I stand in front of you

Aug 04, 2011 12:33

Who; suaveleather and OPEN
What; Zevran makes a late night venture to check on the traps he set up
Where; SEES dorm
When; Very early Thursday morning
Rating; PG-13 max
Status; Open and Ongoing

Protection )

dragon age origins: zevran arainai, persona 3: shinjiro aragaki, persona 3: minako arisato

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xxii_thefool August 4 2011, 17:48:41 UTC
The silly thing was that she really had only come downstairs in search of something to eat. Minako didn't really have any notion of what exactly had woken her up, and although a vague, sourceless restlessness had kept her from simply rolling over and going back to sleep, it was without any particular sense of danger that she'd come wandering out of her room, barefoot and in pajamas with her hair loose around her shoulders, headed for the kitchen.

The immediate result was that Zevran's question was met with a startled, wide-eyed look, soon followed by a quick glance to one side and the other. (Not a weapon in reach, naturally. Was she going to have to start carrying an Evoker with her everywhere? That would get awkward ( ... )


xxii_thefool August 7 2011, 03:22:10 UTC
No blush that time, though Minako met Zevran's wink with a faintly dubious look, aware that he was teasing her but missing - probably for the better - the full scope of the innuendo. "If you say so," she told him. "I'll see what I can do, since you asked."


suaveleather August 7 2011, 03:41:50 UTC
Darn, no blush. He would enjoy what he could get from the girl however and noted her lack of response at the innuendo. Was she innocent?

"Thank you, dear Minako. Now, you did come down here for a snack. I will not force you to endure hunger any longer."

He made his way back to the couch, settling himself in. No, he was not going anywhere.


xxii_thefool August 7 2011, 04:03:50 UTC
"On second thought, I think I'll skip it. I wouldn't want to be unhealthy." Minako still wasn't really sure of the source of her earlier uneasiness or if it had anything to do with Zevran's presence in the dorm... but talking to him as, if nothing else, provided her with the distraction she'd come downstairs looking for. So instead of starting for the kitchen, she took a step back in the direction that she'd come.

"Feel free to make yourself at home, though," she added brightly. Since, you know, he'd clearly already done so.


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