pair?


xcarex March 24 2012, 11:36:01 UTC
I am so pleased that you liked it! I've never written anything this massive before and certainly never of these dudes, so it took a certain amount of "research" to get into their brains, their lives, their speech patterns. I wanted to make the differences between their voices very clear. I hope that came across.

As far as I know, they are not friends, nor have they ever met. (I'm pretty sure my brain would've exploded if they had.) I was inspired by two fics (the only other two in existence for this pairing), and then literally by a convo in the comments of one of them. You can note that they were TWO YEARS AGO, which is how long it has taken me to post this. I finished it sometime last year and thought I'd posted it, but it's been cooling its heels in Googledocs all that time. Getting feedback outside the three people I thought might like it is kind of a big deal, haha.

Stop Being Cool by gigantic
I Feel Weird by moneyfolderFor your reference ( ... )


foreverlarrup March 24 2012, 12:29:02 UTC
Wow. I just looked at the awkward double date photos, and wow. That is just. So awkward looking. The only ones that look like they're not in complete pain are Joe and Demi.

And why doesn't this fic have more comments? It deserves more then one person giving their feedback, because alsjfasd, this was so good. I sent the link to my sister and she's reading it right now, so she'll probably comment on it when she gets around to finishing it, hahahah.


xcarex March 24 2012, 15:28:19 UTC
Well, it's such an awkward pairing, I wasn't really sure where to even advertise. I posted it in a few JB fic comms and one Percy Jackson comm that allowed RPF, and on my tumblr. Basically, I don't know what the audience is for it, outside of my own brain!canon, so I honestly wasn't expecting much of a reaction from fandom. If you know anyone else who might like it, though, I'd appreciate the rec. :D


peage March 24 2012, 23:55:20 UTC
I just loved this! The world needs more Nick/boy stories. Hearing the music when they touch was a so adorable. Also, I love awkward Joe in this!


xcarex March 26 2012, 14:27:56 UTC
All Joes are awkward!Joes. (And thanks for liking it!)


exmptfromsanity March 26 2012, 03:33:36 UTC
You make me love Logan/Nick. Just so you know.


xcarex March 26 2012, 14:31:18 UTC
:D This pleases me, haha.


quietgalaxy March 26 2012, 11:20:30 UTC
Hi foreverlarrup's sister, the one who is supposed to comment when I finish this fic :).

I haven't finished it yet, actually, I'm in the middle of the second part. But it is so good and there are like no comments here, I decided to comment midway through. I'm sort of doing that weird thing where you read something and love it, then you decide to save it, and you do work and read other things; but you still remember to fic and eagerly await in delicious anticipation for when you have time to read it.

Anyways.... I love the fic so far. When my sister sent it to me, I was a little weirded out by the bizarre pairing. But she was right, it is totally amazing. :) I'll comment better when I finish reading, but that might not be for awhile and I'd embarrassed by how long it took me.... But, for you, I'll comment again ;P.


xcarex March 26 2012, 15:31:54 UTC
Holy cats, if that's the kind of comment you leave when you're only halfway through a fic, I think I can stand to wait a little longer until you've gotten to the end, haha. I totally understand that it's a long one, and if you can only get through it in chunks, that's totally understandable. I'll leave stuff in tabs for days on end, sometimes, because it's something I want to really focus on, and I'm honoured that you'd rather savour mine in small chunks than blow through it.


quietgalaxy March 27 2012, 05:04:38 UTC
Well, I was closer to the end then I originally thought I was. So, because of my previous comment, I waited a day first. :P

This fic is so good. Most likely, Nick and Logan haven't ever met each other before, but you make their friendship (and later, relationship) so very believable. Their characteristics are funny and true to life. I found the ending a bit rushed, but other then that the pacing was very good.

Basically, your fic is great and funny, and I'm so glad I read it. :)


xcarex March 28 2012, 01:24:18 UTC
Ah, yes, the ending. Preaching to the choir here. Once you stare at something for long enough, you realize that either it's going to end there, or it's going to be expanded to a full-fledged novel.


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