chaperones and limousines

Oct 03, 2011 16:51

Who; Morgana, OPEN
What; Shopping for dresses
Where; Marketplace
When; Mid-day
Rating; PG?

shopping for expensive thangs )

persona 3: shinjiro aragaki, persona 3: minako arisato

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pathtosacrifice October 4 2011, 00:12:38 UTC
Being dead was not all that Catty had imagined it to be. She wasn't actually sure what she thought it would be like, but it was sort of comforting to know, on some level, that even without a pulse... She was still herself. Still attracted to shopping and attracted to food, even if she never felt hungry anymore. In a strange way, death was the most liberating experience of her life.

So far, at least. She had been warned enough about the Underworld to know that it wasn't going to be smooth sailing at all.

And she'd be ready for that, same as she was everything else that had already happened to her. Maybe the Fates still had their grubby hands on her.

But for now, she was just going to enjoy browsing the stalls, remembering old times with her friends when they bargain hunted at sidewalk sales and strolled through the boardwalk when cutting school. Spotting Morgana, she hovered off to the side, chewing her lip. She could easily move on, keep to herself in this place, but it was really more amusing to see her reaction to the dress.

"Blue seems more like your color than green," Catty finally said, nodding at the dress.


uthergtfo October 4 2011, 00:46:00 UTC
Morgana turned her head, the surprise in her expression giving way to a grin.

"Really?" she asked, grin falling into a frown of mock disappointment as she swishes the dress back and forth a little. "I was always told it was a lovely color on me, that it matched my eyes..."

She sighed, replacing the dress on the rack and sifting through another batch. "These are all so... short."


pathtosacrifice October 4 2011, 01:32:52 UTC
"Maybe you could settle for a color in between," Catty laughed, looking her over and then looking back at the dress. "Teal. Teal is a good between color."

She shifted through the dresses, a little amazed that stuff like this even existed down in this hell hole in the first place. "I've worn shorter before. These are actually a pretty decent length." She grinned. "You should at least try it on, or you'll suffer from disappointment forever."


uthergtfo October 5 2011, 05:43:33 UTC
"Shorter than these?" Morgana asked in disbelief, pulling out something that went only a little above the knees. It'd been years since she wore anything that even showed her calves, what was acceptable for children and those of the lower class wasn't acceptable for any lady of Camelot.

Which only made her want to buy one even more.

"I think I just might..." And so the hunt began for something teal and not so trashy. She smiled back at Catty. "It feels like ages since I've done this." There hadn't been much time for frivolity in the time right before her disappearance, not when she was busy worried about being found out...


pathtosacrifice October 5 2011, 19:31:31 UTC
"Much shorter." Catty took a step back, hitting her hand around mid thigh to indicate exactly just how short. "They call them mini skirts, where I'm from. I know, not exactly the most inventive name, but it gets the point across." This only made Catty wonder how Morgana would feel about the invention of pants for ladies.

Or the magical wonders of the thong, while they were at it.

"Since you've gone shopping?" She pulled out a white dress, her mouth twitching into a frown. It looked almost exactly like the one Vanessa had been wearing that last night they were together.


uthergtfo October 7 2011, 00:19:11 UTC
"Do they?" As she looked through the clothes she could find more than a few things that would qualify as 'mini skirts' in her mind. If she didn't know any better, she would assume that half of these were meant to be undergarments. She laughed. "Then I must seem like such an old lady. Not that we ladies of Camelot don't know how to show a bit of skin." She waggled her eyebrows a bit. The Lady Morgana wasn't totally against attention catching outfits.

But at the question Morgana briefly hesitated, wondering how much she wanted to divulge. It only lasted a few seconds, with her deciding against mentioning anything from the past few weeks...

"Yes. My maidservant, Gwen, would often come with me to the market." She looked over at the dress Catty had, intending to compliment it, but then she caught the girl's frown. "Is something wrong?"


pathtosacrifice October 8 2011, 18:01:28 UTC
“Old lady? No.” Catty shook her head. “Just from a really weird period of time, where ankles were probably covered up to prevent the sin of sex or something weird like that.” She laughed at the eyebrow waggle. “Okay, you have to spill. How do the scandalous ladies of Camelot like to party?”

She smiled, nodding. “Same here. It's been awhile. A very long while.” While she was in Nefandus, pretending to be her father's lap dog, he had all of her clothes made for her. Long, velvet gowns, flowing material in the darkest colors. She hated it. Hated the need to dress up and primp and being unable to choose her own things to wear. “Wrong? Oh, no! Nothing.” Another smile spread along her face. “This dress looks like something my friend's mother made.”


uthergtfo October 9 2011, 06:37:33 UTC
Morgana laughed at that. "It's nothing so interesting. We only like to tease our knights and noblemen."

"A reminder of home?" Morgana had one walking around, unfortunately. She looked at Catty thoughtfully, she didn't remember the girl mentioning that she had found anyone from her own world. "Where have you taken up residence?"


pathtosacrifice October 9 2011, 19:51:45 UTC
"So you're not so different from the modern woman. Trust me, it's still the same way now. Just extend that to all men."

"A bit." She let the dress go, shrugging slightly. Home was something she would never have again, so there wasn't a point in being concerned with it anymore. Or, that was what she tried to keep telling herself. "Huh? Oh! I, uh. I'm just sort of... squatting? In one of the houses."

Catty laughed, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly. That could have come out smoother.


uthergtfo October 10 2011, 02:32:41 UTC
Morgana gave her a comforting smile. "I did the same when I first arrived, I found it lonely. Now that Arthur's here..." She frowned. Morgana would enjoy having another woman in the house.

"He chose a rather large... house. Too large for two people." Embarrassingly large for two people. "There's extra rooms, if you wouldn't mind living with others...?"


pathtosacrifice October 11 2011, 00:10:21 UTC
Must be nice to have someone around, Catty thought, but then she frowned. No, she wouldn't want Vanessa here. Vanessa had a life to lead now, freedom to be normal.

She stilled at the offer, her eyebrows shooting up in obvious surprise. "You... You barely even know me! What if I'm some sort of adorable serial killer or something?"

Wow, Catty, way to go.

"I'm not, for the record. But, if you're serious and if Arthur won't mind..."


uthergtfo October 11 2011, 02:48:15 UTC
She had a hard time imagining someone like Catty being a murderer. What sort of murderer went dress shopping?

Morgana tilted her head and waved her hands. "No, I doubt he would mind. He'll almost certainly think that a young woman shouldn't be on her own, with all the dangers of this place. He's overly chivalrous when it comes to our gender." Eye roll.

"But, if I'm being too forward..."


pathtosacrifice October 11 2011, 22:52:36 UTC
Adorable murderers were the sort that went dress shopping, of course, but that wasn't something that Catty would address any time soon.

"Oh, he's one of those types. This could be fun," Catty said, flashing another grin. She ran her fingers through her hair, thinking it over. Being alone sucked, there was no doubt about it. And she really didn't like it. Besides... How many people could say that they were able to live with the future King of Camelot?

"Okay. If you're serious about it, I'd love to."


uthergtfo October 12 2011, 07:36:27 UTC
"Then it's settled! I can show you where it is, and then we can bring your things whenever you are ready."

That was if Catty had things. All Morgana had had to move was a sword.


pathtosacrifice October 12 2011, 23:59:24 UTC
"No things, just me and the tablet here." Catty knocked her knuckles against her pocket, where the tablet was. "I'm an easy stray to pick up. And being dead, I don't even need to eat anymore, so it's not like you need to feed me either."

Not that she couldn't eat, she had discovered. Just that she found she wasn't hungry.


uthergtfo October 13 2011, 02:44:31 UTC
Dead. Morgana had completely forgotten about that... If she didn't already pity the girl for being alone, then she certainly did now.

"This is the first time that I have had to cook for myself. The results have been... varied." She's sure you would rather be alive, but at least you are spared Morgana's terrible cooking skills.


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