I stand in front of you

Aug 04, 2011 12:33

Who; suaveleather and OPEN
What; Zevran makes a late night venture to check on the traps he set up
Where; SEES dorm
When; Very early Thursday morning
Rating; PG-13 max
Status; Open and Ongoing

Protection )

dragon age origins: zevran arainai, persona 3: shinjiro aragaki, persona 3: minako arisato

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xxii_thefool August 4 2011, 17:48:41 UTC
The silly thing was that she really had only come downstairs in search of something to eat. Minako didn't really have any notion of what exactly had woken her up, and although a vague, sourceless restlessness had kept her from simply rolling over and going back to sleep, it was without any particular sense of danger that she'd come wandering out of her room, barefoot and in pajamas with her hair loose around her shoulders, headed for the kitchen.

The immediate result was that Zevran's question was met with a startled, wide-eyed look, soon followed by a quick glance to one side and the other. (Not a weapon in reach, naturally. Was she going to have to start carrying an Evoker with her everywhere? That would get awkward...)

She thought she recognized him from the network, and nothing she'd seen had given her any impression of him as a threat to her and hers... but on the other hand, it hadn't given her any reason to expect to find him in their building in the middle of the night, either.

After some moments of uncertain and awkward silence, she made a very visible decision to play it casual.

"Well," she said, taking a couple of careful steps into the room, "I can't help it if I get hungry."


suaveleather August 4 2011, 18:37:44 UTC
"Ah, night snacking is not healthy I have been told."

He kept his eyes on the girl but made no effort to move. Why should he? He was the type of person who made anything his home and seeing her face, those wide eyes and the unsure look, was just priceless. His cocky grin only widens as he watched her move into the room. Though his eyes barely moved from her face he took in any possible movements. There were plenty of make shift weapons a skilled fighter could use. Alas, she was just a little girl.

"I do not believe we have met. My name is Zevran. I am a friend of the beautiful Mitsuru and handsome Akihiko. Now what graceful name can I match to a lovely face such as yours, my dear friend?"


xxii_thefool August 4 2011, 19:51:01 UTC
"There are a lot of unhealthy things in this place," Minako pointed out. "You can't go a day without hearing about it. If a little late-night snacking is what gets me, I think I'll be lucky."

She said all of this with a straight face, but then she tilted her head a little and offered a slightly lopsided smile. "My name's Minako. I'd say it's nice to meet you, but before that, would you mind if I asked what you're doing here, other than not raiding the kitchen?"


suaveleather August 4 2011, 20:53:36 UTC
"That is true enough." He agreed while they were still on the topic of late night snacks. If a monster did not do in the girl, or whatever else this place put her through, then she had little to worry about. Then again it would be funny if somebody died from natural causes in this place.

His mind was present enough to catch on to her last question. "Checking on my friends of course. Is that a crime?"


xxii_thefool August 5 2011, 00:23:04 UTC
"No." Minako shook her head, and then absently lifted a hand to tuck her hair behind her ear. "It's just that most people I know do that kind of thing during the day, while their friends are awake." Since he still didn't seem to be offering any immediate threat, however, she was willing to have a reasonable conversation about it. She regarded Zevran curiously from her current safe distance.


suaveleather August 5 2011, 09:11:06 UTC
"I have more important things to do during the day." Besides there were higher chances of others seeing him work on the traps. They would know the location, types, and would make his efforts pointless. Mitsuru, Akihiko, and Minato knew there were traps surrounding the house for their protection. They could let her know later.

He only grinned as he stood up, closing ground between them.

"Now that name?"


xxii_thefool August 5 2011, 15:14:24 UTC
She stayed where she was as Zevran got closer, tipping her head back slightly to track him with her eyes as he moved and seeming more curious than really wary at this point. Might as well roll with it; as a strategy, it had worked out for her reasonably well up to now.

"Minako Arisato," she said. "If you know Akihiko-senpai and Mitsuru-senpai, you might know my brother, too."


suaveleather August 6 2011, 04:25:21 UTC
Ah good, there was little reason to be wary. For her at least. He stopped once he was standing in front of her and raised his eyebrows again.

"Of course. The boy of many words." He chuckled. He may not have had much communication with the boy but he had seen him around enough. Sometimes heard him as well.

"You both look very different. Pleasant, the both of you. Still different." He made a 'hmm' sound. "I believe I enjoy your appearance better of the two." He winked. "You are a very lovely young woman."


xxii_thefool August 6 2011, 05:39:06 UTC
Minako blinked in surprise, and then ducked her head and turned rather pink in the face. "...It's nice of you to say so," she said, with a little laugh. "I think I've heard this before, though. Next are you going to tell me that you can make me famous for only a modest investment of twenty thousand yen?"


suaveleather August 6 2011, 15:20:26 UTC
Just the reaction he wanted. He grinned with amusement as he stepped closer and to the side in order to see what lovely blushing face.

"That sounds like a large amount of money. Unfortunately, no. I could never make on famous. I could make you infamous, but you don't seem the type to like that."


xxii_thefool August 6 2011, 16:36:56 UTC
Minako took a little step to the side herself when Zevran moved, keeping herself turned to face him in an almost casual motion. She wasn't completely off her guard yet, after all, though it didn't keep her from offering up a cheerful and unfeigned smile. "No," she agreed easily, "I don't think I would. So should I even ask what it is you do when you're not hanging out in people's houses while they're sleeping?"


suaveleather August 6 2011, 17:06:17 UTC
"A shame, being infamous is quite fun." He winked at her even as she moved. Hm, he had to give her credit for that. His grin widened but he did not pursue her. He would allow her space... for now.

"I do quite a lot when not 'hanging out in people's houses while they're sleeping'. I kill the beasts here, slip into beds of friends, drink, and take the rest of my time to appreciate the finer aspects of beauty the gods have brought to this place."


xxii_thefool August 6 2011, 17:50:38 UTC
Minako's brows went up at that. "Wow," she said, in what would almost have managed to be deadpan if a bit of a blush hadn't returned to her face at that comment about the beds of friends. "It sounds like you're a very busy person after all. And here I was thinking I'll probably have to start knitting again just to have something to do in all my spare time."


suaveleather August 6 2011, 18:22:48 UTC
Oh how he enjoyed her reactions. She was going to be a fun one, he could tell. Zevran chuckled as he placed his weight onto one foot, leaning to the side as he crossed his arms. "If you do take up knitting, would you make me something?"


xxii_thefool August 6 2011, 19:28:59 UTC
"Sure, if you want a scarf." Minako grinned, quickly recovering her aplomb again. "Or did you think I was just joking? That's about all I've learned to do so far, though, so you won't get anything more complicated than that."


suaveleather August 6 2011, 20:25:59 UTC
"I will take whatever you are willing to offer. I have been told I am easy to please." He winked, signaling he most definitely meant the double meaning. It was quite amusing to see what would make her blush and what would not. "A scarf would have its uses."


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