chaperones and limousines

Oct 03, 2011 16:51

Who; Morgana, OPEN
What; Shopping for dresses
Where; Marketplace
When; Mid-day
Rating; PG?

shopping for expensive thangs )

persona 3: shinjiro aragaki, persona 3: minako arisato

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Comments 42

pathtosacrifice October 4 2011, 00:12:38 UTC
Being dead was not all that Catty had imagined it to be. She wasn't actually sure what she thought it would be like, but it was sort of comforting to know, on some level, that even without a pulse... She was still herself. Still attracted to shopping and attracted to food, even if she never felt hungry anymore. In a strange way, death was the most liberating experience of her life ( ... )


uthergtfo October 4 2011, 00:46:00 UTC
Morgana turned her head, the surprise in her expression giving way to a grin.

"Really?" she asked, grin falling into a frown of mock disappointment as she swishes the dress back and forth a little. "I was always told it was a lovely color on me, that it matched my eyes..."

She sighed, replacing the dress on the rack and sifting through another batch. "These are all so... short."


pathtosacrifice October 4 2011, 01:32:52 UTC
"Maybe you could settle for a color in between," Catty laughed, looking her over and then looking back at the dress. "Teal. Teal is a good between color."

She shifted through the dresses, a little amazed that stuff like this even existed down in this hell hole in the first place. "I've worn shorter before. These are actually a pretty decent length." She grinned. "You should at least try it on, or you'll suffer from disappointment forever."


uthergtfo October 5 2011, 05:43:33 UTC
"Shorter than these?" Morgana asked in disbelief, pulling out something that went only a little above the knees. It'd been years since she wore anything that even showed her calves, what was acceptable for children and those of the lower class wasn't acceptable for any lady of Camelot.

Which only made her want to buy one even more.

"I think I just might..." And so the hunt began for something teal and not so trashy. She smiled back at Catty. "It feels like ages since I've done this." There hadn't been much time for frivolity in the time right before her disappearance, not when she was busy worried about being found out...


xxii_thefool October 4 2011, 02:56:29 UTC
Minako hadn't come to the market looking for anything more specific than a distraction. The past week hadn't been an easy one, and for the most part she was trying not to think about it.

The stalls and the merchandise in them weren't helping with that very much, but when she happened to catch sight of Morgana looking at the dresses, she couldn't help but smile and wander in that direction.

"That looks like it would look good on you," she spoke up, without very much self-consciousness at approaching a stranger like this. "I keep coming and looking at dresses myself, but I can't ever figure out what kind of excuse I could manufacture so that I could wear one if I got it."


uthergtfo October 4 2011, 05:04:08 UTC
Morgana looked over at the girl, gladdened by the sight of someone who didn't seem as though they lived in a constant haze...

"Why thank you," she replied to the compliment with a warm smile. "I was just wondering that myself... with all that goes on I imagine there is little excuse, or even chance for celebration." Morgana looked down at the dress.

"Have there ever been any parties?" She knew there were a few drinking establishments... but they weren't the sort of places that she would normally frequent.


xxii_thefool October 4 2011, 05:32:24 UTC
"Hmm." Minako took a moment to think back. "Not since I've been here, that I can remember, but when I think about it there's not really any reason why someone couldn't throw one. Except that, like you said, this place doesn't exactly leave people in the mood for it." Another moment of consideration, and she smiled. "It might be good to try to enjoy ourselves for a little while sometime, though. As long as it's between rounds of things going crazy."

A beat passed before suddenly she made an apologetic face. "I'm sorry, I didn't introduce myself at all, did I? My name is Minako. It's nice to meet you."


uthergtfo October 4 2011, 06:54:31 UTC
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Minako." More peculiar names. "My name is Morgana."

She put the dress back with its fellows before turning back to the girl. "Perhaps a party wouldn't be such a terrible idea then. I know that some people have been stuck here nearly a year, they must have missed birthdays or holiday celebrations from their homes..." Samhain was not long off in Camelot, but a holiday that focused on the passing of spirits was probably not the best one to have in the Underworld if the intention was to make it a distraction from their daily life.


hierophantmoon October 4 2011, 04:35:31 UTC
Shinjiro, having self-appointed himself as the dormitory cook at times, was nearby. He was shopping out of necessity; he'd ruined a shirt by staining and putting a hole in it, and needed a replacement. Looking over his shoulder, he caught a glimpse of a familiar face. Normally he hated making small talk, but it seemed like a good idea to make sure she was alright.

"Looks like you're still alive."


uthergtfo October 4 2011, 05:12:46 UTC
Morgana looked thoughtful for a moment, recalling the strange name he had given her.

"Shinjiro." She smiled. Coming out here was a good idea. She much preferred speaking to people face to face, and it was a good distraction. None of these people knew anything about her. It was easier to fall into her old self.

"I am glad that you've noticed. Are you shopping too?"


hierophantmoon October 4 2011, 05:22:16 UTC
He nodded, unenthusiastically lifting his arm up in which he had a chocolate brown turtleneck clenched in his hand and letting it fall back to his side.

"Stockin' up? Weird having to buy all your clothes at once, ain't it?"


uthergtfo October 4 2011, 07:01:24 UTC
"Perusing. And I find the choices more strange than anything else."

She playfully waggled the short, modern dress on its hanger. "Is this what the women in other worlds wear?"


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